Security Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses who are available to consult and testify regarding security may be located on this page. Experts found here may consult regarding security negligence, inadequate security, and retail security. These professionals may provide reports concerning restaurant security and venue security. They may also testify on residential security, apartment & condominium security, maritime security, security officers, and security alarms, as well as related issues.

Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Michael J. Canaan, CPP (Trident Investigative Service, Inc.)
Michael J. Canaan, CPP, is a Security Premises Liability Expert Witness with over 45 years of experience in military and civil law enforcement, and corporate and private sector security and investigative positions. Assessments and evaluations have... Learn More ›

Adam Bercovici (Titan National Consulting, LLC )
I am a retired LAPD Lieutenant with forty years of law enforcement experience and combined security experience. I am also the former owner and CEO of a major security company in Southern California. I am a licensed private investigator in California.... Learn More ›

William S Marcisz, JD CPP CHPA (Strategic Security Management Consulting, Inc.)
Board-Certified and Highly Credentialed - Security & Workplace Violence Consultant: Specializing in Negligent Security / Violent Crime / Workplace Violence / Foreseeability / Use of Force. As a Forensic Security Consultant, Mr. Marcisz has reviewed and... Learn More ›

Ken Wheatley MA, CPP (Royal Security Group LLC)
Premises Liability/Negligent Security Expert. Security Management Consultant, Former FBI Special Agent, and Senior Vice President & Chief Security Officer for Sony Electronics' global operations. Appointed by the Mayor of San Diego to serve on... Learn More ›

Scott A. DeFoe (On-Scene Consulting Group, LLC)
Retired Sergeant II+1 Los Angeles Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). I worked numerous assignments during my 29-year law enforcement career to include: SWAT, K9, Vice, Narcotics, Jail Operations, Internal Affairs, Gangs, Crisis Negotiation... Learn More ›

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Security FAQs

What is a security expert witness?

A security expert witness is a person qualified by the court to testify on topics such as alarms, crime foreseeability, crowd control, cybersecurity, inadequate and negligent security, law enforcement, parking lots and garages, premises liability, and other related topics.

What is the role of a security expert witness?

A security expert witness can provide testimony on issues related to security operations, risk assessment, and loss prevention.

How much can a person make as a security expert witness?

Security expert witnesses can earn anywhere from $175 to $450 or more per hour, depending on the case. Experts usually receive compensation for travel time, and more for deposition and trial testimony.

What are the qualifications of a security expert witness?

A security expert witness should have experience in security management, risk assessment, and security technology.

What type of evidence is gathered in a lawsuit by a security expert witness?

A security expert witness may gather various types of evidence in a lawsuit, including digital evidence, physical evidence, witness testimony, and expert analysis of security protocols and procedures.

What type of legal proceeding might require the testimony of a security expert witness?

A legal proceeding involving a security breach, cyber attack, or theft of confidential information may require the testimony of a security expert witness to provide technical expertise and analysis.