Genetics Expert Witnesses
Medical Expert Witness Listings
Find genetic expert witnesses on this page who may testify regarding biochemical, clinical, cytogenetic, and medical genetics. These experts may opine regarding the practices of molecular geneticists, genetic counselors and other health care professionals committed to the practice of medical genetics. These genetic experts may write reports regarding genetic testing for: parentage; to determine before implantation whether an embryo will be affected by a particular genetic disorder (preimplantation genetic diagnosis); to determine whether a unborn child is affected by a genetic disorder (prenatal testing); to determine whether an individual is at increased risk for having a child with a particular genetic disorder (carrier testing); to assess a person's risk for developing a particular genetic disorder (presymptomatic genetic testing, cancer genetic testing); or, to determine an appropriate course of treatment for a patient (pharmacogenetic or presymptomatic genetic testing).
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What is a genetics expert witness?
A genetics expert witness is someone who is able to provide testimony in a legal proceeding that is based on their expert knowledge of genetics. This might include testifying about the likely genetic makeup of a person based on DNA evidence, or about the likely inheritance of a genetic condition.
What is the role of a genetics expert witness?
Genetics expert witnesses provide testimony regarding the role of genetic factors in the cause or progression of diseases or conditions.
How much can a person make as a genetics expert witness?
Genetics expert witnesses may be compensated in the range from $250 to $450 per hour, or higher in some cases. The final fee is negotiated between the expert witness and the retaining attorney.
What are the qualifications of a genetics expert witness?
A Genetics Expert Witness should be a licensed geneticist with specialized training and experience in the study and diagnosis of genetic disorders, and possess knowledge of genetic testing and counseling.
For a case, how is evidence gathered by a genetics expert witness?
A genetics expert witness gathers evidence through analyzing DNA samples, conducting genetic testing, and interpreting the results. They may also review medical records and provide expert testimony in court.
In what type of cases might require opinions from a genetics expert witness?
Cases involving genetic disorders, paternity disputes, genetic testing accuracy, and genetic counseling may require opinions from a genetics expert witness. They can provide valuable insights and evidence in court proceedings.