Sean Price
Bend, OR 97702
Office: 661-607-4324
Sean Price is a correctional professional with over 24 years of service with the Federal Bureau of Prisons that encompassed various employment positions of increased responsibility.
▪ Possesses knowledge of various security-level correctional facilities. Supervised correctional staff and inmates at the Administrative (jail), Medium, and Minimum-security prisons, including a Mental Health-3 level (high intensity) inmate housing unit.
▪ Held a collateral duty as a member of the Special Operations Response Team (SORT) for 20 years as a squad leader, tactical trainer, rappel master, and self-defense instructor.
▪ Generated the Admission and Orientation Handbook for the Federal Correctional Institution and Satellite Camp, Sheridan, Oregon.
▪ Monitored and evaluated institution programs in terms of achievement of overall objectives.
▪ After action reviews such as calculated and immediate use of force incidents. After each incident, critique and feedback were provided to ensure procedures and policies were applied correctly.
▪ Reviewed and revised institutional policies on an annual basis.
▪ Generated various institutional reports, positions, papers, responses to congressional inquiries, and general correspondence.
▪ Coordinated meetings and conferences involving agency personnel, governmental executives, and the judiciary.
▪ Prepared, facilitated, and coordinated with regional staff in conducting the Institutional Climate Profile. This is an in-depth and critical audit of the security and daily operations of the correctional facility encompassing department program reviews, safety and sanitation, operational effectiveness, emergency preparedness, offender programming, fiscal controls, staff training and development, and American Correctional Association Accreditation.
▪ Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice; Chemeketa Community College. Classes taught, Introduction to Criminal Justice and Criminology.
▪ Member of the American Correctional Association.
- Gangs
- Jail Suicide
- Jails & Prisons
Available Upon Request