Antitrust Expert Witnesses

Business, Financial & Marketing Expert Witness Listings

Expert witnesses who are available to consult and testify regarding antitrust matters may be found here. Experts found on this page may consult on issues involving the Sherman Act, price fixing, and price control. These experts may provide reports concerning unfair trade practices, the free market, and the Clayton Act. Expert witnesses found through this page may also testify regarding competition, big business, the Federal Trade Commission, and monopolies, as well as related issues.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
JULES H KAMIN (ValuEconomics, Inc.)
Dr. Jules Kamin received his Ph.D. in business economics, finance and management science from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, rated #1. He is an expert on economic damages. He brings to the practice of forensic economics a unique... Learn More ›

Mark R Lee
Expert witness, legal consultant and arbitrator, Professor Mark R. Lee provides unmatched proficiency in antitrust, business organizations / corporate governance, and securities regulation. Since 2011 Lee has held the position of Professor-in-Residence... Learn More ›

Eric F Forister (Econ One Research, Inc.)
Dr. Eric Forister is an expert economist with testifying experience on market definition, market power, and damages. His expertise includes applying advanced statistical techniques to datasets, synthesizing information from documents, and designing and... Learn More ›

Andrew F Calman (Premier Eyecare)
Past President of the California Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, and Associate Clinical Professor at UC-San Francisco, Dr. Andrew Calman brings comprehensive expertise in eye diseases, injuries and surgery, as well as outstanding availability... Learn More ›
Scott D Gilbert (Gilbert Economics LLC)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Scott Gilbert is a PhD economist who provides expert witness and litigation support services on economic matters in tort and contract law, via the consulting firm Gilbert Economics. He lives in southern...
Michael A Einhorn, Ph.D. (Media, Technology, and Copyright)
Location: New Jersey
Areas of Expertise: Michael A. Einhorn (Ph.D. Yale, economics) is an economist and expert witness active in valuation of intellectual property and complex commercial litigation He specializes in media, technology, copyright,...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Michael Trousdale (Econ One Research)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Michael Trousdale is a managing director at Econ One Research with over 15 years of experience conducting and managing complex economic research. As an economic expert, Dr. Trousdale applies economic...
Roman Gulagian PhD (Forensic Economic Services LLC)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Roman is an Economist specializing in analytics and complex economic damages. He is experienced in applying economic theory, complex data, and quantitative methods to questions related to litigation. Roman...
Antitrust FAQs

What is an antitrust expert witness?

An antitrust expert witness is an individual who provides expert testimony in court cases related to antitrust law and competition policy. They may testify on issues involving economics, business, and competition law, market structure, competition, pricing, and consumer behavior.

What is the role of an antitrust expert witness?

The role of an antitrust expert witness is to provide expertise in antitrust laws and regulations, and their application in legal cases.

How much can a person make as an antitrust expert witness?

Antitrust expert witnesses can be compensated from $200 to $450 per hour or higher, with some circumstances calling for more. The amount is agreed upon by the expert and the retaining attorney.

What are the qualifications of an antitrust expert witness?

Communications expert witnesses should have extensive experience in public relations, crisis management, and media relations.

In a lawsuit, what type of evience is reviewed by an antitrust expert witness?

An antitrust expert witness would review evidence related to market competition, pricing, market share, and other factors that may indicate anti-competitive behavior by a company or industry.

What type of cases might require opinions from an antitrust expert witness?

Antitrust expert witnesses may be needed in cases involving monopolies, price fixing, market allocation, mergers and acquisitions, and other anticompetitive practices that violate federal and state antitrust laws.