Captain Peter McGuiness
Vancouver, WA 98687-4266
Office: 925-997-8429
Captain Peter McGuiness has served for over thirty years in responsible positions in the maritime industry.
His seafaring experience in tankers is extensive – clean products tankers, black oil tankers, and VLCCs, in all deck officer positions and as master. He has sailed in the fleet of a major oil company, and in the fleets of several independent tanker operators as well. He also has significant experience in cruise ships, ore-oil carriers, break-bulk freighters, and containerships.
He has served as Sea Trials Master (shipmaster in command) in over 100 newbuilding pre-delivery sea trials.
He is also experienced in corporate management, technical consulting, and training, with significant experience as health, environment and safety superintendent; lead quality management systems auditor; technical writer; and instructor and course developer in maritime subjects.
Captain McGuiness is currently licensed by the United States as “Master of Self-Propelled Vessels not including Sail or Auxiliary Sail of Unlimited Tonnage upon Oceans” (often referred to as the “unlimited master” license) with many endorsements, including pilotage for several United States ports and Tankerman-PIC (DL).
Current CV available: www.maritimeinformation.org/management
- Admiralty & Maritime
- Cruise Lines
- Transportation Safety
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A:
USA: Master of Self-Propelled Vessels not including Sail or Auxiliary Sail of Unlimited Tonnage upon Oceans (often referred to as the “unlimited master” license) with many endorsements, including pilotage for several United States ports and Tankerman-PIC (DL)
University of San Francisco: Master in Business Administration
United States Merchant Marine Academy: Bachelor of Science (Nautical Science)
American Society for Quality: Certified Quality Auditor - Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A:
American Society for Quality
Nautical Institute
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Navy League of the United States
United States Naval Institute - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A:
California Maritime Academy, Department of Continuing Maritime Education
Instructor in courses leading to US Merchant Mariner Credential - Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Shipboard safety management
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: All phases of expert witness work
- Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: $400
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: $400
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: $400
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: $400
- Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
- A: Direct expenses charged at cost
Available Upon Request