Henry M. Storper, MD
Miami, FL 33157
Office: 305-252-0533
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Forensic Psychiatrist Henry M. Storper, MD, has a private practice, providing outpatient and inpatient care. Dr. Storper has been in practice for 40 years.
- Mood Disorders
- Suicide
- Murder
- Overdose
- Wrongful Death
- Inappropriate Psychiatric Admission/Discharge
- Involuntary Hospitalization
- Psychiatrist Malpractice
- Hospital Psychiatry Standard of Care
- Psychiatric Disability
- Psychopharmacology
He provides consulting and psychiatric expert witness reports as well as testimony to attorneys nationwide, both plaintiff and defense, regarding disability, personal injury, and medical malpractice / standard of care of psychiatrists and hospitals.
He also provides psychiatric Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs), Fitness for Duty examinations, and disability evaluations and re-evaluations, including Workers Compensation.
Dr. Storper has extensive experience in all aspects of hospital psychiatry, including treatment of the severely ill, especially those likely to harm themselves or others. He has been the medical director of psychiatric inpatient units, community mental health centers, and partial hospitalization programs.
Call to inquire about Dr. Storper's services
Office: 305-252-0533; Cell: 305-608-4968
Please see Dr. Storper's website:
- Community Mental Health
- Fitness for Duty Evaluation
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Independent Medical Examinations
- Medical Malpractice
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychopharmacology
- Suicide
- Workplace Violence
- Wrongful Death
Available Upon Request