Dr. Steven J Helfand
New York, NY 11101
Dr. Helfand is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years of direct Correctional Mental Health and Health leadership experience. He has overseen the mental health and health service delivery in over 50 small, mid-size, and large scale jail, prison, and juvenile systems in accordance with national and local standards as well as multiple consent decrees and settlement agreements.
Dr. Helfand holds long term certification as a Certified Correctional Health Professional through the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) where he was a contributor to the inaugural Mental Health Standards and a long standing presenter of those standards. Dr. Helfand has published on self-injury and management of the disruptive inmate.
Dr. Helfand serves as an expert witness on jail suicide, wrongful death, neglect, segregation and other issues. He is well respected within the NCCHC community and his approach to case review draws upon his experience and familiarity with national standards and best practices.
- Correctional Healthcare
- Deadly/Excessive Force
- Forensic Psychology
- Jail Suicide
- Jails & Prisons
- Malingering
- Medical Records
- Medical Staffing
- Suicide
- Wrongful Death
- Q: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
- A: New York State Licensed Psychologist
- Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
- A: National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) Certified Correctional Health Professional
- Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
Helfand, SJ. “Managing Disruptive Offenders: A Behavioral Perspective.” In Correctional Mental Health: From
Theory to Best Practice. Thomas J. Fagan, Ph.D., Robert K. Ax, Ph.D. ED Sage Publications, 2011. pp309-326.
Helfand, SJ, Sampl, S, Trestman, RT. “Managing the Disruptive / Aggressive Inmate,” In Handbook of Correctional
Mental Health, 2nd Edition, Charles Scott, ED APPI, 2009. pp187-230.
Fagan, TJ, Cox, J, Helfand, SJ, Aufderheide, D. (2010) Self-injurious behavior in correctional settings. Journal of
Correctional Health Care Jan: 16(1): 48-66.
Helfand, SJ. Contributor to Mental Health Standards in Corrections. National Commission on Correctional Health
Care (NCCHC). NCCHC Mental Health Standards Task Force, (2008).
2015- 2016 Member, National Institute of Correction / National Commissioner on Correctional Health Care Mental Health Curriculum Development work force.
2015-2017 Member, National Commission on Correctional Health Care Facility Design Task Force
2008-2009 Member, National Governor’s Association Public Programs Implementation Taskforce of State Alliance for e-health
2008-2010 Member, Juvenile Health Committee, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
2008-2009 Chair, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals
2008-2010 Member, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals Board of Directors
2008-2010 Member American Psychological Association Heath Information Technology (HIT) Workgroup
2007-2009 Member, Mental Health Task Force – Key Contributor to NCCHC Mental Health Standards
2007 Member, National Commission on Correctional Health Care Roundtable Discussion on Position Statement on Inmate Abuse
2007-2009 Reviewer, Journal of Correctional Health Care
2006-2010 Member, Education Committee, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals
2004-2005 Chair, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals
2004-2014 Surveyor, National Commission on Correctional Health Care
2003-2005 Co-Chair, Mentoring Committee, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals
2002-2006 Member, Academy of Correctional Health Professionals Board of Directors
Helfand, SJ, Jones, N, Stephens, D (2016) NCCHC-AJA Webinar: Contemporary Issues in Jail Mental Health.
National Commission on Correctional Health. Ongoing Webinar Series
Helfand, SJ, Stephens, D, Gibson, B (2015) National Institute of Corrections Mental Health Curriculum Training,
Aurora, CO. Three Day training
Helfand, SJ, Cox, J. (2010 – 2018; annually by invitation) An In-Depth Look at NCCHC’s 2008 / 2015 Standards
for Mental Health Services in Correctional Facilities. National Commission on Correctional Health Care
(NCCHC) Annual Spring and Fall Conferences.
Helfand, SJ (2013) Managing Disruptive Offenders: A Behavioral Perspective. National Commission on
Correctional Health Care Spring Conference, April 22, 2013 Denver, Co.
Helfand, SJ (2009) Streamlining Mental Health Services to Cut Costs and Save Time. 2nd Annual Operational
Excellence in Correctional Healthcare, World Research Group, June 25, 2009, Washington, DC.
Helfand, SJ (2009) Interdisciplinary Behavioral Management Plans. Academy of Correctional Health Care
Professionals Regional Conference, June 12, 2009, Farmington, CT.
Helfand, SJ Wiborg, R. (2009) Treating PTSD in Returning War Veterans, National Commission on Correctional
Health Care (NCCHC), Updates in Correctional Health Care, April 7, 2009 Las Vegas, NV
Helfand, SJ, Chavez, S (2009) An Inside Look at the New NCCHC Mental Health Standards and Accreditation.
National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Updates in Correctional Health Care, April 7, 2009 Las Vegas, NV
Helfand, SJ, Cox, J. (2009) An In-Depth Look at NCCHC’s 2008 Standards for Mental Health Services in
Correctional Facilities. National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Updates in Correctional Health Care, April 4, 2009 Las Vegas, NV.
Helfand, SJ, Berger, RH (2009) Assessment of Suicide Risk in Jails and Prisons. University of Connecticut
Correctional Managed Health Care Mental Health Conference, January 29, 2009 Farmington, CT
Helfand, SJ (2008) Psychologists in Corrections: Management of Maladaptive Inmate Behaviors. Connecticut
Psychological Association Annual Conference, November 14, 2008 Windsor, CT
Helfand, SJ (2008) Interdisciplinary Behavioral Management Plans. 5th Annual Correctional Security Network
Conference, October 1, 2008 Cincinnati, OH
Helfand, SJ, Trestman, RL (2008) Suicide Prevention: The Six-Sigma Method. American Academy of Psychiatry
and the Law (AAPL) October 2008 Seattle, WA.
Helfand, SJ, Trestman, RL, Gallagher, C (2008) Suicide Prevention: The Six-Sigma Method. National Commission
on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) October 20, 2008 Chicago, IL
Fagan, TJ, Helfand, SJ, Aufderheide, D, White, N, Cox, J (2008) Mental Health Round Table Discussion, National
Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) October 21, 2008 Chicago, IL
Helfand, SJ, Cox, J. (2008) An In-Depth Look at NCCHC’s 2008 Standards for Mental Health Services in
Correctional Facilities. National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) October 18, 2008 Chicago, IL
Helfand, SJ (2008). Co-Occurring Disorder: Utilization of National Standards for Services in Correctional
Facilities, Integrated Care Conference: Benefits, Barriers, Beginnings, September 10, 2009, Cheshire, CT
Fagan, TJ., Helfand, SJ., Mills, JF, Morgan, R., Boothby, J. (2008) Improving Correctional Mental Health Care
Symposium. American Psychological Association – 2008 Convention, August 15, 2008 Boston, MA.
Helfand, SJ, Lazrove, S, Sampl, S. (2008). Neither Twixt Nor Tween: Innovative Initiates for “Mental Health 4”
Women at York Correctional Institution. CT Women’s Consortium
Helfand, SJ. (2008) Critical Mental Health Interventions. National Commission on Correctional Health Care
(NCCHC), Updates in Correctional Health Care, May 20, 2008 San Antonio, TX.
Helfand, SJ, Cox, J. (2008) An In-Depth Look at NCCHC’s 2008 Standards for Mental Health Services in
Correctional Facilities. National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), Updates in Correctional Health Care, May 17, 2008 San Antonio, TX.
Helfand, SJ, Weinstein, HC. (2008) Creating More Effective Services through Mental Health Standards. CMHS
National GAINS Center Conference, March 19, 2008 Washington, DC.
Helfand, SJ (2007). Interdisciplinary Behavioral Management Plans. National Commission on
Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), National Conference on Correctional Health Care, October 16, 2007 Nashville, TN.
Helfand, SJ, Appelbaum, K., Metzner, JL., Kaplan, J., Ruggles, T. (2007) Segregation Management of
Mentally Ill Inmates (Panel Presentation). American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
(AAPL), October 18, 2007 Miami, FL.
Helfand, SJ (2007)Conference Lunch Seminar - Interdisciplinary Behavioral Management Plans.
National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), July 16, 2007 Las Vegas, NV.
Helfand, SJ (2007)Behavioral Management Plans. National Commission on Correctional Health Care
(NCCHC), May 7, 2007 Orlando, FL.
Helfand, SJ (2007) Interdisciplinary Behavioral Management Plans. Academy of Correctional Health
Care Professionals (ACHP) - Regional Conference: A Systemwide Approach to Managing Chronically Ill patients in Correctional Health Care, March 31, 2007 Quincy, MA.
Helfand, SJ (2006). Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Presented to Pace University
Psy.D. Students.
Helfand, SJ (2004). Psychology in Corrections: A History Behind Bars: Presented to Pace University
Psy.D. Students.
Helfand, SJ (2004). Incarceration of Juvenile Offenders. Presented at the Nassau University Medical Center
Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
Helfand, SJ (2004). Mental Health Strategies that Work for Juveniles in Corrections. Presented at the National
Commission on Correctional Health Care: Mental Health in Corrections Conference.
Helfand, SJ (2003) Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Presented at the New York Chapter
Adoptive Parents Committee Meeting.
Helfand, SJ (2003). Psychology in Corrections: A History Behind Bars: Presented to Pace University
Psy.D. Students.
Helfand, SJ (2002). Disaster Counseling in an Urban Jail Setting. Presented at the National
Commission on Correctional Health Care: Clinical Updates Conference.
Helfand. SJ (2002). Violent Juvenile Offenders: Profiles of School Shooters and Traditional Violent
Offenders. Presented at the New York Academy of Sciences: Violence in the Schools Symposium.
Helfand, SJ (2002). Psychology in Corrections: A History Behind Bars: Presented to Pace University
Psy.D. Students.
Helfand, SJ (2002). Disaster Counseling in an Urban Jail Setting. Presented at the Prison Health Services Grand
Rounds to Rikers Island staff.
Helfand, SJ (2001) Acute Stress Disorder in Disaster Workers: Presented to New York City Department of
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