Dr. Gregory McGowan, MD
Encino, CA 91436
Dr. Gregory McGowan is a licensed psychiatrist. He earned his medical degree from Marshall University and then completed his residency in psychiatry at the University of California. Dr. McGowan currently practices at Ehab Yacoub, MD Inc. Brain Health USA and sees patients at various locations, including Los Angeles, Van Nuys, Culver City, CA. Prior to becoming a practicing psychiatrist, Dr. McGowan also served as a combat medic, a firefighter and as a paramedic. He spent 10 years as a staff Forensic Psychiatrist in Patton State Hospital. In addition to his state hospital forensic background, he has provided testimony as an expert witness in capital murder trials in Riverside, California at the behest of the court.
Dr. McGowan has also served as an Adjunct Clinical Professor at both Loma Linda University School of Medicine as well as University of California School of Medicine Riverside. During this time, he served in the Sheriff’s Medical Reserve providing disaster emergency medical services to the community of San Bernadino County.
He is currently in private practice in several locations throughout Southern California. He treats patients for a wide array of medical concerns, including Alzheimer's disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, and schizophrenia.
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Neurodevelopmental Disorder/Disability
- Psychiatry
Available Upon Request