Newfoundland Actuary - Actuarial Expert Witnesses

Newfoundland Business, Financial & Marketing Expert Witness Listings

Although there are no experts who have listed "Actuary - Actuarial" as their area of expertise from Newfoundland , the below listed expert witnesses have indicated they are available to assist in your selected state.

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Featured Experts
Stuart Rachlin (Milliman)
Stuart Rachlin is an actuary with expertise in health care and managed care. He works in the Tampa office of Milliman, which provides health insurance, health care and employee benefit consulting to law firms, insurance companies, hospitals, health plans,... Learn More ›

Hayden Burrus (HB Actuarial Services, Inc.)
Hayden Burrus, FCAS, MAAA is an accomplished casualty actuary with decades of leadership experience in the insurance industry. Former President of Casualty Actuaries of the Southeast, Chief Actuary of publicly traded workers' compensation insurance company,... Learn More ›
Vera F. Dolan, MSPH, FALU (VFD Consulting, Inc.)
Location: Newfoundland
Areas of Expertise: Vera is an epidemiologist with over 30 years of experience in the life and health insurance industries. She is one of the leading mortality experts in the life insurance industry. She writes underwriting...
MCS Associates  --  Experts & Consultants In Banking, Financial Services, Real Estate & Insurance
Location: Newfoundland
Areas of Expertise: MCS Associates is a national consulting group with a special focus on Expert Witness and Litigation Consulting in banking, insurance, financial services, securities, real estate, economic & damages analysis,...
John E Beauzile (Beauzile Forensic Economics LLC)
Location: Newfoundland
Areas of Expertise: John E. Beauzile is a Columbia University-educated actuarial analyst. He has experience working with businesses, consulting firms, and legal firms. Mr. Beauzile has submitted 800+ expert reports before...
Ashok K Singh (Mathema Inc.)
Location: Newfoundland
Areas of Expertise: I have an M.Sc. (Mathematical Statistics, Lucknow University, India; 1970) and a Ph.D. (Statistics, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana; 1977). I have been a University Professor since 1978 (1978-1991:...
Arthur B Kagan (A K Actuarial and Pension Services)
Location: Newfoundland
Areas of Expertise: Pension Plan consulting actuary with 40+ years of experience. Had third party administration (TPA) and actuarial firm serving 650 pension, profit sharing and 401k plans. Sold firm in 2016. Now doing consulting...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Actuary - Actuarial FAQs

What is an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

An actuary - acturial expert witness is an individual who provides expert testimony in court cases related to actuarial science and its applications, such as insurance, pension plans, and financial risk management.

What is the role of an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

An actuary - actuarial expert witness provides testimony and opinion based on their knowledge of actuarial science and practices, including risk management and insurance calculations.

How much can a person make as an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

Actuary - actuarial expert witnesses can be compensated from $200 to $450 per hour or higher, with some circumstances calling for more. The amount is agreed upon by the expert and the retaining attorney.

What are the qualifications of an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

An actuary - actuarial expert witness should possess expertise in financial analysis, risk management, and actuarial science to provide testimony regarding financial risks and liability.

In a lawsuit, what type of evience is reviewed by an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

An actuary - actuarial expert witness in a lawsuit reviews evidence related to financial risks, probabilities, and statistical analysis to provide expert testimony on matters such as damages, liability, and insurance.

What type of cases involve the testimony of an actuary - actuarial expert witness?

Actuaries are often called upon to provide expert testimony in cases involving insurance, pensions, and other financial matters. They use their expertise to help courts understand complex financial concepts.