Blake McConnell, MA, FBI

Blake McConnell, MA, FBI

Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm
2906 Lafayette Rd.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Office: 949-723-2211

Blake McConnell, MA, was an FBI Special Agent for 21 years. During his career Mr. McConnell investigated financial institution fraud, mail/wire fraud, violent crime, and civil rights violations. He also served as an FBI polygraph examiner, polygraph supervisor, and a Supervisory Special Agent in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. After retiring from the FBI, he was a polygraph examiner and insider threat analyst for the U.S. Embassies in Iraq and Afghanistan and later with the U.S. Department of Defense, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. He has extensive experience providing investigative interview training to law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, and security investigators in the United States and abroad. He has conducted hundreds of investigative interviews in criminal and security investigations and has provided expert advice on criminal behavior in numerous difficult to solve criminal investigations. Since 2019, he has consulted to Threat Assessment Group, Inc., consulting with corporate clients on the workplace violence prevention and the mitigation for risks surrounding workplace threats, intimate partner violence, and disruptive workplace behaviors.

Mr. McConnell is an Adjunct Faculty Instructor of investigative interview and interrogation at George Washington University, Forensic Psychology Graduate Program.

Mr. McConnell received a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Tennessee at Martin and a Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology from Argosy University and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Mr. McConnell has been a Forensic Expert with Park Dietz & Associates since 2019.

Areas of Expertise
  • Crime Foreseeability
  • Crime Scene Analysis
  • Criminology
  • Lie Detector/Polygraph
  • Police Procedures
  • Premises Liability
  • Violent Crimes
  • Workplace Violence

Expert Background
Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
• Master of Arts, Forensic Psychology – Argosy University, Washington, DC; U.S. Department of Defense National Center for Credibility Assessment
• Bachelor of Science, Public Administration – University of Tennessee at Martin
Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
A: Florida Polygraph Association
Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
Mr. McConnell is an Adjunct Faculty Instructor of investigative interview and interrogation at George Washington University, Forensic Psychology Graduate Program.

Polygraph Presentations:
• Research Findings, Evidence Recognition Sensor – Federal Interagency Polygraph Seminar, Springfield, VA (2018)
• Research Findings, Evidence Recognition Sensor – American Polygraph Association, Annual Conference, Austin, TX (2018)
• The Concealed Information Test – International Homicide Investigators Association, Annual Conference, Sparks, NV (2010)
• Research Findings: Polygraph in Child Abduction Investigations, FBI Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team Annual Conference (2011)
• The Directed Lie Polygraph Technique – FBI Polygraph Examiners Conference, San Francisco, CA (2009)
• Polygraph in Personnel Security Investigations – FBI Chief Security Officers, Conference, Orlando, FL (2008)
• Polygraph in Personnel Security Investigations – FBI Chief Security Officers, Conference, Orlando, FL (2007)
Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
A: No
Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
A: Five
Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
Law enforcement interview and interrogation standards and training
Premises liability involving violent crime
Polygraph accuracy/admissibility
Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
A: 100%
Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
A: Two
Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
A: February 17, 2023
Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
A: 4 years
Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
A: Consulting; Reports; Testimony
Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
A: Hourly rates are the same for all activities and are available on request.
Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
A: Hourly rates are the same for all activities and are available on request.
Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
A: Hourly rates are the same for all activities and are available on request.
Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
A: Hourly rates are the same for all activities and are available on request.
Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
A: Travel expenses and other expenses specified in the engagement letter or contract.


Available Upon Request