
"I have found JurisPro to be perhaps the best organized, most technically advanced and most user-friendly website, on which to make my services available to the legal community. I have received many inquiries from attorneys as a result of listing on JurisPro.com. I highly recommend a listing with JurisPro to anyone with services they wish to make known to the legal community."
Thomas Jay Berger, MD, FACS, FCCP, FACFE
Cardiac Surgeon
Heart of the Matter Expertise
Cardiac Surgeon
Heart of the Matter Expertise

"JurisPro has provided me three new high quality cases in the first five months of 2004, and I just received a call this week about a potential wrongful death case. Thank you for your continuing efforts to market my skills to potential clients throughout the United States."
Dan Vogel
Security and Premises Liability Expert
Security and Premises Liability Expert

"JurisPro is a very useful site for finding experts."
Tina Fukunaga
Skadden Arps, 3rd largest law firm in the U.S.
Skadden Arps, 3rd largest law firm in the U.S.

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"Many of my clients (expert witnesses) have been hired by attorneys from their listings on JurisPro.com. JurisPro is proactive in getting their experts' qualifications communicated to attorneys."
Rosalie Hamilton, Marketing Consultant
"The Expert on Expert Witness Marketing"
Author of The Expert Witness Marketing Book
"The Expert on Expert Witness Marketing"
Author of The Expert Witness Marketing Book

"Thank you for providing this service, and I hope that other attorneys and insurance adjustors find JurisPro as useful as we did."
Jim Walter, Esq.
Staff Counsel, Allstate Insurance Company
Staff Counsel, Allstate Insurance Company

"My recent case retention through JurisPro was so substantial that it will pay for my listing on JurisPro for the rest of my career. I wish I had stocks that paid off as well as JurisPro has."
Orell Anderson
Real Estate Damages Expert
Bell Anderson & Sanders
Real Estate Damages Expert
Bell Anderson & Sanders

"JurisPro should be the first choice of legal professionals who seek qualified experts."
Ruth Canter
Holland & Knight, 8th largest law firm in the U.S.
Holland & Knight, 8th largest law firm in the U.S.

"The first hit from JurisPro resulted in a payoff that was over 9:1; i.e., nine dollars received for every dollar I invested in membership in JurisPro, and the case is still open for potential future investigation."
Melvin Friedlander, P.E.
Accident Reconstruction, Premises & Product Liability
Accident Reconstruction, Premises & Product Liability

"JurisPro is the first place I go when looking for an expert."
Troy Thielemann, Esq.
Cappello & Noel,
Complex commercial litigation law firm
Cappello & Noel,
Complex commercial litigation law firm

"JurisPro has been an excellent tool for me: through its website I have received many inquiries concerning my services, and also have been retained through the exposure received by being a JurisPro member."
Diane Squires
Questioned Document Examiner
Questioned Document Examiner

"JurisPro sets the standard for locating and retention of experts."
Todd Mobley, Esq.
McDermott, Will & Emery, 13th largest firm in the U.S.
McDermott, Will & Emery, 13th largest firm in the U.S.

"I have received several inquires from attorneys who would probably never have called me if I didn't have a page on your website. All of the inquiries led to expert witness appearances or consulting assignments. No other marketing effort has ever paid off so handsomely for me."
Louis Rovner, Ph.d
Lie Detection Expert
Lie Detection Expert

"JurisPro is an invaluable resource for locating expert consultants and witnesses."
Pete Stone, Esq.
Paul, Hastings, 21st largest law firm in the U.S.
Paul Hastings
Paul, Hastings, 21st largest law firm in the U.S.
Paul Hastings

"Within three days of being posted on JurisPro, I got retained on a case and several more followed."
Stanley Lelewer
Financial Consultant
Financial Consultant

"We believe that JurisPro has an excellent service to find and evaluate expert witnesses. When one of our attorney members contacts us to find an expert witness, we refer them to the JurisPro Expert Witness Directory."
Darlene Golladay
Consumer Attorneys of California
California Plaintiff Trial Attorneys
Consumer Attorneys of California
California Plaintiff Trial Attorneys

"I was amazed, when, 48 hours after I had placed my CV on your service, I was contacted by an attorney and retained on a case. When I asked him how he had known to contact me, he said it was through my CV on JurisPro."
Ed Cramer
Certified Real Estate Broker
Certified Real Estate Broker

"JurisPro has provided us with more business leads than any other service."
Robyn Holler
Securities and Financial Analysts
Account Forensics, Inc.
Securities and Financial Analysts
Account Forensics, Inc.

"JurisPro has done a superb job for me, as an expert in litigation, in making my services known to attorneys."
Richard H. Silverman
Warehousing and Transportation Expert
Warehousing and Transportation Expert

"JurisPro has set the standard of excellence in the industry. I applaud the valuable service that you are providing to the legal profession."
Mercy Steenwyk
ForensisGroup Inc. Technical, Engineering, Construction, Medical & Scientific Experts
ForensisGroup Inc. Technical, Engineering, Construction, Medical & Scientific Experts

"As many clients have found me - and retained my services - from JurisPro as from any other listing service."
John T. Cooper, M.D.
Forensic Pathologist
Forensic Pathologist

"Thank you for offering a website that is not only affordable but widely used in the legal profession – one that gives me the opportunity to give a picture of what I offer in my unique way."
Deborah McFarland, D.C., C.I.C.E.
Chiropractic Consulting Services
Chiropractic Consulting Services

"We have received numerous inquiries through JurisPro and have been retained."
Peter Vail
Joelson Vail Associates
Architects, General Contractors, Forensic Consultants
Joelson Vail Associates
Architects, General Contractors, Forensic Consultants

"We have had several contacts from JurisPro, and have had at least two that have resulted in new clients. We would recommend your site for any expert firm that is trying to increase their marketing exposure."
Julie Martinet
MC Consultants
Construction Management Consulting Firm
MC Consultants
Construction Management Consulting Firm

"Several of the referrals from JurisPro have led to my having been engaged as an expert Urologic case evaluator."
Morris Claman, M.D.
Urology Expert
Urology Expert

"I am pleased to report that a lead we received from JurisPro Expert Witness Directory has led to the engagement of two of our consultants. It's very gratifying when an advertisement investment such as the one we made in JurisPro pays such quick dividends."
David McDonald
Silicon Valley Expert Witness Group
High technology and intellectual property experts
Silicon Valley Expert Witness Group
High technology and intellectual property experts

"The majority of my expert witness work has been through JurisPro referrals."
Cliff R. Merck
Construction Equipment - Accident Investigation
Construction Equipment - Accident Investigation