Dr. Chuck J Rylant
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Office: 805-680-6185
Dr. Chuck J. Rylant has 25 years of industry experience and is a Federal and State Court qualified expert witness in use-of-force, de-escalation, self-defense, strangulation, memory, fight or flight, decision making, and other human performance factors.
He has a Doctor of Clinical Psychology–dissertation: Decisions Under Pressure: Psychological and Physiological Aspects of Police Use of Force.
Dr. Rylant is a retired police officer/detective, S.W.A.T. member, and P.O.S.T. certified department firearms, baton, chemical agents, use of force, and arrest and control (ARCON) trainer.
Dr. Rylant was an instructor at a California police academy for 15 years where he taught arrest and control (ARCON), use-of-force, and de-escalation, and he is also a Certified Force Science Analyst and Advanced Force Science Specialist.
Dr. Rylant is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt instructor for law enforcement and civilians, as well as author of Shots Fired: The Psychology Behind Officer Involved Shootings.
- Deadly/Excessive Force
- Law Enforcement
- Police Procedures
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Dr. Rylant is available to consult or testify on the following areas: use of force, police use of force, law enforcement use of force, self defense, arrest and control, police excessive force, excessive force, defensive tactics, martial arts, strangulation, choke hold, jiu jitsu, fight or flight, stress response, officer involved shooting, police shooting, OIS, and police training.
Available Upon Request