Expert Witness Registration
Why should I join
If an attorney was looking for an expert witness in your area of expertise, and knew of your background, experience, and abilities, do you believe that attorney would hire you?
If you said yes, then JurisPro is right for you.
JurisPro is an aggressive, internet marketing company that proactively features your background and experience to attorneys looking for a consultant with your expertise.
We have researched your target market.
Our team at has spent considerable time surveying, studying, and learning why attorneys hire experts. We designed the features of JurisPro from your target market's point of view. Attorneys are going to depend on you to look good to their client, and therefore they want to be familiar with you. If you have an excellent background, why would you hesitate to make it easy for attorneys to get to know you?
We designed the benefits of JurisPro based on the needs of your target market.
Attorneys want to know your experience in your field of expertise, and your qualifications and background as an expert witness. We provide the following benefits to the legal industry so you can get retained more often:
- A listing of your background, experience and qualifications in as many states as you choose, which can be accessed on the internet by attorneys at anytime for free.
- Unlike other websites, your listing in an unlimited number of areas of expertise without additional charges.
- Your contact information to enable attorneys to immediately retain you.
- A link to your e-mail and website for no extra charge.
- Your background as an expert witness.
- Your actual resume: not a short text listing like other websites.
- Your articles (if applicable).
- Your photo or logo.
- Your voice to allow attorneys to listen to you speak through streaming audio.
- References from attorneys you have worked with in the past whom can recommend your services.
This is not advertising. JurisPro provides an informative directory for attorneys to learn about you. JurisPro provides the information attorneys are seeking in a free and convenient place 24 hours a day, 365 days a year so they can hire you. You have the characteristics for success; we direct attorneys to where they can learn about them. Directories are as important as business cards. Directories reach people who are ready to buy. After an attorney comes to JurisPro, all he or she will have to do is call you, ask whether you have a conflict, and when you can get started.
We will market you where attorneys will find you.
Once you have registered with us, you will be on the cutting edge of technology, and we are going to keep pushing for even more ways to feature you to attorneys. We will ensure JurisPro is at the top of the search engines when attorneys look for experts on the internet. JurisPro will use its large marketing budget to feature our experts in the most respected legal periodicals, magazines, and newspapers, and at leading trade shows.
The benefits of registering with JurisPro exceed the tax deductible investment.
The investment in JurisPro is $399 a year, which includes all taxes. This is the total amount. Unlike other internet companies, we do not take a portion of your hourly rate once you are retained. We do not believe in this practice.
For most experts, a few extra hours of billing a year will double the investment you will make with JurisPro. One case retention from JurisPro will cover your investment for several years!
This is a low-risk investment. It is also 100% tax deductible.
We want to build a long-term relationship with you, and will work hard to do so. Our team at JurisPro looks forward to serving you.
Click "Register Now" button to enable JurisPro to begin featuring you to attorneys looking for your area of expertise.