Amy M. Zheng, M.D., M.Phil., CHSE
Since 2003, Dr. Zheng has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including academic teaching centers, VA healthcare system, community hospitals, and rural critical access hospitals. She is a frontline clinician in the Coronavirus Pandemic, working in five urgent care centers and two emergency departments in two counties. She is an expert in NP and PA supervision and the Medical Director of the Point Loma Nazarene University Physician Assistant Program.
Dr. Zheng is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California San Diego and University of California Riverside. Since 2013, she has led an annual teamwork exercise for 350 students and faculty from three professional schools, which have been featured by the San Diego Union-Tribune and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. She has presented at scientific conferences on inter-professional collaboration and pitfalls in emergency medicine.
While working as the emergency medicine consultant for the VA Office of Inspector General, she published extensively on quality of care issues at the Veterans Healthcare Administration and briefed members of Congress on the findings. Some of the reports covered allegations of mismanaged Code Blue, clinician competency, resident supervision, nursing home abuse and neglect, inappropriate hospital discharge, and poor access to care. One report resulted in the U.S. Court of Federal Appeals ruling that the VA should reimburse veterans for $53 million of emergency care.
Dr. Zheng has received teaching awards from residents at the University of California San Diego and the Rising Star Award from the American College of Emergency Physicians for excellence in public speaking. In 2018, she received the VA Inspector General Values Award for her dedication to the highest standards of professionalism, character, and integrity.
Dr. Zheng is available to opine on the standards of care in the urgent care and emergency department, particularly as it relates to the supervision of NPs and PAs. She can provide case review, reports, disposition, and trial testimony to plaintiff or defense attorneys. As an award winning teacher, she can explain complicated medical concepts to the legal team and layperson in a personable manner.
Please call Dr. Zheng at 858-299-5266 to review your case.
- Coronavirus
- Emergency Medicine
- Health/Medical/Disability Insurance
- Insurance Fraud
- Managed Care & HMOs
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Physician Assistants
- Trauma Surgery/Trauma Medicine
- Urgent Care
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Aug 2008 Teaching Fellowship
Mar 2009 American College of Emergency Medicine
July 2003- Emergency Medicine Residency
June 2006 University of Arizona
Sept 1999- Medical Degree
June 2003 University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Sept 1998- Master of Philosophy with Distinctions in the History of Medicine
Sept 1999 University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sept 1994- Bachelor of Science with Honors in Biology and History
June 1998 California Institute of Technology
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: American Board of Emergency Medicine, 2007 – 2027
California Medical Board #A108213, June 2009 – present
Washington State Department of Health #MD.60563802, May 2015 – April 2018
Arizona Medical Board #34383, July 2005 – August 2009 - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: 1. Invited Speaker. Future of Covid. Hamilton Burnett American Inn of Court. Virtual Meeting. March 9, 2021.
2. Panel Faculty. Open-Faced, Triple-Decker, or Plain Old Peanut Butter and Jelly: Stories and Tips from the Sandwich Generation. American Medical Writers Association Medical Writing & Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, Nov 9, 2019.
3. Panel Faculty. Interprofessional Education Faculty Development for Large Scale Simulation. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA, Jan 12, 2015.
4. Panel Faculty. 360 Degree Performance Evaluation for Interprofessional Education. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA, Jan 12, 2015.
5. Panel Faculty. Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator Preparation. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, Jan 29, 2014.
6. Panel Faculty. Ten Tips for Large Scale Interprofessional Education. Society for Simulation in Healthcare Interprofessional Education Affinity Group: A Pecha Kucha Session on Simulation-Enhanced Interprofessional Education. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, Jan 28, 2014.
7. Panel Faculty. Operationalizing IPE: Initiating Partnerships, Planning, and Execution. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, Jan 27, 2014.
8. Course Director. Simulation-Based Interprofessional Education Implementation: We All Want to Do It, but How? A Practical Workshop Exploring Benefits, Barriers, and Solutions for Establishing Interprofessional Education at Your Institution. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, Jan 27, 2014.
9. Panel Faculty. Incorporating Mannequins into Standardized Patient Cases for Standardized Patient Educators. Society for Simulation in Healthcare/Association for Standardized Patient Educator Workshop, San Diego, CA, June 3, 2012.
10. Better Smart Than Lucky: Case-Based Approach to When Medical Disorders Present with Psychiatric Presentations. American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV, Oct 1, 2010.
11. Altered Mental Status in the Elderly. American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV, Oct 1, 2010.
12. A Sight For Sore Eyes: an Ocular Ultrasound Primer. American College of Emergency Physician Annual Scientific Assembly, Chicago, IL, Oct 7, 2009.
13. Chan, L; Reilly, K; Telfer, J; Zheng, A; Maloney, A; Meislin, H. An Emergency Department Intake Form Improves Documented Medicine History. Submitted presentation at the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine New York Regional Meeting in May 2005 and presented at the annual resident research forum June 2006.
14. Kanegaye J, Friday JH, McCaslin RI, Zheng AM, Harley JR, Gutglass DJ. Ibuprofen provides analgesia equivalent to acetaminophen-codeine in the treatment of acute pain in children with extremity injuries. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, Oct 8, 2004.
Countless talks given to medical, nursing, pharmacy, physician assistant students and residents over the years. - Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: PA and NP supervision, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, tendon/nerve laceration, fluoroquinolone in sinusitis, competency in Covid patient, epidural abscess.
Available Upon Request