Kenneth S. Trump
Cleveland, OH 44111
KENNETH S. TRUMP, Ed.D., is President of National School Safety and Security Services, a Cleveland-based national consulting firm specializing in K-12 school security and emergency preparedness issues.
Ken provides experienced, accessible, timely and quality expert services to plaintiff and defense attorneys on preK-12 school safety and security cases. He is an experienced speaker, teacher, news commentator and personal communicator on school safety. Ken is experienced with school shootings, wrongful deaths, violent assaults with serious injuries, rapes and other sexual assaults, gang and other offenses of violence, as well related school safety issues including those listed below.
Ken served as an officer, investigator and gang unit supervisor for the Cleveland City Schools’ safety division, and as a suburban school security director and assistant gang task force director. During his 30 years in school safety he trained and consulted with school and public safety officials from 50 states and internationally.
Ken earned a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree from Johns Hopkins University. Ken earned Master of Public Administration and Bachelor of Social Services (Criminal Justice Concentration) degrees from Cleveland State University, and has more than 2,500 hours of specialized training. He is the author, co-author and/or editor of three books, five book chapters and 450 articles on school safety. He appears regularly in national and international news.
Ken is a four-time invited Congressional witness on school safety and emergency preparedness, and testified on bullying to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He has presented to the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, Oklahoma Commission on School Safety, Education Commission of the States, Council of State Governments, FBI National Academy, National Lieutenant Governors Association, National Governors Association, Department of Defense Education Activity, National School Boards Association, and many other education and public policy organizations.
- Crime Foreseeability
- Disaster Management
- Education & Schools
- Gangs
- Inadequate/Negligent Security
- Premises Liability
- School Safety
- School Security
- Security Management
- Special Event Security
- Violent Crimes
- Wrongful Death
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.); Johns Hopkins University
Master of Public Administration (MPA); Cleveland State University
BA in Social Service / Criminal Justice Concentration; Cleveland State University
More than 2,500 hours of specialized training on pre-K-12 school security, school safety, school emergency / crisis preparedness, gang prevention and intervention, school-based policing and security, and related topics. - Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: International Association of Professional Security Consultants
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
American Association of School Administrators
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
Education Law Association
National School Public Relations Association - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Four time invited Congressional witness on school safety, security and emergency preparedness issues
Invited testifying expert on bullying before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Invited testifying expert before the Connecticut Governor's Sandy Hook Advisory Commission and the Oklahoma School Security Commission
Invited presenter to brief legislative, elected and other public policy officials on school safety policy for the Education Commission of the States, Council of State Governments, National Lieutenant Governors Association, and other entities.
Invited by the U.S. State Department to provide a briefing to teachers, school officials and community partners in Israel on school safety, school violence prevention, school security and school emergency preparedness as coordinated by the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.
Extensive experience providing keynote, workshop and other presentations for national, state, and local education and public safety agencies
Extensive television (cable, network, local), radio, print and online media interview experience
Additional background at www.schoolsecurity.org - Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: Ken's services can help plaintiff and defense attorneys evaluate and focus their approach to a case.
Case Evaluation: A review of facts and issues with recommendations for further action on the case. Deposition reviews and evaluating opposing expert reports.
Case Consultation: Advice on potential action, pleadings, discovery, public records searches, deposition questioning, and related phases
Testifying School Safety Expert Witness: Preparation of expert reports, deposition testifying, and trial testifying
Ken is experienced with wrongful deaths, violent assaults with serious injuries, sexual assaults, rapes, and other violence cases. His services can help plaintiff and defense attorneys on cases involving preK-12 school safety and security areas of expertise including, but not necessarily limited to:
Crimes and/or serious K-12 discipline cases including wrongful death, assault, sexual assault, rape, murder, serious injuries, gang violence
School security, school safety, school violence, and related issues in pre-kindergarten-12 education settings
Bullying, school anti-bullying policies and programs, and related issues
School crisis and emergency preparedness, written emergency / crisis guidelines and plans, and crisis teams
Training school employees on emergency / crisis preparedness, security and school safety issues and practices
School crisis / emergency drills and exercises
School threats, shooting threats, bomb threats, threat assessment, threat management, etc.
School security assessments, premises evaluations and campus threat assessments
Physical security measures (access control, visitor management, fencing, lighting, communications, etc.)
Use of cameras, metal detectors and other security equipment in preK-12 settings
School special event and athletic event security and emergency / crisis planning and preparedness
School security officers, school police, school security department operations and procedures
Hiring, training, evaluation, and retention of school security officers (proprietary and contract) and school police
School bus transportation violence, security and emergency / crisis issues, driver training on security and related
Crime and incident reporting school policies and procedures
Personnel / employee and internal security best practices
School board policies and regulations related to school safety, security and emergency / crisis preparedness
School relationships and planning with first responders / public safety and other community partners
School crime prevention, school violence prevention, and associated areas
See Expert Witness and Litigation Consulting web page at www.schoolsecurity.org/school-safety-and-communications-services/expert-witness-litigation-consulting-services/
References upon request.