Mr. Steven A. Tasher
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
In the field of Legal Fee Expert Analysis, Steven A. Tasher and the professionals at Wyatt Partners can testify, provide expert opinions, conduct audits, and serve as a third-party neutral in areas including, but not limited to:
Overall reasonableness of legal fees and expenses;
Detailed analysis/audit of legal fees and expenses;
Law firm billing rates;
Overall reasonableness of litigation settlements;
Issues regarding law firm retention/selection processes; and
Issues involving coordinating counsel/liaison counsel.
Wyatt’s professionals working on fee analysis matters are attorneys with hands-on experience litigating complex, multi-party domestic and international litigation. We provide expert services in all jurisdictions/locations throughout the United States as well as internationally.
Wyatt Partners also has the experience and credentials to assist companies with audits on historic legal invoices, review of ongoing legal invoices, and the drafting and/or enhancing of litigation billing guidelines.
- Legal Fees
References upon request.