Liquor Liability/Dram Shop Expert Witnesses
Hotel, Food & Restaurant Expert Witness Listings
You will find expert witnesses who may give opinions regarding liquor liability, dram shops, and dramshops by clicking on these links. The professionals found through this page may advise regarding liquor sales, intoxicated persons, and taverns. These experts may provide reports regarding alcoholic beverages, proximate cause between the alcohol sale and intoxication, and social host liability. They may also testify on dram shop liability and liquor licensees, as well as related topics.
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What is a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
A Liquor Liability/Dram Shop expert witness is an expert in the legal aspects of the sale, service, and consumption of alcohol and can provide specialized knowledge in areas such as state liquor laws, alcohol consumption trends, blood alcohol levels, and industry standards.
What is the role of a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
Liquor Liability/Dram Shop expert witness provides testimony on liability related to the sale and service of alcohol.
How much can a person make as a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
Liquor liability/dram shop expert witnesses may receive an hourly income of $225 to $450 per hour, or higher in some situations.
What are the qualifications of a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
To qualify as an expert witness in liquor liability/dram shop, the individual should have expertise in liquor liability law, possess knowledge of responsible alcohol service practices, and be familiar with dram shop liability laws.
For a lawsuit, what type of evidence is gathered and reviewed by a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
A liquor liability/dram shop expert witness would gather and review evidence such as surveillance footage, witness statements, alcohol sales records, and training procedures to determine if a bar or restaurant is liable for a patron's actions.
What type of cases typically involve the testimony of a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness?
Cases involving alcohol-related accidents, injuries, or deaths where the liability of a bar, restaurant, or liquor store is in question may require the testimony of a liquor liability/dram shop expert witness.