Ohio Employment & Vocational Expert Witnesses

Find expert witnesses and consultants who may testify on aspects of employment and vocational issues by clicking on the following categories. These professionals can opine on occupational & environmental health, compensation, and OSHA. Consultants found on this page may also provide reports regarding human resources, wrongful termination, and workplace violence. These employment experts can also opine on issues regarding labor economics, labor law, and discrimination, as well as related topics.

Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services
Employability Capability & Earning Capacity, Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation, Job Analysis. Expert witness reports and testimony in Divorce, Personal Injury (motor vehicle, construction, and industrial), Workers' Compensation, and Medical/Hospital... Learn More ›

David M. Soja. CRC, ABVE. (CRC Services, LLC)
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general... Learn More ›

Jean L. Seawright, CMC (Seawright & Associates)
As a management consultant since 1987, Ms. Seawright has provided professional HR consultation services and advice to business owners, CEOs, boards, and HR leaders across the nation. She has consulted with organizations of all sizes, including for-profit,... Learn More ›

Maureen A. Clark (Three Sixty HR, Inc.)
I have been consulting with organizations of all sizes and types for more than three decades. My deep understanding of employment issues and track record of developing practical, workable HR solutions makes me invaluable to our clients and a rich resource... Learn More ›

Matthew Putts (Wolstein Putts Expert Consulting)
Dr. Matthew Putts provides vocational evaluations and assessments of employability and wage earning capacity for employment law and matrimonial cases. He is an experienced vocational evaluator and testifier. Employment law matters may include wrongful... Learn More ›

Please click on one of the links to find consultants in that area of expertise.

Employment & Vocational FAQs

What is an employment & vocational expert witness?

An employment and vocational expert are typically called upon in legal proceedings to provide testimony and support based on their expertise in vocational rehabilitation, career development, job placement, labor market analysis, and disability management.

What is the role of an employment & vocational expert witness?

The role of an employment and vocational expert witness is to provide specialized knowledge and expertise in the employment market, job training, and career development in a legal matter.

How much can a person make as an employment & vocational expert witness?

Employment & vocational expert witnesses can earn income in the potential range from $200 to $400 per hour or greater, depending on the circumstances. The fee arrangmen, will be determined by the retaining attorney and the expert.

What are the qualifications of an employment & vocational expert witness?

An employment and vocational expert witness needs to have expertise in vocational rehabilitation, vocational assessment, and labor market analysis.

In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by an employment & vocational expert witness?

An employment and vocational expert witness gathers evidence through interviews, assessments, and analysis of relevant documents. They may also conduct research and provide expert opinions on matters related to employment and vocational issues.

In what type of cases would there be testimony from an employment & vocational expert witness?

An employment and vocational expert witness may provide testimony in cases involving wrongful termination, discrimination, disability accommodations, vocational rehabilitation, and wage and hour disputes.