New Mexico Disaster Management Expert Witnesses
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What is a disaster management expert witness?
A disaster management expert witness is a person who has specialized knowledge who may be called to testify about the cause of a disaster, the response to a disaster, or the recovery from a disaster.
What is the role of a disaster management expert witness?
The role of a disaster management expert witness is to provide testimony in legal proceedings on best practices and protocols for responding to natural or man-made disasters.
How much can a person make as a disaster management expert witness?
Disaster management expert witnesses can earn somewhere in the range of $200-$450 an hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact amount is determined between the retaining attorney and the expert.
What are the qualifications of a disaster management expert witness?
An expert witness in disaster management should have knowledge of emergency planning, response, and recovery procedures for various types of disasters.
For a case, how is evidence gathered by a disaster management expert witness?
A disaster management expert witness gathers evidence through site visits, interviews with witnesses and officials, reviewing documents and reports, and analyzing data to provide expert testimony in court.
What type of lawsuit might require the testimony of a disaster management expert witness?
A lawsuit involving a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or earthquake, may require the testimony of a disaster management expert witness to provide insight into emergency response and recovery efforts.