Consolidated Consultants
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Fax: 619-422-8101
Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full, redacted CV on-line prior to contacting us. Our directory has over 30,000 witness categories including medical malpractice experts and the list continues to expand. CCc specializes in locating that hard to find professional witness promptly and effectively. There is no charge for our service as both the expert witness and medical expert witness pay our fee. Call or email us for an immediate response.
- 1983 Litigation
- Accident Investigation
- Accident Reconstruction
- Acoustics
- Actuary - Actuarial
- Addiction Medicine
- Adhesives
- Advertising
- Aerial Photography
- Aerosols
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural
- Agricultural Engineering
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Abuse
- Alcohol, Drug & DUI Testing
- All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)
- Allergy & Immunology
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Analytical Testing Labs
- Anesthesiology
- Annuities
- Antiques, Art, & Collectibles Appraisal
- Antisemitism
- Antitrust
- Apartment/Condominium Security
- Apparel & Textile Industry
- Architect Liability
- Architecture
- Asbestos
- Asset Searches
- Audio
- Audiology
- Auditing
- Auto Insurance
- Automobile Appraisal
- Automobile Dealerships
- Automotive
- Automotive Engineering
- Autopsies
- Aviation
- Aviation Insurance
- Aviation Valuation
- Bad Faith
- Banking
- Bankruptcy
- Bariatric Medicine
- Bars/Lounges/Night Clubs
- Bicycle
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical
- Biotechnology
- Birds
- Black Box/Data Recorder
- Boilers
- Brain Injury
- Breast Surgery
- Brick & Stone
- Broadband
- Building Codes
- Burn Injury
- Bus & Truck Safety/Accident
- Business
- Business Interruption
- Business Law
- Business Valuation
- Business/Employment Insurance
- Call Centers
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Cardiology
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Carpet
- Casino & Gaming Industry
- Cell Phones
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemicals
- Chemistry
- Child Abuse
- Child Custody
- Child Psychiatry
- Child Psychology
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Chiropractic
- Civil Engineering
- Class Actions
- Coal
- Combustion Engineering
- Commercial Real Estate
- Community Mental Health
- Compensation
- Competency
- Compulsive Gambling
- Computer Security
- Computers
- Concrete/Cement
- Construction
- Construction Damages
- Construction Lending
- Construction Safety
- Construction Site
- Consumer Credit
- Consumer Products
- Conveyors
- Copyrights
- Coronavirus
- Corporate Governance
- Correctional Healthcare
- Corrosion
- Cranes
- Credit Damage
- Crime Foreseeability
- Crime Scene Analysis
- Criminalistics
- Criminology
- Crops
- Crowd Control
- Cruise Lines
- Cruise Ship Medicine
- Cryptocurrency
- Data Communications
- Deadly/Excessive Force
- Defamation
- Demolition
- Demonstrative Evidence/Exhibits
- Dental Identification
- Dental/Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Design Engineering
- Disabled Access
- Disaster Management
- Distribution
- Document Examination
- Dogs
- Doors
- Driver Behavior
- Drones
- Drug Abuse
- Drug Enforcement
- Eating Disorder
- Economics
- Education & Schools
- Elder Abuse
- Electrical
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic Discovery
- Electronics
- Elevator & Escalator
- Emergency Communications & 911
- Emergency Medicine
- Eminent Domain
- Employment
- Endocrinology
- Entertainment & Media
- Environmental
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Medicine
- Epidemiology
- Equipment & Machinery
- Ergonomics
- Escrow/Title Insurance
- Evidence Analysis & Preservation
- Expert Witness Financing
- Explosions
- Facility Engineering
- Failure Analysis
- Family Law
- Family Practice/Family Medicine
- Fatigue
- Financial Planning
- Fingerprints
- Fire
- Fire & Life Safety
- Fire Insurance
- Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Firearms & Ballistics
- Fish
- Fitness Equipment
- Flooring
- Food
- Food Processing Engineering
- Footprints
- Forensic Accounting
- Forensic Engineering
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Forensic Psychology
- Forestry
- Franchise Valuation
- Franchising
- Fraud Investigation
- Fuels
- Funerals & Funeral Homes
- Furnaces
- Gangs
- Gas Turbine Engineering
- Gastroenterology
- Gems & Jewelry Appraisal
- Genetics
- Geochemistry
- Geology
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Geriatric Psychiatry
- Geriatrics
- Glass
- Golf
- Golf Course Appraisal
- Greek Fraternity and Sorority
- Group Home
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Hand Surgery
- Handwriting
- Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous Waste
- Health Care Administration
- Health Care Economics
- Health Care Litigation
- Health/Medical/Disability Insurance
- Hematology
- Hepatology (Liver)
- Home Inspections
- Homeowner's Insurance
- Horse
- Hospital & Medical Ethics
- Hospital Administration
- Hospital Design
- Hospital Security
- Hotel & Hospitality
- Hotel Appraisal
- Hotel Security
- Human Factors
- Human Resources
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Hydrology & Groundwater
- Image Processing
- Immigration
- Import/Export
- Inadequate/Negligent Security
- Independent Medical Examinations
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Hygiene & Mold
- Industrial Medicine
- Infectious Disease
- Informants
- Information Technology
- Infotainment & Telematics Systems
- Ink Dating
- Insects & Pests
- Insurance - General
- Insurance Adjuster
- Insurance Agency
- Insurance Agent/Broker
- Insurance Customs & Practices
- Insurance Excess & Surplus Lines
- Insurance Fraud
- Intangible Assets Appraisal
- Intellectual Property
- Interior Design
- Internal Medicine
- International Business
- International Law
- International Marketing
- Internet
- Interventional Radiology
- Investment Banking
- Jail Suicide
- Jails & Prisons
- Judgment Recovery
- Labels & Warnings
- Labor Economics
- Labor Law
- Ladders & Scaffolds
- Land Use & Zoning
- Landlord/Tenant
- Landscape Design
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Laser Surgery
- Latex
- Lath & Plaster
- Law Enforcement
- Lead Poisoning
- Leasing
- Legal Ethics
- Legal Fees
- Legal Malpractice
- Legal Nurse Consultant
- Liability Insurance
- Licensing
- Lie Detector/Polygraph
- Life Care Planning
- Life Insurance
- Lifts
- Lighting & Illumination
- Liquor Liability/Dram Shop
- Lithium Ion Battery Fires
- Litigation Finance
- Livestock
- Logistics/Freight Forwarding
- Long Term Care
- Lost Profits
- Lubricants
- Machine Guarding
- Machinery & Equipment Appraisal
- Malingering
- Mammography
- Managed Care & HMOs
- Manufactured Homes
- Mapping & Surveying
- Marine Engineering
- Marine Insurance
- Marketing
- Mass Torts
- Materials
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematical Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Billing
- Medical Devices
- Medical Fraud
- Medical Illustration
- Medical Insurance
- Medical Malpractice
- Medical Records
- Medical Staffing
- Medical Valuation
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Metal Roofing
- Metallurgy
- Microbiology
- Microelectronics
- Microwave
- Midwife
- Mineral Interests
- Mining
- Mortgages
- Motorcycles
- Multimedia
- Nanoparticles
- Negligent Hiring
- Nephrology (Kidney)
- Networking
- Neurodevelopmental Disorder/Disability
- Neurology
- Neuropharmacology
- Neurophysiology
- Neuropsychiatry
- Neuropsychology
- Neuropsychopharmacology
- Neurosurgery
- Nursing Homes
- Nutrition
- Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB/GYN)
- Occupational Medicine
- Oceanography
- Oil & Gas
- Oil & Gas Appraisal
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Orthotics & Prosthetics
- Osteopathy
- Otolaryngology
- Packaging
- Pain Management
- Paint & Coatings
- Palliative Care
- Parking Lots/Garages
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Patents
- Pathology
- Payments
- Pediatric Neurology
- Pensions
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
- Perinatology/Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Personal Injury
- Personal Property Valuation
- Pesticides
- Petrochemicals
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmacology
- Photogrammetry
- Photography
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Physical Therapy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plastic Surgery
- Plastics
- Playground Safety
- Plumbing & HVAC
- Police Procedures
- Police Traffic Radar
- Pollution
- Polymers
- Pools & Spas
- Power Tools
- Premises Liability
- Preventive Medicine
- Private Investigators
- Probate
- Process Service
- Proctology
- Products Liability
- Professional Engineering
- Property & Casualty Insurance
- Property Management
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Psychopharmacology
- Public Contracts
- Public Opinion & Survey Research
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Pulp & Paper Industry
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiology
- Railroad
- Ramp & Stairs
- Real Estate Agent
- Real Estate Broker
- Real Estate Damages
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Leasing
- Real Estate Malpractice
- Real Estate Valuation
- Refineries
- Reinsurance
- Repossession
- Rescue
- Residential Real Estate
- Restaurant Security
- Restaurant Valuation
- Restaurants
- Retail Real Estate
- Retail Security
- Retail Store Design & Operations
- Rheumatology
- RICO/Racketeering
- Risk Management
- Roofing
- Rubber
- Safety
- Safety Engineering
- Safety Equipment
- Sales
- Sanitary Engineering/Waste Management
- Sanity/Competency to Stand Trial
- Scheduling Delay & Analysis
- School Safety
- School Security
- Sealants
- Seat Belts & Air Bags
- Securities
- Security Guards
- Security Management
- Seismology
- Self Storage Facilities
- Semiconductors
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Addiction
- Sexual Harassment/Discrimination
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Silicone
- Skiing & Snowboarding
- Skip Tracing
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Snowmobiles
- Software
- Software Engineering
- Soil
- Sound Engineering
- Special Event Security
- Spectroscopy
- Sports & Recreation
- Sports Medicine
- Spousal Abuse
- Statistics
- Stocks & Bonds
- Storage
- Stormwater Retention Pond
- Stress
- Structural Engineering
- Suicide
- Supply Chain
- Surveillance
- Tax
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Telephony
- Termites
- Terrorism
- Testamentary Capacity
- Thermal Engineering
- Tile
- Tire Impressions
- Tires
- Tobacco
- Tourism & Travel Industry
- Trade Secrets
- Trademarks
- Traffic/Highway Safety
- Transportation Engineering
- Transportation Safety
- Transportation Security
- Tree/Arborist
- Tribology
- Trusts & Estates
- Undue Influence
- Urgent Care
- Urology
- User Interface
- Utilities
- Utilities Appraisal
- Vaccine
- Vascular Surgery
- Veterinary
- Vibration Analysis
- Video
- Vineyards
- Vinyl
- Violent Crimes
- Virtual Reality
- Visibility
- Vocational Evaluation & Rehabilitation
- Walking & Working Surfaces
- Warehouse Operations
- Water Utility
- Water/Sewage Treatment Engineering
- Waterproofing
- Weapons
- Weather & Meteorology
- Welding
- White Collar Crime
- Windows
- Wireless Technology
- Wood Products & Lumber
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Workplace Violence
- Wrongful Death
- Wrongful Termination
References upon request.