Leon A. Kappelman, PhD
Dallas, TX 75370
Professor Leon A. Kappelman, Ph.D. is a research scientist, teacher, author, speaker, and adviser dedicated to helping organizations and individuals better manage their information, technology, human, and financial assets. His expertise includes software development, software project management, information systems development, and the management of information technology in organizations.
He has served as an expert in litigations concerning software intellectual property (e.g., copyright, patents, and trade secrets), failed and troubled software projects, product liability centered on embedded software in manufactured goods, standards of practice in information technology and telecommunication operations, and other technology related matters. He has testified as an expert in federal, state, and local courts as well as before the US Congress regarding high-tech legislation, cyber security, enterprise architecture, and IT strategic planning.
Dr. Kappelman is Director Emeritus of the Information Systems Research Center and a Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business at the University of North Texas, where he is also a Fellow of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge. He is founding chair of the Society for Information Management's Enterprise Architecture Working Group. He has advised organizations involved in banking, gaming, insurance, aerospace, defense, education, health care, telecommunications, retail, all levels of government, not-for-profits, sales, marketing, distribution, electric utility, petrochemical, as well as other economic sectors.
More information regarding Dr. Kappelman and his work can be found at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/leon-kappelman/0/199/129/ and http://www.cob.unt.edu/profiles/112. He can best be reached by phone (940.367.0405) or email (leon@kappelman.net).
- Auditing
- Broadband
- Business
- Business Interruption
- Business Law
- Call Centers
- Communications
- Computer Security
- Computers
- Corporate Governance
- Data Communications
- Design Engineering
- Electronic Discovery
- Electronics
- Employment
- Facility Engineering
- Failure Analysis
- Information Technology
- Intellectual Property
- Internet
- Patents
- Products Liability
- Risk Management
- Robotics
- Software
- Software Engineering
- Statistics
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Telephony
- User Interface
- Virtual Reality
- Wireless Technology
References upon request.