Dr. Theodore S Stamatakos
Monroe, NC 28112
Theodore Stamatakos is Board Certified by the American Board of Urology. He attended college at Yale University, New York Medical College and the Urology Residency program at the University of Minnesota. He has been active in clinical practice in the community setting for greater than 25 years and has served on numerous hospital and office committees during his career. He has extensive experience in all aspects of diagnosis and treatment of common disorders of the urinary tract in females and genitourinary tract in males. He has a particular interest in urinary tract stone disease, female urology and geriatric urology. He will assist in both defense and plaintiff matters and practices evidence based medicine, following established AUA guidelines. He will provide his opinion on medical and surgical urological care rendered in various settings i.e. office, hospital, ambulatory surgery center and nursing facilities.
- Medical Devices
- Nursing Homes
- Urology
Available Upon Request