Helicopter/Heliport Expert Witnesses

Accident Reconstruction & Safety Expert Witness Listings

You will find consultants who may provide testimony on helicopters and heliports by clicking on the following links. Experts found on this page may consult on issues involving helicopter accident reconstruction, helistops, vertiports, vertistops, and tiltrotors. These experts may provide reports regarding FAA Heliport and Vertiport Design Advisory Circulars (AC), helicopter maintenance, helicopter pilot error, and VFR ground location. The consultants found here may also provide expert witness testimony regarding medical evacuation helicopters, Medevac, heliport zoning, helicopter safety, and helicopter and heliport regulatory compliance and zoning, among other topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Quentin Brasie (ACI Aviation Consulting)
Location: Virginia
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Quentin Brasie provides expert witness services on behalf of ACI Aviation Consulting to various law firms and state governments dealing with global aviation issues. Mr. Brasie has been qualified...
Jack H Schonely (Titan National Consulting, LLC)
Location: Oregon
Areas of Expertise: I worked on the front lines of law enforcement for over 36 years. Retired after 31 years with the Los Angeles Police Department but continue to instruct, consult, and write on various tactical and aviation...
Robert Banks, PhD (Climaverse, LLC)
Location: Georgia
Areas of Expertise: Certified forensic weather services, including weather reconstruction of aviation and marine accidents, site-specific weather or climate reports. No cost for an initial consultation and $225 per hour for...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Helicopter/Heliport FAQs

What is a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

A helicopter/heliport expert witness is an individual who is knowledgeable about all aspects of helicopter and heliport operations, including the design, construction, and maintenance of helicopter landing facilities.

What is the role of a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

The role of a helicopter/heliport expert witness is to provide testimony on issues related to helicopter safety, including design and operation of heliports.

How much can a person make as a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

Helicopter/heliport expert witnesses can earn somewhere in the range of $200-$450 an hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact amount is determined between the retaining attorney and the expert.

What are the qualifications of a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

An expert witness in helicopter/heliport should have knowledge of helicopter design, operation, maintenance, and safety standards, as well as heliport design and construction standards.

What type of evidence is gathered in a legal proceeding by a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

A helicopter/heliport expert witness may gather evidence such as flight records, maintenance logs, weather reports, and witness statements to provide testimony in a legal proceeding.

In what type of cases might require opinions from a helicopter/heliport expert witness?

Helicopter/heliport expert witnesses may be required in cases involving helicopter accidents, heliport design and construction, air traffic control, pilot error, and compliance with aviation regulations and standards.