Dr. Jonathan Lovins
Office: 919-470-8468
Dr. Jonathan Lovins, MD, SFHM, MMCi, is an eperienced expert witness for dozens of hospital medicine cases for over 12 years including for plaintiff and defense, giving numerous depositions. Hands on experience for over 10 years as a hospitalist and medical faculty at Duke University Health System. Served as director of 30+ FTE academic and clinical hospital medicine program in Connecticut for over three years. Excellent communication skills from teaching Duke physicians and giving academic presentations and lectures. Duke University, University of Connecticut, and Tufts University educated physician board certified in both internal medicine (hospital medicine focused) and clinical informatics. Awarded Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Clark University. Recipient of Senior Fellow in Hospital Medicine designation from the Society of Hospital Medicine and Scholars Award from Duke University. Received training from SEAK in expert witness testimony.
Over 5 years of medical informatics experience as Associate Medical Informatics Officer at Duke Regional Hospital and Informatics Physician Champion at Duke University Health System. Completed Master of Management in Clinical Informatics (MMCi) at Duke University School of Medicine, graduating with highest honors and recipient of the Scholars Award. Experience providing expert witness testimony in malpractice involving electronic health records and informatics.
- Hospitalist Medicine
- Information Technology
- Internal Medicine
- Medical Malpractice
- Wrongful Death
Available Upon Request