Dr. Ron Martinelli
Boerne, TX 78006
Office: 951-719-1450
Fax: 951-501-2952
Referred to by respected and experienced law enforcement and security civil and criminal attorneys as “The expert’s expert.” Representing agency defense and concerned plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys since 1991. On the prevailing side in over 90% of retained cases with over $600 million saved defending agencies since ’91 and nearly $300 million recovered by plaintiffs in jury verdicts and settlements. Federal/State Courts qualified police/corrections practices expert for 4th, 8th and 14th Amendment claims and security expert for negligence and premises liability litigation.
Ron Martinelli, Ph.D., CMI-V is a forensic criminologist, police/corrections expert, Certified Medical Investigator (physician's level) and a former Criminal Justice Training Center and police academy director with over 45 years of extensive and diverse experience in police/corrections and security practices experience. Martinelli and Associates has the nation’s ONLY civilian multidisciplinary Forensic Death Investigations Team, comprised of 26 law enforcement, medical and forensic experts.
Dr. Martinelli’s unique combination of “street cop” field experience, training and forensic education makes him a formidable expert whom attorneys, juries and judges have commended for his work product as well as his straightforward and persuasive testimony in the courtroom.
“A Search for the Truth”
Whether for are in the business of defending peace officers and law enforcement agencies or litigating on behalf of a deserving defendant or plaintiff client, having an experienced police practices expert and a Certified Litigation Specialist (CLS) working for you can make the difference between winning and losing your important cases.
Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensic Consultants, Inc. has been a recognized criminal justice forensic expert and consulting firm since 1980. We provide attorneys and municipalities with superior forensic consulting and expert services in the fields of law enforcement practices and litigation; private security and premises liability and negligence litigation; as well as criminal prosecution and defense consultation and forensic expert services.
We specialize in civil cases involving 4th, 8th and 14th Amendment issues: detentions, arrests, searches & seizures; use of force/excessive force (all levels and weaponry); officer-involved shootings; in-custody deaths; wrongful deaths; suicides; vehicle pursuits; human factors, criminal investigations; adult/juvenile corrections; law enforcement negligence; as well as security/premises liability insurance and self-defense cases. Our forensic and medical teams have expertise in pathology, toxicology, vision, psycho-medical emergencies, excited delirium, mechanism of injuries, psychological assessment, criminal psychological profiling, ballistics, firearms, audio/visual enhancement, crime and accident scene reconstruction, photogrammetry, fact pattern reconciliation, 3-D scanning & interpretation, crime scene reconstruction, human factors, drone photography and more.
Expert Dr. Ron Martinelli – Background
Dr. Ron Martinelli serves as our firm’s chief forensic police/corrections practices and security expert. Dr. Martinelli has an impressive and diverse law enforcement background in police, corrections, probation/parole and law enforcement training. He is an experienced police practices and security assessment expert qualified in Federal/State Courts and is skilled in incident reconstruction, evidence collection and forensic analysis and discovery. He is a retained law enforcement expert for the U.S. Department of Justice, State Attorney Generals' Offices for AK, OR, WA, NV, NM, NE, DE, WV, NH, VT, KY, TX; numerous major metropolitan cities, nationally ranked civil rights, criminal defense and insurance-based law firms. Dr. Martinelli is a former expert for the U.S. Department of the Navy and USMC Judge Advocate General. He is the only police practices expert in the nation who is also a Certified Medical Investigator.
Dr. Martinelli is an active member of a number of prestigious law enforcement and forensic organizations including the International Association of Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers (ILEETA), Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, the National Center for Crisis Management – American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress where he holds Diplomat Status, The Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Death, the International Association of Crime Scene Investigators, the International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners and the American Society of Criminologists.
Dr. Martinelli has been nationally recognized for his research and law enforcement training in the areas of use of force/deadly force, psycho-medical emergencies, excited delirium, in-custody death, "Suicide by Cop", TASER electronic control weapons, psychophysiology, human performance under stress, human factors and biomechanics. He is Board Certified in Forensic Traumatology and a graduate of the world-renowned Force Science Center®, Minnesota State University where he received certification as a Force Analyst (CFA) and the Los Angeles PD's Force Investigation's Division. Dr. Martinelli’s law enforcement columns and research articles have been published nationally and internationally and he is a contributing expert forensic consultant to FOX NEWS, SkyNews, One America News Network, CNN Headline News, NPR and the History and Discovery Channels. He is an Amazon International Best-Selling Author.
Dr. Martinelli has an excellent track record of successfully representing law enforcement agencies and civilian clients at all stages of litigation and trial. He is an articulate declaration author with a unique mixture of significant field experience and academic credentials that judges, and juries find impressive. He is able to simplify and impart complex police practices and forensic concepts to judges and juries in a manner that thoroughly educates the “trier of fact” while underlining the important points of your case.
Offices in Boerne, TX and Corona, CA
- 1983 Litigation
- Coronavirus
- Crime Scene Analysis
- Criminalistics
- Criminology
- Deadly/Excessive Force
- Drug Enforcement
- Emergency Communications & 911
- Evidence Analysis & Preservation
- Firearms & Ballistics
- Gangs
- Human Factors
- Inadequate/Negligent Security
- Informants
- Jail Suicide
- Jails & Prisons
- Law Enforcement
- Police Procedures
- Premises Liability
- Private Investigators
- Retail Security
- School Safety
- School Security
- Security Guards
- Security Management
- Terrorism
- Violent Crimes
- Weapons
- Workplace Violence
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: Ph.D., Doctorate Degree, Criminology, emphasis in Forensic Psychology
Certified Medical Investigator, CMI-V (physician's level)
MPA/JA Masters Degree, Public & Justice Admin.
Board Certified in Forensic Traumatology, NCCM, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Certified - Officer-involved Shootings and In-Custody Death Investigations - Los Angeles PD Force Investigations Division
Certified - Officer-Involved Shootings & Force Investigations - Force Science Center, Minnesota State University
Certified Force Analyst - Force Science Center, Minnesota State University
Diplomate, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Certified Litigation Specialist - Police Practices & Corrections, AELE
Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate (CA-POST)
Instructor Credential (College/Univ.) LIFE, Police Science, Admin. of Justice, Criminal Justice, Criminology, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, Corrections
Former Professor of Forensic Science, Masters Program - National Univ., San Diego
Former Professor of Forensic Psychology, Masters Program - Argosy Univ., SF Bay Area
Instructor, Excited/Agitated Delirium, Institute for Prevention of In-Custody Death
Law Enforcement Instructor: Use of Force (All Levels)
Law Enforcement Instructor: Laws of Arrest, Search & Seizure, Criminal Investigations
Suicide Investigator - American Psychological Association Accredited
(Ask for resume for list of all certifications) - Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: Calif. District Attorneys Association
Calif. Police Academy Directors Association
International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners
Institute for the Prevention of Sudden In-Custody Death
American Society of Suicidologists
International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association
National Center for Crisis Management
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Southern California Force Instructors Association
International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors
American Psychological Association
International Association of Crime Scene Investigators
National Rifle Association Law Enforcement Activity Division
International Association of Internal Affairs Investigators
Calif. Association of Police Training Officers
Calif. Probation, Parole & Corrections Association
American Society for Police & Criminal Psychologists
Texas Rangers Foundation Association
U.S. Navy UDT/SEAL Association
- Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
- A: Former Director: Criminal Justice Training Center & Basic Police, Sheriff & Corrections Academy,
Former Professor: Forensic Science (Post-Graduate Masters Level)
Former Professor: Forensic Psychology (Post Graduate Masters Level)
Former Adjunct Professor: Criminology (Post Graduate Masters, Undergraduate Levels)
Instructor: Police Science, Admin. Justice, Criminology, Forensics, Corrections
Extensive Police Academy, college and university teaching and directing since 1978.
American Academy of Forensic Experts Institute
National Association of Licensed Investigators
(Ask for resume for complete list of assignments)
- Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)
- A: NO
- Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
- A: Have testified in Federal/State courts over 500 times in various areas of expertise. Certified in Federal and State Courts as an expert in: police and law enforcement practices, corrections, Use of Force/Excessive Force (all levels and weaponry), chemical agents, Taser, officer safety, criminal investigations, crime scene investigations, Officer-Involved Shooting investigations, in-custody death, jail deaths and suicides, civilian self-defense, search & seizure, laws of arrest, search warrants, street gangs, narcotics investigations, Taser-electronic control weapons, less lethal weapons and munitions, firearms, law enforcement training & liability, human factors, traumatic stress, psycho-physiology of stress, psycho-medical emergencies, excited delirium, Administrative/Internal Affairs investigations, Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (CLETS)
- Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
- A: All of the areas listed in my profile.
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
- A: 38%
- Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
- A: 62%
- Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
- A: Numerous.
- Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
- A: I am deposed on a regular basis in Federal and State Court litigation cases.
- Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
- A: Numerous.
I testify in Federal and State Courts on a regular basis. - Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
- A: Numerous. I testify in Federal/State Courts on a regular basis.
- Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
- A: 1975 - 1997 as a law enforcement officer/detective.
1992 - Present as a forensic criminologist, law enforcement practices/forensic expert in private practice. - Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
- A: My firm provides complete forensic and expert witness services. We have 26 forensic experts in all areas of homicide, forensics and medicine.
My personal services include complete case review, writing forensic legal reports for Federal/State Courts, writing Requests for Production of Documents, assisting in complaint development, trial strategy, witness interviews, incident scene reconstruction, etc. - Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
- A: Initial Phone Consultation is FREE
Retainer: $5,000
Attorney Consultation: $500/hour
- Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
- A: Report review/report writing: $350/hour
Expedited report writing (within 7 days): $500/hr. - Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
- A: Minimum deposition fee: $2,000 for 4 hours (min.)
$500/hour after the first four hours. - Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
- A: Daily rate: (Court or scene): $4,000/day
- Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
- A: Ask for a copy of our Services Agreement. Expenses as incurred.
For complete list of references, please contact Martinelli & Associates, Inc.
"In my 34 years as a trial attorney, seldom have I encountered such a consumate professional as Dr. Ron Martinelli. He combines the best attributes of a forensic consultant and expert witness. Dr. Martinelli is a pleasure to work with and is a great source of knowledge and experience on all issues relating to law enforcement.
"Dr. Martinelli has a rare knack of explaining difficult concepts in an easy to understand way. He has mastered the art of gentle persuasion with both judges and juries. Dr. Martinelli is owed much credit for the success my law enforcement clients have enjoyed in the civil rights arena."
Justus Spillner
Senior Equity Partner
McCormick,Barstow,Caruthers,Waite, LLP
Fresno, CA
Elected Member ABOTA, 20 Years
"As a former prosecutor with a great deal of experience presenting law
enforcement witnesses to juries, I felt Dr. Martinelli's trial testimony was
perhaps the most compelling I have ever presented. Having interviewed
the jury following the favorable verdict, I was able to confirm my belief
directly with those that matter most.
Dr. Martinelli's incredibly strong law enforcement training and background,
combined with his ability to testify in both an authoritative and understandable
manner, creates a strong incentive for the opposition to capitulate and settle
the case on favorable terms."
Mark W. Epstein
Seiler Epstein Ziegler & Applegate LLP
San Francisco, CA
"Dr. Martinelli's assistance as a police practices and Use of Force expert in both
incident reconstruction and in testifying in court were instrumental in the jury's
decision to dismiss the civil suit against my partner and I for alleged excessive force."
Dep. Mike Rodriquez
Sheriff's Department
San Benito County, CA
"Dr. Ron Martinelli is the police practices experts' expert. He is uniquely
experienced, articulate and understandable to judges and jurors. Dr. Martinelli
possesses a wealth of knowledge, is highly skilled, always dependable and
consistently delivers the goods for his attorney clients."
Michael P. Stone & Steve Horvath, Attorneys
Law Offices of Michael P. Stone, PC
Pasadena, CA
"Your expert testimony in deposition along with your outstanding forensic analysis supporting our deputies' actions were instrumental in the Court granting summary judgment in our recent in-custody death case. I will highly reccomend you to other County Counsels seeking a skilled and experienced expert."
Janet Holmes, Deputy County Counsel
Contra Costa County Counsel's Office
Contra Costa County, CA
"Thank you for the excellent, professional consultation and testimony you provided in our Federal Court excessive force allegations case involving our Los Angeles Airport Police officers. Your testimony before the jury clearly established that our officers acted appropriately during the incident. Your fine work was responsible for us winning our case."
Doug Knoll, Esq.
Law Offices
Redondo Beach, CA
"Thank you for your assistance in successfully defending the Azam lawsuit. The case was probably more difficult than most due to the plaintiff's attorneys and their oppressive document demands. I appreciated your expertise and your ability to work through the difficult issues. You presented very well at trial, and the jury commented favorably. Thank you again and I look forward to working with you in the future."
Monika L. Cooper
Deputy County Counsel
Contra Costa County Cousel's Office
Contra Costa County, CA
"During a very difficult case involving intimidation and manipluation by public officials in a Bay Area county that resulted in my wife and I suing for civil rights violations, Dr. Ron Martinelli provided my family and I with the professionalism, skill and information we needed to defend our civil rights.
"Not only did Dr. Martinelli diligently investigate complex details which immuninated the truth; but he also provided unwavering testimony that positioned that truth in irrefutable form. Dr. Martinelli's consultations with our attorney and his exceptional knowledge of the issues proved invaluable to our eventual successful navigation to seek justice in a situation which was both extradinory and appalling.
"Thank you Ron for defending our rights, allowing justice to prevail and curbing a serious case of the abuse of authority."
Michael & Tracy Toschi
Redwood City, CA
"Mr. Page and I wish to thank you for your very effective work during his case. It is my belief that your testimony was pivotal in obtaining jury verdicts of not guilty to the crimes of Assault in the First Degree with a Firearm, and Unlawful Use of a Weapon, on a self-defense theory.
"Your trial testimony was particularly effective as it was based upon studies related to the use of deadly force by police officers. You demonstrated that Mr. Page did react in the same manner as police officers when confronted with life threatening events. Your use of the physical evidence and facts to demonstrate our self-defense theory was very persuasive to the jury.
"I would be happy to retain your services again and have recommended your services to other practicioners in this area. You and your staff were a pleasure to work with."
David A. Hill, Esq.
Eugene, Oregon