Newfoundland Physiology Expert Witnesses

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James F Lineback (James F Lineback A Medical Corporation)
Clinical practice: Pulmonary and Chest Medicine Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine: University of California Riverside College of Medicine Specific Expertise: Life Expectancy Causation... Learn More ›
Elite Medical Experts
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Elite Medical Experts is a physician-based firm specializing exclusively in medical litigation. Our one goal is to align top-tier university professors with the legal community. We secure experts for medical litigation from every medical and surgical speciality.
Physiology FAQs

What is a physiology expert witness?

A physiology expert witness is a medical doctor who specializes in the study of the function of living organisms. Physiology experts may also testify on how the body functions under stress, how it maintains homeostasis, and how it repairs itself after injury.

What is the role of a physiology expert witness?

Physiology expert witness provides expert opinion on the functioning of the body and its organs in cases involving medical malpractice, personal injury or wrongful death.

How much can a person make as a physiology expert witness?

Physiology expert witnesses can earn anywhere from $200 to $400 per hour, or more in some cases. The expert and retaining attorney will negotiate the fee.

What are the qualifications of a physiology expert witness?

A Physiology expert witness should possess extensive knowledge in the field of human physiology, including the function and regulation of bodily systems and organs.

In legal proceedings, what evidence is reviewed by a physiology expert witness?

A physiology expert witness may review medical records, test results, and other evidence related to the physical and biological aspects of a case to provide their professional opinion.

In what type of cases would testimony be required from a physiology expert witness?

Physiology expert witnesses may be required in cases involving medical malpractice, personal injury, or criminal cases where the defendant's mental or physical state is in question.