Mr. Casey K Hemmatyar, PE, SE
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Fax: 888-371-4039
As a structural and civil engineer and expert forensic consultant with nearly four decades of experience, Casey Hemmatyar has provided extensive expert services for defendants and plaintiff attorneys on numerous construction litigation matters throughout the US. He has been retained as an expert by the US Government and private law firms on single and class-action lawsuits at both State and Federal levels (a partial list of litigation cases is available upon request). His understanding of core engineering and legal concepts has enabled him to effectively assist a wide range of clientele. He brings diversified experience in structural and civil engineering design and in forensic engineering, investigation, and evaluation. Mr. Hemmatyar also conducts research and has assisted in the development of building codes and standards, and has supervised the construction of domestic and international projects. His experience includes special structures and new buildings as well as modifications, alterations, seismic/hurricane retrofits, and upgrades to existing structures. He has provided failure analysis, expert consultation, structural forensic investigation, and damage assessment services for many litigation and insurance-related matters. He actively presents continuing education lectures to audiences of engineers, architects, and contractors on topics of structural and forensic engineering throughout the United States. Mr. Hemmatyar has been the principal structural engineer on projects for clients such as NASA and several other high-profile agencies. Currently, he directs PSFEG and has served as Director for SEAOSC in 2011-2013.
Mr. Hemmatyar’s assignments include facilities such as hospitals/healthcare, schools/higher education, telecommunication, government, recreational, laboratories, and commercial, industrial, and residential structures. He is versed in the structural design of concrete, steel, timber/wood, masonry, aluminum, glass, light-gage steel, and other construction materials. His work experience covers performance-based design, seismic hazard evaluation, and mitigation methods, as well as the preparation of reports evaluating essential structures such as hospitals and health care facilities.
Mr. Hemmatyar has been interviewed by public media, including History Channel (documentary episode: “Collapse of Ancient Structures”) and Reuters (Mexico City school collapse).
His experience also covers:
■ Investigation and evaluation of structural integrity of existing structures,
■ Expert consulting, court appearance, and trial testimony.
Partial List of Registrations:
■ SE, PE, California – S5108, C66393
■ SE, PE, Washington – 37443
■ SE, Hawaii – S14571
■ SE, New York – S091118
■ SE, Nevada – 022937
■ SE, Arizona – S49653
■ PE, Colorado – 52814
■ PE, Alabama – 35359
■ PE, Michigan – 6201063078
■ PE, Ohio – 80490
■ PE, Texas – 133339
■ P. ENG, British Columbia, Canada – S19757
■ General Building Contractor, California – 1044945
Partial List of Education
■ BS Structural Eng. (1985) University of Science & Technology (ABET accredited)
■ MS Structural Eng. Studies (1990) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
■ Structural Engineering Studies. (2000) University of Washington, Seattle, WA
■ Structural Engineering Studies. (2002) Irvine Institute of Technology, Irvine, CA
■ JD Law Studies (2014) SBV Colleges of Law, CA
Partial List of Affiliations:
■ SEAOSC (Structural Engineers Association of Southern California); Director, 2011-2013
■ SEAOSC; Chair – Technology Committee, 2012 - 2017
■ SEAOSC; Chair – Convention Technical Committee, 2013 - 2014
■ SEAOSC; Committee Member – Seismology, 2007- 2018
■ SEAOSC; Committee Member – Wind Ad-Hoc, 2010
■ BPELSG; California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists – Licensing – Subject Matter Expert, 2009
■ NCEES; National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying – Subject Matter Expert, 2010
■ City of Los Angeles Existing Building Code Ad-Hoc Committee, 2012-Present
■ FEWA Forensic Expert Witness Association; Member, 2010-2018
■ CAL E•M•A Registered Post-Earthquake and Disaster Safety Assessment Evaluator – 74169, 2010-Present
■ SEAOC; SE Member 2003-Present
■ NZSEE; New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering – Member, 1997 & 2012
■ AWC; American Wood Council – Member, 2012-2018
■ CFSEI; Cold-Formed Steel Engineering Institute – Member, 2012-2018
■ GEER; Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance; Member, 2011-Present
■ ASCE; Committee Member, 2021-Present
■ ASCE Forensic Engineering Division ; SE Member, 2007-Present
■ IALCCE; International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering 2015 – Present
■ APEGBC; Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, Advocate Committee, Co-Chair, 1996-1998
Partial List of Publications:
■ Study of Historical and Design Wind Speeds in the Los Angeles Area, by SEAOSC Ad-Hoc Wind Committee, June 19, 2010
■ Recommendations for the "Los Angeles Region Uniform Code Program" (LARUCP) Proposed Amendments to the 2010 California
Building Code, "ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Structural Code" Committee Member, June 24, 2010
Partial List of AIA Approved Educational Lectures, Live Seminars and Webinars:
The following courses have been developed for licensed Engineers, Architects and General Contractors in private and government sectors throughout US. These courses have been presented through Non-Profit Continuing Education Provider Organizations. Continuing Education is mandatory by great majority of State Licensing Boards for Professional Development:
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2021 How to Analyze Common Construction Defects and Failures, PDHSource – Los Angeles, CA. National
Presentation Webinar, November 4, 2021.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2021 How to Analyze Common Construction Defects and Failures, HalfMoon Education – Los Angeles, CA.
National Presentation Webinar, October 26, 2021.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2021 Structural Forensic Engineering, HalfMoon Education – Los Angeles, CA. National Presentation Webinar,
July 27 & 28, 2021.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2021 Deep Dive into Real-Life Construction Failures, HalfMoon Education – Los Angeles, CA. National Presentation Webinar, May 10, 2021.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2020 Structural Forensic Engineering, HalfMoon Education – Los Angeles,
CA. National Presentation Webinar, June 15 & 16, 2020.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2020 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Pasadena,
CA. National Presentation Webinar, April 30, 2020.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2020 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – San
Antonio, TX. National Presentation Webinar, April 21, 2020
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2019 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Boise, ID.
Presentation Seminar, Nov. 13, 2019
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2019 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Reno,
NV. Presentation Seminar, July 30, 2019
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2019 Designing for Resiliency, HalfMoon Education – Santa Barbara, CA.
Presentation Seminar, May 30, 2018
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2018 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Seattle,
WA. Presentation Seminar, Oct. 10, 2018
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2016 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Irvine, CA.
Presentation Seminar, Dec. 13, 2016
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2016 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education –
Albuquerque, NM. Presentation Seminar, May 19, 2016
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; 2016 Forensic Examination of Structures, HalfMoon Education – Phoenix,
AZ Presentation Seminar, Jan. 21, 2016
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; NAPA’s 6.2 Earthquake and California Building Code, SEAOC 2014 International
Convention – Indian Wells, CA Presentation Seminar, Sep. 13, 2014
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; Host/Moderator, James Day, SE; Seismic Resistance of a Typical Electrical Supply System Lifeline, SEOASC -
Ventura, CA Presentation Seminar, Mar. 19, 2013.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; Overview and Application of 2013 CBC and IBC 2012 Chapter 16, 16A, 17 and
17A, SEOASC - Los Angeles, CA Presentation Seminar, Mar. 6, 2013
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar - Host/Moderator, Chris Tokas, SE; OSHPD Seismic Retrofit SB 499 Report,
SEOASC - Ventura, CA Presentation Seminar, Jan. 8, 2013
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar - Host/Moderator, Fred H Schott, SE and David Lee, PhD; Seismic Retrofit utilizing Damper Panels, SEOASC -
Ventura, CA Presentation Seminar, July 11, 2012
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar - Host/Moderator, Phil Nelson, PE; Ventura Community Medical Center Replacement Hospital Wing Project,
SEOASC - Ventura, CA Presentation Seminar, Mar. 14, 2012.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar - Host/Moderator, Barry Keller, PhD Seismologist; Atop the Rupture Zone - Chile's 8.8 Earthquake & Tsunami,
SEOASC - Santa Maria, CA Presentation Seminar, Jan. 11, 2012.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar - Host/Moderator, Nam Young, SE; Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Structures, SEOASC- Ventura, CA
Presentation Seminar, Nov. 9, 2011.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; Overview and Application of 2010 CBC Chapter 16, 16A, 17 and 17A, SEOASC - Santa Barbara, CA
Presentation Seminar, Sep. 14, 2011.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; Overview and Application of 2010 CBC Chapter 16, 16A, 17 and 17A, SEOASC - Ventura, CA National
Presentation Webinar, Mar. 16, 2011.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; Overview and Application of 2010 CBC, SEOASC Macro Seminars - Long Beach, CA, Jan. 29, 2011.
■ Casey K. Hemmatyar; New Trends in Structural Engineering and CBC 2007, for Society of Iranian American Architects & Planners -
Santa Monica, CA Sep. 27, 2007.
Partial List of Awards and Recognition:
■ OCEC; Orange County Engineering Council - Outstanding Engineering Merit Award 2012.
■ SEAOSC; Structural Engineers Association of Southern California – Structural Engineering Presentations Award 2011.
■ SEAOSC; Structural Engineers Association of Southern California – Presidential Certificate of Appreciation 2016.
■ CWC; Canadian Wood Council - Structural Eng. Software Development Contribution Award 1995.
■ Ranked 552nd among about one Million entry applicants at the precocious age of 16 admitted to University of Science & Technology
(Iran’s top three engineering universities; ABET accredited).
■ FAA Registered Aerial System Pilot – 4370646
■ USA Masters Swimming Member – 3314-06XB7
■ Former Iranian National Swimming Champion
■ United States Patent & Trademark (USPTO): Registered Owner – 85250519
■ Founder of Structural Engineer USA; a global group of structural engineering professionals with nearly 20,000 active members.
- Architecture
- Building Codes
- Civil Engineering
- Concrete/Cement
- Construction
- Construction Damages
- Construction Safety
- Construction Site
- Home Inspections
- Structural Engineering
References upon request.