Dr. Kenneth Nemire
Campbell, CA 95011
Fax: 408-521-1931
Kenneth Nemire, Ph.D., CPE has provided litigation support on premises, products, motor vehicle, and workplace accident cases for over 18 years and has been retained by both plaintiff and defense.
He has testified on human factors issues related to:
--Driver perception and behavior
--Pedestrian perception and behavior
--Perception-response time
--Lighting, Visibility, Conspicuity
--Slip, Trip, Misstep, Falls
--Product design, liability [including medical, consumer, construction]
--Human-machine interaction, Control/display layout
--Warnings, Signs, Instructions
Dr. Nemire has conducted basic and applied research in perception and human factors for over 20 years. He has conducted research for federal agencies that include Department of Defense, NASA, and National Science Foundation, and for corporations that include Apple Computer, Hewlett-Packard, and Sun Microsystems. He has written over 50 journal articles and technical reports.
- Accident Investigation
- Consumer Products
- Driver Behavior
- Ergonomics
- Human Factors
- Labels & Warnings
- Personal Injury
- Products Liability
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Visibility
- Walking & Working Surfaces
References upon request.