Mr. Mark C Krause
Austin, TX 78759
Office: 512-569-9586
Krause Analytical provides court-defensible laboratory testing and expert testimony to a wide range of plaintiffs and defendants, including personal injury suits, environmental damage and remediation, bioanalytical including medical malpractice due to defective or improper drugs, food safety, food labeling and deceptive labeling practices and general forensic chemistry. We are well-versed in legal procedures, legal chain of custody and chain of evidence practices and the presentation of complex laboratory data in simple, court-ready formats.
- Analytical Testing Labs
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Environmental
- Fuels
- Geochemistry
- Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous Waste
- Laboratory Medicine
- Petrochemicals
- Spectroscopy
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Fellow, American Institute of Chemists
B.S. Chemistry, Texas Lutheran University, 1978
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: Member, American Institute of Chemists
Member, Association of Official Analytical Chemists - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Various papers presented at chemistry conferences on laboratory methods
Featured lecturer on the Food Safety Modernization Act, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2017
Guest speaker, Texas Marijuana Policy Conference, 2022
- Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Over 20
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Environmental Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Deceptive Labeling Practices/Improper Manufacturing Practices
Personal Injury - Chemicals
Subsurface Fuel Sourcing, Typing and Aging
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 60%
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
- A: 40%
- Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
- A: 9
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: April 2018
- Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
- A: 7
- Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
- A: 7
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: About 20 years
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: Consulting
Laboratory testing
Expert reports
Sampling and on-site investigations - Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: $225
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: $225
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: $275
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: $275
- Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
- A: Travel time is billed at consulting rates
All expenses incurred are billed at actual cost
Don Grissom
Grissom and Thompson
509 W. 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
David Tuckfield
Tuckfield Law
12400 Highway 71 W
Austin, TX 78738