Dr. Jean-Paul (J.P.) Dym
Irvine, CA 92612
Dr. Dym is in practice as a board and neuroradiology CAQ-certified
neuroradiologist who did his fellowship training at Yale New Haven University Hospital and radiology residency at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. Until 2020, Dr. Dym was Medical Director and member of the quality assurance team for one of the largest radiology practices in the country. Through this he has reviewed hundreds of misinterpreted neuroradiology studies over the years. This exposure has led him, as an expert in misdiagnosed studies, to lecture extensively regarding medical missed findings and errors. He was recently an advisor for both Nines Radiology and Essential Radiology. Dr. Dym is currently a staff Neuroradiologist as well as the Chief of Radiology Quality at Overlook Hospital, helping manage the Neuroradiology section associated with the largest Neuroscience center in New Jersey. His fields of expertise include all stroke imaging, trauma, tumors, and degenerative diseases.
Neuroradiology, neuroimaging, radiology, stroke, brain injury, brain trauma, concussion, headaches, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), sports related injuries, tumor, cancer, CT scan, MRI, CT perfusion, MR perfusion, spectroscopy, spine injury, spinal fractures, disc herniations/bulge, back pain, neuropathy, non accidental trauma, missed diagnosis, CT angiography, MR angiography, diagnostic radiology, standard of care, teleradiology, telemedicine, work related injuries
- Brain Injury
- Neurology
- Neuroradiology
- Radiology
- Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
Aug 2018 vRAD Online Blog “Better Outcomes for Stroke Victims. With CT Perfusion, Time Is On Our Side”
June 2018 vRAD Online Blog “Dawn of a New Age for Stroke Imaging”
June 2018 vRAD Online Webinar, “Adapting Your Stroke Imaging Program For Success in the New DAWN Paradigm”
Feb 2018 Official Physician Host, “Practical Radiology Conference”, Las Vegas
Nov 2017 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, “Imaging of Testicular Torsion”
Sept 2017 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, “Advanced Neuro Imaging: A Review of CT Perfusion and Cervicocerebral CTA”
May 2017 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, “Medical Malpractice in Radiology”
April 2017 Panel Member and Presenter, “Neuroradiology from Dusk Until Dawn”, Panel Symposium Discussion, American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting
November 2016 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, “Common Neuroradiology Misses - 2016 Update”
August 2016 Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, "Neuroradiology Missed Findings"
February 2016 Wynn, Las Vegas, Emergency Radiology Topics, "This is Your Brain on Drugs"
February 2016 Wynn, Las Vegas, Emergency Radiology Topics, "Common Neuroradiology Misses – 2016 Update"
July 2015 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, "Common Neuroradiology Misses - 2015 update"
June 2014 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, "Common Neuroradiology Misses"
April 2014 NYU School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, "Interpreting MRI of the Lumbar Spine"
Mar 2014 Wynn, Las Vegas, Emergency Radiology topics, "Sports and Brain Trauma” and "Neuroradiology Quality Control"
January 2014 vRAD Online CME Lecture Series, "MRI Lumbar Spine: Review Terminology"
March 2013 Wynn, Las Vegas, Emergency Radiology topics, “MR Angiography Artifacts”
January 2008 Department of Medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, “Neuroradiology for Medical Staff”
June 2007 Radiology Conference, Department of Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, “Introduction to MR Angiography”
December 2005 Resident Conference, Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, “Signs in Neuroradiology”
October 2005 Resident Conference, Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, “Fractures of the Calcaneus”
April 2003 Resident Seminar, Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, “Orbital Imaging”
May 2002 Resident Conference, Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, “Metabolic Bone Diseases”
Available Upon Request