Marine Engineering Expert Witnesses

Engineering Expert Witness Listings

Please locate the marine engineering expert witness you are searching for by clicking on the following links. The professionals found through this page may give opinions regarding marine machinery, naval engineering, and naval architecture. They may provide reports concerning marine power engineering and marine turbine control. Consultants found here may also provide expert witness testimony on marine engine control and marine turbine control, among other topics.

You may limit your search for Marine Engineering expert witnesses to a specific area by selecting a state from the drop down box.

Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Arthur W. Faherty (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Arthur W. Faherty Marine Engineer/Mechanical Expert Arthur took learned mechanical and electrical principles to craft a long and successful career at sea. Most of his time at sea was sailing as a Chief Engineer onboard ocean –going vessels. In this... Learn More ›

D.R. Foster, PhD P.E. (Expert Welding Engineering and Inspection)
Dr. D.R. Foster is the Principal Engineer at Expert Welding Engineering and Inspection, where he focuses on welding engineering consulting and the training of engineers and technicians. Dr. Foster is an expert in regard to the design, manufacture,... Learn More ›

Timothy J. McCoy, PhD, PE, CDR, USN (ret.) (McCoy Consulting, LLC)
I am currently a Professor of Engineering Practice in the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department at the University of Michigan where I teach classes in marine engineering and conduct research. I also own McCoy Consulting, LLC where I provide... Learn More ›
Edward A. Gray (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Ed Gray is a Facilities Engineer, Property Management Expert, and Patented Inventor with over 36 years of combined professional experience in marine and shoreside facilities. As an expert at Robson Forensic,...
Michael D. Klein, P.E., CHMM, C.F.E.I. (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: MICHAEL D. KLEIN, P.E., CHMM, C.F.E.I. Professional Engineer - Certified Hazardous Materials Expert - Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator - Manufacturing Processes & Procedures - Environmental Management...
Vincent A. Ettari, P.E. (Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C. serves New York City & the counties of Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Rockland, Ulster, Suffolk (Long Island), Nassau, Bronx (N.Y.), Queens, Brooklyn / Kings County,...
Rudolph P Frizzi, PE, GE, D.GE (Langan Environmental & Engineering Services)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Frizzi’s geotechnical engineering and project management experience is extensive, with particular emphasis on: foundation design and construction in urban areas, and large-scale land and waterfront...
Accident & Safety Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: ($180ph review NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, VA, DC, WV) • Accident Reconstruction: Car, Bus, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Rollovers • Biomechanics,Occupant Injury • Safety Standards, Falls • Building...
Brian LaCas, P.Eng. FEC, Intl PE (President, LCI Engineering Group)
Location: British Columbia
Areas of Expertise: Mr. LaCas is a Professional Engineer and Hydrologist with international experience including US/Canada with expertise in floods, drainage, stormwater, ocean shoreline, bridges, culverts, levees and dams. Scope...
Nicholas J. Lewis (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Nicholas J. Lewis Marine Operations Expert Captain Lewis has worked in the Marine industry for over 35 years, both at sea and ashore. He is a licensed U.S. Coast Guard Master of Steam and Motor vessels...
Christopher C. Fogarty (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Christopher C. Fogarty Facilities & Marine Engineering Expert Christopher Fogarty is a Facilities Engineer with 40+ years of experience at a large, state-of-the art public sports and entertainment...
Robson Forensic, Inc.
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Robson Forensic is a national leader in expert witness consulting, providing technical expertise across many fields within engineering, architecture, science, and a broad range of specialty disciplines. We...
George M. Zeitler, MSc (Zeitler Marine Services LLC)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Zeitler has over 30 years of experience in the marine industry. His experiences include 18 years as a US Coast Guard qualified marine inspector and casualty investigator and 7 years as a Classification...
Bobby Se crest, P.E., Broker, PMP, CCE, LEED A.P., MIAM, CPSWQ, QSD, QSP, Pilot, CQM, B+Skipper, Mortgage Broker, MBA (City S c a p e)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: As a licensed professional civil engineer P.E., Mr. Secrest has over 15 years of experience as an expert witness and damages witness. I have performed professional expert witness services on eleven (11)...
Roy Scott (Scott Marine Surveyors & Consultants of Florida Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Scott Marine, is an independent consulting firm providing litigation support specializing in maritime losses encountered by individuals and companies. We handle personal injury, Jones Act/crew claims,...
Bartley J. Eckhardt, P.E. (Robson Forensic Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: BARTLEY J. ECKHARDT – P.E. Marine and Mechanical Engineer What better expert to retain for matters relating to marine and industrial engineering than a Merchant Mariner who’s versed in ship design...
Medical Advisors, Inc./Technical Network Consulting Service
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Your Link To Americas Most Qualified Experts! Get the right Expert and the right Service! Medical Advisors, Inc. provides top ranked Board Certified physicians and academicians in all medical specialties....
Kyle McAvoy (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Kyle McAvoy, Captain, USCG (Retired) is a Marine Safety expert specializing in watercraft safety inspections and the investigation of marine incidents. He has received several distinguished Coast Guard...
Hendrik J. Keijer (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Marine Operations Expert Captain Hendrik J. Keijer is a retired Master Mariner and Marine Engineer who operated cruise ships, cargo ships, and boats unlimited in size for more than 30 years. He is Certified...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Marine Engineering FAQs

What is a marine engineering expert witness?

A marine engineering expert witness is a professional who has expertise in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of marine vessels and structures.

What is the role of a marine engineering expert witness?

A marine engineering expert witness offers expert opinion on matters related to the design, construction, and maintenance of marine vessels and structures.

How much can a person make as a marine engineering expert witness?

Marine engineering expert witnesses may earn somewhere between $200 and $450 per hour, or more based on the circumstances. The fee will be agreed upon between the retaining attorney and expert.

What are the qualifications of a marine engineering expert witness?

A marine engineering expert witness should hold a degree in marine engineering, possess experience in ship design or operation, and have knowledge of industry standards and regulations related to marine engineering.

What type of evidence is reviewed in a lawsuit by a marine engineering expert witness?

A marine engineering expert witness reviews various types of evidence in a lawsuit, including technical reports, design plans, maintenance records, and other relevant documents to provide their professional opinion.

What types of cases involve expert opinions from a marine engineering expert witness?

Marine engineering expert witnesses may be called upon in cases involving ship design, construction, maintenance, and operation, as well as accidents, collisions, and environmental damage related to maritime activities.