Dr. Gabor Vari, MD
Gabor Vari MD Inc
865 Via De La Paz #24
Los Angeles, CA 90272
Los Angeles, CA 90272
Office: 310-751-0870
I am a double Ivy League trained and two-time Jeopardy! champion general adult psychiatrist with over 15 years experience in the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of a broad spectrum of psychiatric illnesses.
I have served as an expert in medical-legal matters over 100 times in a variety of areas (personal injury, employment matters, mass tort, product liability, defamation, etc.) and have testified dozens of times.
I maintain an active practice in Los Angeles and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Areas of Expertise
- Addiction Medicine
- Behavioral Science
- Brain Injury
- Disability
- Drug Abuse
- Emotional Trauma
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychiatry
- Psychopharmacology
- Suicide
Expert Background
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Board Certified in Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Medical License, California Medical Board License A92458
DEA Licensure
Instructor, California Qualified Medical Examiner 12 hour Disability Report Writing Course
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: California Society of Industrial Medicine and Surgery - Past Member, Board of Directors
- Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Numerous presentations at industry functions throughout California on topics including:
- Rating psychiatric disability and impairment
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Intersection of Psychiatry and the Law
- Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession - Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
- A: 100+
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Personal Injury
Mass Tort
Medical Malpractice
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Termination
Workplace Harassment
Workplace Discrimination
Workers Compensation
Impaired Physician
Medical Board Investigation
PTSD - Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 40
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
- A: 60
- Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
- A: 100+
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: 2023
- Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
- A: Further information provided upon request
- Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
- A: Further information provided upon request
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: Since 2008
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: Expert Witness
Independent Medical Examinations (IME)
Forensic Psychiatric Services
Record Review
Medico-legal Consulting (second opinion, trial preparation / cross-examining expert witness, case merit, case review)
Speaker including CLE and Bar presentations - Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: Rates provided upon request
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: Rates provided upon request
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: Rates provided upon request
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: Rates provided upon request
- Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
- A: Rates provided upon request
Available Upon Request