Hotel Security Expert Witnesses

Hotel, Food & Restaurant Expert Witness Listings

To find hotel security expert witnesses, please click on one of the following listed areas of expertise. The hotel security experts found on this page may consult on issues involving hotel premises security, hotel crime assessment, and hotel security litigation. Consultants found through these areas of expertise may provide reports regarding hotel detectives and hotel security guards. They may also testify on issues involving hotel room invasion and hotel room burglaries, as well as related subjects.

You may limit your search for Hotel Security expert witnesses to a specific area by selecting a state from the drop down box.

Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Scott A. DeFoe (On-Scene Consulting Group, LLC)
Retired Sergeant II+1 Los Angeles Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). I worked numerous assignments during my 29-year law enforcement career to include: SWAT, K9, Vice, Narcotics, Jail Operations, Internal Affairs, Gangs, Crisis Negotiation... Learn More ›

Kevin Fox Gotham, Ph.D., CPP (Investigative Criminology Security (ICS) Consulting)
Board certified in security management and Ph.D. in sociology with over 25 years of research and investigation experience. Dr. Kevin Fox Gotham has expertise in crime prevention, workplace violence, and security risk assessment. He provides consulting... Learn More ›

Christopher Darcy (Fairfax Consulting Group, LLC.)
As a retired Undersheriff from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) with over 32 years of experience, Chris is exceptionally qualified to provide an evidence-based case assessment and render a quality expert opinion on police practices,... Learn More ›

Dennis P Gemberling (Perry Group International)
Over 35 years experience managing, operating and consulting on hotels, motels, resorts, inns, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, catering, special event facilities, casinos, and mixed-use real estate across North America. Held prior positions for different... Learn More ›

Alan Orlob (Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm)
Alan Orlob is currently a security consultant specializing in hotel security, crisis management, and travel security. Mr. Orlob currently contracts with the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security group (Antiterrorism Assistance) as the Lead Instructor... Learn More ›
Raymond S. Mey (Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Raymond S. Mey’s expertise and credibility as an expert witness are derived from his unique set of skills and experience. During his 23-year tenure with the FBI, Mr. Mey served in leadership positions...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Randy I Atlas (Atlas Safety & Security Design Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Founded in 1988, Atlas Safety & Security Design Inc., is a female - owned minority business enterprise which provides expert consultation in such areas as: compliance audits for the Americans With Disabilites...
Kevin R. Madison, JD, CPP, PCI, EMT, FF (Kevin R. Madison Expert Witness & Consulting, LLC)
Location: Texas
Shawn F Wurtsmith, MBA, PSP (ICIP LLC)
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Wurtsmith is an independent security consultant specializing in a comprehensive range of services crucial for premises liability and security negligence cases. From meticulous pre-case reviews to detailed...
Stan Kephart (Kephart Consulting, LLC)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Unrivaled qualifications in Police and Security Best Practices. Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, Probation Chief, & Concert Public Safety Director. Qualified in Large Public...
Norman D. Bates, Esq. (Liability Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Arizona and Massachusetts
Areas of Expertise: Norman D. Bates, Esq. is a nationally-recognized expert in security and the law. As the President and Founder of Liability Consultants, Inc., he provides security management consulting services to private...
Michael S. D'Angelo, CPP, CSC, CHPA (Secure Direction Consulting, LLC)
Location: Virginia
Areas of Expertise: Highly credentialed, Board Certfied in Security Management, Security Consulting, and Healthcare Security Management. Michael S. D’Angelo, CPP, CSC, CHPA is the Principal and Lead Consultant of Secure...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Daniel B Kennedy (Forensic Criminology Associates, Inc.)
Location: Michigan
Areas of Expertise: Daniel B. Kennedy began his career in criminal justice and security administration as a civilian crime analyst with the Detroit Police Department in 1966. Over the next decade, Dr. Kennedy also served...
Robert C. Sugarman, PE, FHFES (RCS Performance Systems, Inc.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Personal injury analyst. BA, MS, SM, PhD in physics & psychology (including MIT); 45 yrs R&D, teaching, trial testimony, industrial training, 'in the trenches'. Perception, vision, warnings, equipment/product...
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Experienced hotel and hospitality experts providing litigation consulting and impartial hotel expert witness research, reports and testimony. With associate offices in Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Maine,...
Timothy A. Dimoff (SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.)
Location: Ohio
Areas of Expertise: Timothy A. Dimoff has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement procedures, high-risk security issues and private security procedures. As Founder and President of SACS Consulting, Inc., he has built...
Gerald M. Dworkin (Lifesaving Resources, LLC)
Location: Maine
Areas of Expertise: Gerald Dworkin is a professional Aquatics Safety & Water Rescue Consultant for Lifesaving Resources, LLC, a company dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management. Dworkin...
Vince Vittatoe, CPP, CSC, CPTED Practitioner (Vittatoe Consulting, LLC)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Vince Vittatoe, CPP, CSC, CPTED, is the Principal/CEO at Vittatoe Consulting, LLC, independent security management and forensic consulting practice focused on providing clients security and loss prevention...
Elizabeth J. Dumbaugh, MS, CPP (THG Expert Consultants, LLC)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Elizabeth is a consultant and court-qualified expert in premises security and security management. Since 2014, Elizabeth has conducted more than 200 risk assessments for diverse commercial properties including...
Preston Rideout (Dram Shop Experts)
Location: Mississippi
Areas of Expertise: Preston Rideout is a nightclub and bar consultant specializing in Dram Shop Expert Witness Testimony. He has 25 years of bar operations experience and 75 alcohol safety certifications. Preston is CEO of...
Michael J. Canaan, CPP (Trident Investigative Service, Inc.)
Location: Washington
Areas of Expertise: Michael J. Canaan, CPP, is a Security Premises Liability Expert Witness with over 45 years of experience in military and civil law enforcement, and corporate and private sector security and investigative...
William S Marcisz, JD CPP CHPA (Strategic Security Management Consulting, Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Board-Certified and Highly Credentialed - Security & Workplace Violence Consultant: Specializing in Negligent Security / Violent Crime / Workplace Violence / Foreseeability / Use of Force. As a Forensic...
Lance R. Foster CPP, CSC (Security Associates, Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Lance R. Foster, CPP, CSC is a practicing, non-product affiliated security consultant. He is a former bank security director, homicide detective and college criminology instructor. While specializing...
Jeffrey D Zwirn, CPP, CFPS, CFE, SET, ITFAS-I, ITFAS-II, CHPA-IV, NFPA 3000(PS), MSYL, MBAT, SSI HALL OF FAME, President (IDS Research & Development, Incorporated)
Location: New Jersey
Areas of Expertise: Jeffrey D. Zwirn, CPP, CFPS, CFE, SET, ITFAS-I, ITFAS-II, CHPA-IV, NFPA 3000 (PS), MSYL, MBAT, SSI HALL OF FAME, President of IDS Research and Development, Incorporated has over 45 Years of Unparalleled...
Michael Panish (
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Mike Panish is a legal expert witness and consultant specializing in most construction trades (defects & injuries), automatic door systems, doors, door hardware, door sensors, gates, cabinetry, architectural...
Thomas Shea, D.Sc., CPP (Evidence Solutions, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Tom Shea is a nationally recognized law enforcement and physical security expert specializing in policing best practices, security standards and negligence, and emergency preparedness. He specializes in...
Allan D. Snyder, MA (Business) (AFC Forensic Consulting - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EXPERT • Premises Liability • Slip, Trip & Fall • Standard of Care • Wrongful Death • Fire Safety • Landlord/Tenant • Habitability, Health and Safety Codes • HUD Housing (Section...
Charles P. Stephenson (The Orion Group dba Crime Scene Plus    )
Location: Kansas
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Stephenson is a former Police Officer, FBI Agent, FBI Police Instructor, FBI - SWAT/Firearms Instructor/Defensive Tactics Instructor and FBI National Academy Instructor: Mr. Stephenson is a certified,...
Mark Withrow CFLC, CHPP, CFC, CMI (Golden Gate Security Consulting)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Withrow specializes in Security and Police Practices & Procedures with a focus on Premises Liability, Hotel and Restaurant Safety, Crime Foreseeability, Negligence & Liability, Use of Force, Over...
Howard Levinson, CPP (Expert Security Consulting)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Howard began his security career in 1979 and has accumulated a diverse and impressive background as he has become one of the nations best known Board Certified Security Experts. He is based in Massachusetts...
Robert A. Gardner, CPP
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: "Expert Professional Not Professional Expert" - I am a Board Certified security professional with multi-state security consultant, private patrol and private investigator "Qualified Manager" licenses....
Jane K Gray, Ph.D. (Jane Gray Associates )
Location: Ohio
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Jane Gray is a premises liability expert specializing in assessing foreseeability in events involving violent criminal conduct by third parties. She also provides expert...
Gary L Deel, PhD, JD, CHSE, CHIA, CHE, CFE, SHRM-CP, APP (FC Consulting & Expert Witness)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Gary Deel, PhD, JD has 10 years of experience in executive-level positions in the hospitality industry and 10 years of experience teaching hospitality management and law curriculum for some of the nation's...
Alan W. Zajic, CPP, CSP (AWZ Consulting)
Location: Nevada
Areas of Expertise: Alan W. Zajic is a board certified security and surveillance Forensic Security Consultant with over 35 years of practical experience whose primary expertise is gaming and casino operations and nightclubs...
William V. Durso Jr, CPP (The Durso Group, LLC)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: William V. Durso, Jr., CPP, is the Founder and Principal Advisor of The Durso Group, LLC (TDG). Bill provides litigation support for cases involving inadequate security, negligent security, security management...
John Hassard, M.S.C., LPC, CFE, CPP (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: John Hassard, M.SC., LPC, CFE, CPP Loss Prevention & Security Expert John Hassard is a security expert with over 30 years of experience in retail loss prevention and premises security. He applies his...
Salvatore Caccavale, CLSD (Global Hospitality Security Solutions, LLC)
Location: Arizona
Areas of Expertise: Sal is recognized for his 35-years with Hilton Hotels as a Director of Safety & Security in such notable Hilton branded hotels as the Palmer House in Chicago and The Waldorf=Astoria in New York City. He...
Sean A Ahrens (Ahrens Security, LLC)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Sean A. Ahrens is a well-known security/resilience leader who has been providing security consulting for over 22+ years. He has been instrumental in the assessment/analysis, design, implementation...
Hotel Security FAQs

What is a hotel security expert witness?

A hotel security expert witness is a person who can provide testimony regarding the security of a hotel. The expert witness may have experience in hotel security, law enforcement, or both.

What is the role of a hotel security expert witness?

Hotel Security expert witness provides testimony on industry standards and liability related to hotel security.

How much can a person make as a hotel security expert witness?

Hotel security expert witnesses may receive an hourly income of $225 to $450 per hour, or higher in some situations.

What are the qualifications of a hotel security expert witness?

To qualify as an expert witness in hotel security, the individual should have expertise in security management, possess knowledge of security technology and procedures, and be familiar with hotel security operations.

In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by a hotel security expert witness?

Hotel security expert witnesses gather evidence through various means such as reviewing surveillance footage, conducting interviews with staff and guests, and analyzing security protocols and procedures.

In what type of cases would there be testimony from a hotel security expert witness?

A hotel security expert witness may provide testimony in cases involving theft, assault, property damage, or other security-related incidents that occurred on hotel premises.