Michael D Felt PE
Houston, TX 77057
Office: 281-901-5554
Mr. Felt has over thirty-five years of providing forensic engineering, litigation support and expert testimony for complex technical cases. He has over forty years’ experience in engineering design and construction with industrial projects in the energy sector. Mr. Felt has project expertise ranging from domestic projects to multi-billion dollar multinational undertakings. He has extensive experience in integrated project management, international project development, engineering design, construction, start-up and operations of projects in the energy industry. Specific areas of expertise include: instrumentation and computer control systems, tank farms, terminals, truck and rail loading facilities, metering facilities, pump stations, electrical power and distribution systems, medium voltage switch-gear, motor control centers, gas and oil pipelines, natural gas compressor stations, underground storage facilities, power plant fuel systems, plant automation and safety systems, industry practices and standards, NFPA & NEC code compliance, federal safety standards, ANSI, ASME & IEEE recommended practices. Mr. Felt has been nationally published and has presented technical papers to numerous international conferences.
- Design Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Facility Engineering
- Fire
- Fire & Life Safety
- Forensic Engineering
- Professional Engineering
- Safety
- Safety Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
Available Upon Request