California Internet Expert Witnesses

California Business, Financial & Marketing Expert Witness Listings

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Sam Malek, PhD (Cyberonix)
Sam Malek is a Software Engineering Professor in the Informatics Department within the School of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. His research is in the field of software engineering, and to date his focus has... Learn More ›

George Edwards, PhD (Quandary Peak Research)
Dr. George Edwards is an expert in computer software, Internet applications, web technologies, wireless and mobile devices, digital video and multimedia, and GPS and mapping systems, and he has testified both by deposition and in federal court as an expert... Learn More ›

Jason Frankovitz (Quandary Peak Research)
As a programmer, CTO, and inventor, Jason Frankovitz has been in the trenches of technology for more than 20 years. He has worked as a software development manager, technical analyst, and mentor in a wide variety of industries including enterprise software,... Learn More ›

Computer networking, communications, and software expert. Expertise include Wi-Fi, Cellular Communications, Networking, IoT, Cloud Computing, and Web Services. Awarded 11 patents. Published author. 23+ years industry experience. Diverse software coding... Learn More ›

Peter Kent (Peter Kent Consulting, LLC)
Kent's online experience is extensive, dating back to 1984. He was the founder of an e-business service provider, funded by one of the world's largest venture-capital firm; the founder of a publishing company, selling books online in 1997; the VP of Web... Learn More ›
Jason McDonald (Jason McDonald Consulting)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Jason McDonald is an internet pioneer, having started his first company ( in 1994. Nowadays, he works as an 'SEO expert witness,' a 'Google Ads expert witness,' and a 'social media expert witness,'...
Steven G Burgess (Burgess Consulting and Forensics)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Burgess Forensics offers Digital / Computer and Mobile Forensics & Electronic Discovery and Expert Witness Testimony - since 1985. Burgess offers Macintosh Digital Forensics, Windows Digital Forensics,...
Nicholas Carroll
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: SERVICES: Expert witness reports and/or testimony in defamation of character cases, including both libel and slander, as well as portrayal in a false light and right to privacy cases. This leverages 30...
Jack Bicer (Septium)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Inventor of Multifactor Authentication (MFA), Mobile Push Login and QR Login. Expert Witness in - Login, - Authentication (2-Factor/3-Factor/Multifactor), - Account Hacking and Account Takeovers,...
Jae Young Bang, PhD (Quandary Peak Research)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Jae Young Bang is director of software development and software technology consultant with over a decade of experience in software engineering. He has a diverse background ranging from academic research...
Anthony Wechselberger (Entropy Management Solutions)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: BROADBAND & MULTIMEDIA CONSULTING & EXPERT WITNESS SERVICES Specializing in broadband, multimedia and associated technologies, infrastructures and commercial environments, Mr. Wechselberger brings thirty...
Stephen P. Castell (CASTELL Consulting)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr Stephen Castell CITP MEWI is an award-winning independent ICT expert witness, management consultant and project manager professional, with extensive experience in risk assessment, quality assurance,...
Tal Lavian, Ph.D. (TelecommNet - Telecommunications, Network Communications, Mobile Wireless, Internet Protocols)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Telecommunications, network communications, mobile wireless, and Internet protocols expert. Holds a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in networking and communications. He...
Joseph Greenfield, Ph.D. (Maryman & Associates Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: I am the Vice President and Chief Forensic Examiner with Maryman & Associates, with over 15 years of investigative experience, including cyber breach investigations, employee misconduct, and email recovery...
Mahdi Eslamimehr, PhD, MBA (Quandary Peak Research)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Mahdi Eslamimehr is an award-winning scientist and a senior tech executive in the software product and service industry. He has years of experience in executive leadership roles at tech companies around...
Todd Stefan (Setec Investigations)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Setec Investigations offers unparalleled expertise in computer forensics and electronic discovery, providing highly personalized, case-specific forensic analysis and litigation support services to assist...
Donald A Jasko, Esq. (Digital Economics, LLC)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Don Jasko has led Digital Economics to become a leading publishing administrator, providing services that integrate the legal principles of copyright law with the financial and economic analytics of royalty...
Jason T Ghetian (Cyber Asset Recovery Experts Inc)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Over his 20-year career with the FBI, Jason excelled in investigating cyber-related crimes, including hacking, online stalking, SIM card swapping, business email compromises, phishing, tech support scams,...
Cristina V Lopes, PhD (Tagide Research Inc)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Cristina V. Lopes is Chancellor's Professor of Software Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, and Director of the Professional Master program in Software Engineering. She has 30 years...
Brian A. Berg (Berg Software Design)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Brian Berg has extensive experience with consumer electronics, including data storage devices and interfaces, e.g., Flash Memory, Solid State Disks (SSDs), Disk, Tape, Optical Storage (CD, CD-ROM, DVD,...
William Luk (Quandary Peak Research)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: William Luk is a software expert and technical executive with more than 20 years of experience in computer and network security. William has developed or led product teams to develop enterprise class firewall,...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Scott Greene (Evidence Solutions, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 42 years, Scott Greene has been helping judges, attorneys, and organizations understand data. Scott collects, analyzes, and explains complex electronic and digital evidence in legal matters. His...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Internet FAQs

What is an internet expert witness?

An Internet expert witness is someone who can testify in court about issues related to the Internet, such as cyber-squatting, social media, and email. They may also be able to speak about other topics, such as Websites, Web site hijacking, E-mail, Internet defamation, Intranets, IP Spoofing, and Internet service providers.

What is the role of an internet expert witness?

An internet expert witness provides testimony and opinion based on their knowledge of internet technology, regulations, and industry standards.

How much can a person make as an internet expert witness?

Internet expert witnesses can receive income in the range from $250 to $450 per hour or greater, as determined by the case, and the work involved.

What are the qualifications of an internet expert witness?

An internet expert witness should have a background in computer science, networking, and digital forensics to effectively provide testimony regarding online activities.

What type of evidence is reviewed in a lawsuit by an internet expert witness?

An internet expert witness may review various types of evidence in a lawsuit, including digital data, online communications, website analytics, and cybersecurity measures to provide expert testimony and analysis.

What type of legal proceeding might require the testimony of an internet expert witness?

A legal proceeding involving cybercrime, online defamation, intellectual property infringement, or data breaches may require the testimony of an internet expert witness to provide technical expertise and analysis.