Ken Slocum
Ken Slocum is the former Traffic Safety Program Manager, State Drug Recognition Expert Coordinator of Arkansas. Ken oversaw the operations for the education of the state of Arkansas for Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Advanced Roadside Detection Impairment Enforcement, and the Drug Recognition Expert programs. He has over 20 years of law enforcement in Arkansas and Louisiana. Ken has been certified as a Field Training Officer, General Instructor (Arkansas), Use of Force Instructor, Instructor Certification with The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homicide Investigation, Crime Scene Management, and Evidence Recovery (FBI), and Louisiana Ethics Instructor.
Ken is currently enrolled at the Clinton School of Public Service. He expects to receive his Executive Masters Public Service in 2024. He received his B.A. in Crim8inal Justice in 2010 from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
- Alcohol, Drug & DUI Testing
- Deadly/Excessive Force
- Drug Enforcement
- Police Traffic Radar
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: B.A. Criminal Justice, RADAR/LIDAR Instructor, Drug Recognition Expert Instructor, Advanced Roadside Impairment Instructor, Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Instructor, Use of Force Instructor, Taser Instructor, ASP Baton Instructor, SWAT, Field Training Officer, Post Custody Care and Duty to Intervene Instructor.
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: International Association of Chiefs of Police
- Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Upon Request
- Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
- A: 7
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: DWI and Use of Force
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 100
- Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
- A: 3
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: 2017
- Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
- A: 7
- Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
- A: 7
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: 25
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: Consulting, reports
Available Upon Request