Dr. C.J. Abraham
Services offered internationally and nationally, NY 11023
Fax: 516-482-1231
Dr. Abraham has over forty years of international experience consulting to insurance companies, municipalities, government agencies, and the legal profession. He has consulted in more than 3,500 matters involving human factors, safety, personal injury and product liability. His international consultation to corporations are in the areas of new product development, manufacturing, packaging, warnings and instructions.
Dr. Abraham's main areas of specialization over the last 44 years in the technical and human factors areas are: Warnings, OSHA, ADA, Safety, Labor Law, Product Design, Slips & Fall, Playground Accidents, Fires & Explosions, Mfg., construction accidents, toxic exposures, retail store safety, cruise line passenger safety.
In the sports and recreation areas, Dr. Abraham has over 40 years of experience consulting in the following areas: Protective headgear/helmets, brain injuries in sports, swimming pools accidents, trampolines, playgrounds (residential, public, indoor/outdoor), amusement/water parks, warnings and instructions.
Further information about Dr. Abraham can be found at www.scientificadvisory.com
Cell phone: 516-974-7565
The following is a partial list of clients that Dr. Abraham has consulted to in the past:
* Experience in new product development, manufacturing, packaging, standards, warnings and instructions.
* Extensive experience in the identification, elimination and control of hazards to people and property. This includes the development, establishment, manufacturing, construction, assembly, testing, operation, training and procedures including manuals, environmental engineering and industrial hygiene, warnings & instructions for consumer and industrial products.
* Authority in the fields of products liability, OSHA, Labor Law (Industrial Code), architectural safety, safety engineering and construction accidents.
* Contributing author to the PRODUCT DEFECT HANDBOOK.
* Lectured and taught at various universities in the United States and Europe.
* Published and presented papers in the areas of fires, explosions (gas, bottle, battery), plastics, toxic torts, flammable fabrics, safety engineering and design, sports safety, household and industrial product safety, industrial equipment, warnings and instructions for both industrial and consumer products.
* Patentee of many products, including protective headgear (face mask used in football - licensed to Riddell), enhancement of energy absorption for protective headgear and equipment, safety shields for batteries, insulation materials used on missiles, household products, and non-toxic insect repellents worldwide. Copyright Registrations in the areas of battery warnings and instructions, toxic materials, household products and insect repellents.
* Experienced in golf cart accidents, operation and design.
* Experienced in amusement park activities and water park activities, operation and safety.
* Experienced in head injury, brain injury and head trauma cases.
* Experienced in helmet testing and evaluation, head protection and analysis in all types of cases.
* Experienced in animal and human health products, new product development, EPA, product data specifications, testing and analysis.
* Experienced in architectural analysis (residential and commercial) including concrete slab composite structures for sidewalks, parking and streets including asphalt.
* Over 40 years of experience with EU Directives, ISO, ASTM, ANSI, NEMA, NFPA, UL, OSHA for a large variety of products, including but not limited to recreational facilities, toys, playgrounds, personal household products, textiles, etc.;
* Diplomate-American Board of Forensic Examiners in Safety & Safety Engineering.
* Member (former) of the Advisory Board -World Congress on Industrial, Technical, and High Performance Textiles (Great Britain);
* Member (former) of the Advisory Board - American Board of Engineering and Technology (USA).
* Member, Architectural Review Board, Village of Great Neck, Great Neck, NY (1995-2009)
* Member-ISO/TC 181/SC: Safety / Manufacture of Toys. Safety testing, technical regulations, quality control, packaging, testing, packaging, warnings and instructions.
* Member of the ASTM, (1964-present).
* Over 110 publications and presentations.
* Patentee of products produced and used throughout the world (over 38).
* Consulted to ABC and CBS News, Eyewitness News (ABC), USA Today and the Discovery Channel.
* Consulted to the Department of Agriculture (Bureau of Mines).
* Consulted to the Department of Labor (OSHA).
* Consulted to construction companies in the area of safety for their employees applying OSHA and ANSI standards for high elevations.
* Consultant to NIOSH (National Institute for O
* Occupational Safety and Health) (peer review research proposals for research and new OSHA safety standards).
* Consultant on Warnings & Instructions to the Unified Abrasives Manufacturer’s Association.
* Consultant to Microsoft-Kinesiology Studies, Human Movements and Muscle Activity Impacts, Warnings and Instructions
* Consulted to a number of chain stores in the area of safety in retail stores.
* Consulted to Wave Loch, Inc. (manufacturer of the Flow Rider)
* Consulted to Hudson Bay stores, Canada in risk assessment and human factors.
* Consulted to Home Depot in risk assessment and human factors.
* Consulted to Big Lots Stores, Inc. on display safety.
* Consulted to the American Textile Company (warnings & instructions).
* Consulted to Estwing Manufacturing Co. (warnings and instructions).
* Consulted to the Long Island Railroad;
* Consulted to the New York Transit;
* Consulted to the Queensborough Bridge Authority;
* Consultant to the estates of the deceased in the Kaprun fire disaster case (Austria);
* Consulted to The Guidance Group (creator of educational toys);
* Consultant to Intamin AG (Switzerland-roller coasters);
* Consulted to Family Dollar Stores (safety of products);
* Consulted to Northern Lights (mfg. of fitness equipment – safety engineering & design)
* Consulted to Sherwin Williams;
* Consulted to Walter Kidde (fire extinguishers);
* Consulted to Kohl’s Department Stores (retail displays and safety);
* Consulted to The Thompson’s Company-Water Seal Product;
* Consulted to The London Hotel, NYC, ADA (American Disability Act) evaluation;
* Consulted to Reliable Bakery (Brooklyn) - Safety & OSHA;
* Consulted to Lobster, Inc. on safety and warnings (High speed tennis machine);
* Consulted to various municipalities on park, recreation safety and swimming pools;
* Consultant to Win Win Printing, Inc. – OSHA compliance and employee training;
* Consulted to Hamaco Industries Corporation. A Japanese manufacturer of material handling equipment such as mechanical and electric lift tables. Preparation of warnings and instructions for lifts and creations of warnings and instructions for service and user manuals.
* Consulted to Attorney General’s Office for the State of New York, Louisiana, Iowa and others;
* Consulted to the US Department of Justice, Eastern District of New York;
* Tested and evaluated every type of protective sports headgear for collision, contact and all recreational activities;
* Consulted to CBS Evening News, Tampa, Florida on July 23, 2013 relating to the safety and cause of the accident resulting in the death of a rider on the rollercoaster at Six Flags Amusement Park;
* Consultation to ABC News, New York on 8-15-2013. Serpent Roller Coaster ride accident involving 5 year old in Coney Island on 8-14-2013;
* Consulted to CBS TV News, New York on 10-15-2013. Analysis of the safety protocol related to retail stores and stacking shelves with merchandise. (televised 10-31-13, 11 p.m.)
* Consulted to Tylo Helo (Tyl? AB), the largest sauna (dry and steam) company in the world.
* Consulted to Transpo Industries, Inc.
* Consulted to Landscape Forms, Inc.
* Consul
- Accident Investigation
- Accident Reconstruction
- Adhesives
- Asbestos
- Biomechanics
- Boilers
- Brick & Stone
- Bus & Truck Safety/Accident
- Chemistry
- Child Safety
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Safety
- Consumer Products
- Corrosion
- Design Engineering
- Driver Behavior
- Electrical
- Environmental Toxicology
- Equipment & Machinery
- Explosions
- Failure Analysis
- Fire & Life Safety
- Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Fitness Equipment
- Forklifts
- Fuels
- Furnaces
- Hazardous Materials
- Helmets
- Human Factors
- Industrial Hygiene & Mold
- Labels & Warnings
- Ladders & Scaffolds
- Lead Poisoning
- Lifts
- Lighting & Illumination
- Machine Guarding
- Materials
- Oil & Gas
- Paint & Coatings
- Personal Injury
- Plastics
- Playground Safety
- Pollution
- Power Tools
- Premises Liability
- Products Liability
- Roofing
- Safety
- Safety Engineering
- Safety Equipment
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Tile
- Traffic/Highway Safety
- Tribology
- Walking & Working Surfaces
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: ï P. E. - Licensed Professional Engineer (Safety Engineering)
ï CPC, CChE - Certified Professional Chemist & Chem. Engineer (National Inst. of Chemists & Chemical Engineers)
ï FRSC, CChem - Chartered Chemist and Fellow (Royal Institute of Chemistry, London, England)
ï DEE, IH - Diplomate, American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Industrial Hygiene Engineer
ï FTI, Ctext - Fellow, The Textile Institute (Manchester, England)
ï Certified - Arson Detection by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (U.S. Dept. of the Treasury)
ï Certified - Chemical Engineer #0118-003-3, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers
ï BCFE - Board Certified Forensic Examiner
ï Fellow - American College of Forensic Examiners
ï Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Engineering & Technology
ï MS (physical organic chemistry)
ï Ph.D. (organic chemistry)
ï D.Sc. (Administrative Management)
ï Juris Doctorate
ï Permanent Certification, University of the State of NY - Chem., Physics, Math, Gen. Science
ï Notary - Nassau County, New York
Please see website for references.