Leslie Smart has 50 (fifty) years of experience in trucks, truck equipment, related equipment, distribution by truck and tractor trailer (conventional and Hazmat), specifications, procurement, vehicle safety, DOT regulations-compliance, operations, risk...
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Carl Berkowitz, Ph.D., PE, AICP is a transportation and traffic engineering expert and serves as a litigation consultant. He is frequently consulted at the initial stages of a potential litigation for impartial input that can make the crucial difference...
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“If it bent or broke causing loss, injury or death, I can help explain the failure.”™
Steve Roensch is a mechanical engineering consultant with 43 years of professional experience. He has analyzed hundreds of product designs and has served as an expert...
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Areas of Expertise:
Robert T. Lynch, P.E., earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Physics and Mathematics from Franklin & Marshall College before attending the University of Virginia where he obtained a Master of Science...
Areas of Expertise:
Dr. Justin P. Schorr earned his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from Northwestern University in 2008 and his Master’s (2010) and Doctorate (2015) degrees from The George Washington University...
Areas of Expertise:
Keystone Engineering Consultants, Inc. is a multi-discipline, broad-spectrum firm providing comprehensive and qualified forensic engineering, architecture, scientific, biomechanics, and fire/arson investigation...
Areas of Expertise:
Thomas Lyden, P.E., PMP
Civil Engineer & Highway Engineering Expert
Thomas Lyden is a civil engineer who has spent his 35 year professional career covering the entire lifecycle of highway infrastructure...
Areas of Expertise:
Gus brings more than 19 years railroad engineering experience with various public
and private entities along with 20 + years experience as an airport engineer specializing in design and construction.
Areas of Expertise:
For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Areas of Expertise:
Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Areas of Expertise:
Richard Tippett P.E., T.E.
Civil Engineer & Traffic Engineering Expert
Richard Tippett is a Civil and Traffic Engineer with more than 30 years of experience in public works infrastructure projects...
Areas of Expertise:
Steve Noonan P.E.
Mechanical Engineer & Rail Systems Expert
Steve Noonan is a mechanical systems engineer with railroad systems expertise in vehicles, equipment, and facilities. He has over 40 years...
Areas of Expertise:
Civil Engineer & Highway Engineering Expert
Kevin Gorman is a Civil Engineer with nearly 20 years of professional experience spanning roadway, infrastructure, and heavy construction. As an engineering...
Areas of Expertise:
During over 35 years of Forensic Engineering work Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E. has:
- completed over 1100 cases
- prepared and issued over 700 written reports
- prepared and issued...
Areas of Expertise:
Mr. Wilton is a Senior Engineer for the Firm, specializing in the evaluation and design of building and site improvements for residential and commercial properties; and owner representation with respect...
Areas of Expertise:
Civil Engineer & Highway Engineering Expert
Gordon Meth is a licensed professional engineer with over 30 years of design and analysis experience in traffic, highway, and site/civil engineering on projects...
Areas of Expertise:
($180ph review NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, VA, DC, WV)
• Accident Reconstruction: Car, Bus, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Rollovers
• Biomechanics,Occupant Injury
• Safety Standards, Falls
• Building...
Transportation Engineering FAQs
What is a transportation engineering expert witness?
A transportation engineering expert witness is a professional who is called upon to provide expert testimony in legal cases related to transportation infrastructure, systems, and accidents.
What is the role of a transportation engineering expert witness?
A transportation engineering expert witness provides expert analysis and testimony on issues related to the design, construction, and maintenance of transportation systems.
How much can a person make as a transportation engineering expert witness?
Transportation engineering expert witnesses may earn somewhere between $200 and $450 per hour, or more based on the circumstances. The fee will be agreed upon between the retaining attorney and expert.
What are the qualifications of a transportation engineering expert witness?
A transportation engineering expert witness should have a degree in civil engineering, experience in transportation planning or design, and knowledge of industry standards and regulations related to transportation engineering.
In a lawsuit, how is evidence gathered by a transportation engineering expert witness?
A transportation engineering expert witness gathers evidence through site visits, data analysis, and simulations. They may also review documents and conduct interviews to support their opinions and conclusions in the lawsuit.
In what type of cases might require opinions from a transportation engineering expert witness?
Transportation engineering expert witnesses may be required in cases involving accidents, road design and construction, traffic flow analysis, transportation planning, and compliance with safety regulations and standards.
Transportation Engineering Expert Witnesses by State