Mr. Ralph Aronberg
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33325
Fax: 954-236-3327
Ralph Aronberg, P.E., established the firm in 1983. Since that time, Mr. Aronberg has reconstructed over 1500 accidents and testified in over 150 jury trials. Mr. Aronberg had been qualified as an expert in the fields of accident reconstruction, biomechanics, workzone traffic control, traffic engineering, and slip/trip and fall analysis. Mr. Aronberg investigates fraudulent claims and analyzes the biomechanics of low speed impacts to determine if there is a connection between injury claims and the impact. Mr. Aronberg has been peer review published in the disciplines of pedestrian impact reconstruction, motorcycle reconstruction, and computer animations. The firm also performs vehicle black box downloads. Published through the Society of Automotive Engineers. Fellow member of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers(NAFE). Board certified as a Diplomate in Forensic Engineering.
- Accident Investigation
- Accident Reconstruction
- Alcohol
- All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Automobile Mechanical & Body Repair
- Automotive
- Bicycle
- Biomechanics
- Black Box/Data Recorder
- Building Codes
- Bus & Truck Safety/Accident
- Child Safety
- Computers
- Concrete/Cement
- Construction Safety
- Demonstrative Evidence/Exhibits
- Driver Behavior
- Fatigue
- Human Factors
- Lighting & Illumination
- Mapping & Surveying
- Motorcycles
- Personal Injury
- Photogrammetry
- Premises Liability
- Products Liability
- Professional Engineering
- Railroad
- Seat Belts & Air Bags
- Slip, Trip & Fall
- Tires
- Tractors
- Traffic/Highway Safety
- Transportation Engineering
- Transportation Safety
- Visibility
- Walking & Working Surfaces
- Wrongful Death
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, 1978.
Master of Science, Engineering Management, Nova University, 1984.
Registered Professional Engineer in state of Florida - Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: National Academy of Forensic Engineers-(Fellow Member)Cerified by NAFE as a Diplomate in Forensic Engineering.
Florida Engineering Society - Past President of Broward County.
Institute of Transportation Engineers-(Fellow Member)Serve on expert witness counsel.
Society of Automotive Engineers-Serve on Accident Investigation and Reconstruction Practices Committee.
American Society of Testing and Materials-Serve on Committee on Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear.
American Society of Civil Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
National Association of Professional Accident Reconstruction Specialists - Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Presentations on accident reconstruction topics at seminars and/or society meetings of attorneys, engineers, and police officers.
- Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: No
- Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Approximately 2000
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Traffic accident reconstuction (cars, trucks, motorcycles and pedestrians), Vehicle occupant kinematics (seatbelts), Biomechanics, Traffic engineering design (geometrics, signing, markings, signals and lighting), Sight distance analysis, Traffic impacts, Hazardous roadway conditions, Work Zone Traffic Control evaluation, Evaluation of roadway curvature, Traffic signal operations, Pedestrian safety, Computerized accident reconstruction and simulation, and Vehicle "black box" data retrieval.
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 50%
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
- A: 50%
- Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
- A: approximately 1000+
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: My deposition is taken on a very regular basis
- Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
- A: Approximately 150
- Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
- A: Approximately 150
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: 26
- Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: All litigation related needs
- Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: Professional Engineers are not allowed to publish or advertise their fee, please contact me.
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: Same hourly rate for all litigation related activities
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: Same hourly rate for all litigation related activities
- Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: Same hourly rate for all litigation related activities
1. Robert Merkel, Esquire
Adams, Coogler, Watson, Merkel, Barry & Kellner
1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Suite 1600
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 478-4500
2. William King, Esquire
Searcy, Denny, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley,m P.A.
2139 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 686-6300