Julie Hall, Ph.D.
Buffalo, NY 14202
Julie Hall, Ph.D., 25+ years as nationally recognized scholar on gender harassment including child sexual abuse by adults in schools (public, private, higher education) and youth serving organizations. Her expertise is in educator sexual misconduct, Title IX, and Title VI. Dr. Hall holds a Ph.D. in Educational Culture, Policy and Society and served as Professor and Director of the Educational Leadership Doctoral Program at D’Youville University. Dr. Hall is the author of four books on children’s human rights in schools, student harassment and violence, and policy reform. Her books were awarded the American Educational Studies Association “Critics’ Book Choice of the Year.” Dr. Hall brings the weight of her experience to state and federal courts on behalf of sexual abuse victims and school districts as appropriate. Clients across the country rely upon Dr. Hall's independent, unbiased, and exceptional expert opinion.
Her current research includes innovative approaches in the prevention of child sexual abuse by adults in schools and understanding such abuse as part of broader cultural and institutional arrangements. Dr. Hall is an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies and is peer review editor for several scholarly journals. She is author of 70+ peer-reviewed articles and is an invited national and international speaker.
While Ed.D. Director Dr. Hall created the Educational Leadership, Society, and Change Ph.D. Program from the ground up, which was granted swift approval from the New York State Department of Education. Dr. Hall taught hundreds of doctoral and master’s K12 principals, superintendents, teachers, athletic coaches, school counselors, higher education administrators, and leaders of youth serving organizations. She led these students in analyzing and implementing federal and state mandates and best practices for the prevention of and response to educator sexual misconduct in their school districts and youth serving organizations. She directed dissertations on topics including student sexual abuse as a public health crisis, historical changes in Title IX Office of Civil Sexual Harassment Guidelines, effective hiring practices, supervision for teachers and students, layered training, culturally sustaining practices, and the overall creation of a safe student culture for learning. Dr. Hall received Highest Honors for her teaching. She was also appointed university Title IX Task Force Member. Dr. Hall serves as an expert in the following areas:
Child Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse
Higher Education
Hiring, Supervision, and Retention
Human Trafficking
Physical Abuse
Private Schools
Public Schools
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse in Employment
Sexual Assault
Title IX
Workplace Harassment
Workplace Violence
Wrongful Termination
- Child Abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Discrimination
- Education & Schools
- Human Trafficking
- Negligent Hiring
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Harassment/Discrimination
- Workplace Violence
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Ph.D. University at Buffalo
MA McGill University - Montreal, Québec
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: American Educational Studies Association Critics’ Book Choice Award, 2016
American Educational Studies Association Critics’ Book Choice Award, 2015
American Educational Studies Association Critics’ Book Choice Award, 2014
Faculty of the Year, 2005, 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023
American Association of University Professions (AAUP) Scholar of the Year, 2005
Mark Diamond Dissertation Research Award
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
American Sociological Association (ASA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
New York State Foundations of Education Association (NYSFEA)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
AERA Special Interest Groups:
-Childhood Studies
-Gender and Education
-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in Education
-Social Context of Education
-Educational Theory and Practice
-Qualitative Research
-Quantitative Studies - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Speaking Engagements
Hall, J. (2024). Federal and State Mandates on Preventing Student Sexual Abuse in Schools.Cantalician Center for Learning, June 11th.
Hall, J. (2022). Exploring the Possibilities of Family Engagement in Complex and Contentious Contexts. American Educational Research Association. San Diego CA, April 21st -26th.
Hall, J. (2022). Resisting Policies of Displacement and Dispossession in Educational Spaces. American Educational Research Association. San Diego CA, April 21st -26th.
Hall, J. (2020). Institutional Data Sharing and Violence Among Marginalized Females in a Metro Region. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco CA, April 17th-21.
Hall, J. (2018). Female Teen Dreams and Productive Relations in a Rust Belt City. International Conference on Critical Education. University of London, England, July 25-28. (Invited (Plenary Speaker)
Hall, J. (2017). Working Class, Culturally Diverse, Adolescent Females: Counter-Storytelling in a Rust Belt City. American Educational Studies Association. Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5.
Hall, J. (2016). Swallowed by a Sinkhole on the Way to School. American Education Research Association. Washington, DC, April 8-12.
Hall, J. (2016). Best Practices on Preventing Student Sexual Abuse in Schools. New York Higher Education Leadership Institute. Buffalo, NY, Daemen University, March 9th.
Hall, J. (2015). Subprime Students and Payday Loans.American Education Research Association. Chicago. Illinois, April 16-20.
Hall, J. (2015). Media and the Privatization of Education: Understanding and Critiquing. American Education Research Association. Chicago. Illinois, April 16-20.
Hall, J. (2015). A History of Student / Educator Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs in Schools.The 8th Annual Conference on Equity and Social Justice. SUNY Buffalo Sate, March 7th.
Hall, J. (2014). Growing Vulnerabilities Experienced by Refugees: Targeting by Human Traffickers. American Educational Studies Association. Toronto, Ontario, October 30-November 2.
Hall, J. (2014). The ‘Unbanked’ Student and the Payday Loan. American Educational Studies Association. Toronto, Ontario, October 30-November 2.
Hall, J. (2014). Best Practices in Sex Abuse Prevention Programs in Schools. Faculty Research Day, April 29th.
Hall, J. (2012). Got Rights? Human Rights and the Vulnerabilities of School Children. American Educational Studies Association. Seattle, WA, November 2-5.
Hall, J. (2011). National Identities and Multiculturalism: Negotiations and Conflicts in Education. American Educational Studies Association. St. Louis, MO, October 26-31.
Hall, J. (2011). Race, Whiteness, and Resistance in Pre-Service Teacher Education. American Educational Studies Association. St. Louis, MO, October 26-31.
Hall, J. (2011). Interrogating the Corporatization of Education: Policy and Curriculum. American Educational Studies Association. St. Louis, MO, October 26-31.
Hall, J. (2012). The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: It’s Not ‘A Small World After All.’ American Educational Studies Association. Seattle, WA, November 2-5.
Hall, J. (2011). P-12 School Curriculum and Water Utility Service Privatization. American Educational Studies Association. St. Louis, MO, October 26-31.
Hall, J. (2011). Current Practices on Preventing Child-Adult Sexual Abuse in Public Schools,New York State Foundations of Education Association 40th Annual Meeting. Rochester, NY, Nazareth University, April 25-25.
Hall, J. (2010). Using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with Education Students as a Tool to Analyze Structural inequalities. American Educational Studies Association. Denver, Colorado, October 26-31.
Hall, J. (2010). Hiring, Supervision, and Retention in Schools: Latest from Legal World. New York State Foundations of Education Association 39th Annual Meeting. Oneonta, NY, Hartwick College, April 9-10.
Hall, J. (2008). Class Action Case Studies of Sexual Harassment on the Job: Policies and Challenges. New York State Sociological Association. Buffalo, NY.
Hall, J. (2007). Bratz, Pussycat Dolls, & the Princess Diaries: Gender, Race, Social Class, and Sexuality in and the ‘New’ Children's Hybrid Media. American Educational Studies Association. Cleveland, OH.
Hall, J. (2007). Assessing Educator Knowledge on Student Sexual Abuse Prevention. International Symposium Examining Intercultural Learning and Urban Education. Buffalo, NY, D’Youville University.
Hall, J. (2006). Voices Speak on Racism and Job Promotion. International Symposium Examining Intercultural Learning and UrbanEducation. Buffalo, NY, D’Youville University.
Hall, J. (2005). The Further Criminalization of Urban Youth: Notes from a Privatized High School. American Educational Studies Association. Charlottesville, Virginia.
Hall, J. (2005). Sexual Harassment and Employment: Weakness in Available Data. Promoting and Achieving Intercultural Learning in North American Urban Classrooms: An International Symposium. Buffalo, NY, D’Youville University.
Sabo, D. & Hall, J. (2005). Gender Identity, Denial, and Men’s Lives after a Health Event. National Conference on Men’s Health. Atlanta, Georgia.
Hall, J. (2002). Selling Out Youth. American Educational Studies Association. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hall, J. (2001). Student Awareness of Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures in High Schools.The University at Buffalo Educational Research Forum. University at Buffalo.
Hall, J. (1998). Immigrant Stories: Life in ‘Little Yemen.’ The 19th Annual Urban Ethnography in Education Research Forum. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Hall, J. (1997). Valley Girls: The Construction of Race. The 18th Annual Urban Ethnography in Education Research Forum.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Hall, J., & Weis, L. (1997). Neither Seen nor Heard: White Working-Class Girls and Women Talk. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, Illinois.
Hall, J. (1996). Cultural Stereotypes & the Hiring Process in Schols. State University of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY.
Hall, J. (1996). Narrations of Domestic Violence among Poor and Working Class White Girls. American Educational Studies Association. Montreal, Quebec.
Hall, J. (1995). White Working-Class Males and Employment in a Changing Economy. The 16th Annual Urban Ethnography in Education Research Forum. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Hall, J. (1995). White Males in an Urban Vocational Auto Shop cCass. American Educational Studies Association. Cleveland, Ohio. - Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Educator Sexual Misconduct
Public Parks System Child Sexual Abuse
Hiring, Retention, Supervision
Student Advocacy, Higher Education
Child neglect and/or abuse - Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 50%
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
- A: 50%
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: 29 November 2024
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: I have been providing expert witness services for approximately five years, consulting on 30 cases, with all cases settling prior to trial.
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: Consultation, review of case, site inspections, review of materials, expert reports, deposition preparation/questions, court testimony
- Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: Initial consult is free
$350 per hour thereafter
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: $350 (4 hr/min)
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: $4,500 per day
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: $4,500 per day
- Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
- A: Airfare, transportation, hotel, meals, printing
Available Upon Request