Group Home Expert Witnesses

Hospitals & Medical Services Expert Witness Listings

Group Home Expert Witnesses who are available to consult and testify can be found here. These Group Home experts found on this page may consult on issues involving residents who are disabled, homes that aid those with mental illness, or seniors who need care. These experts found here may provide reports regarding social work standard of care, residential care, social work, assisted living, residential care for people with disabilities, health care management, managed care, senior living, community and residential mental retardation programs, and/or private residences set up for those with behavior issues, or who suffer from substance abuse. Experts here may be familiar with issues involving foster care, adult family homes, community mental health, drug and alcohol treatment facilities, private psychiatric facilities, residential long-term care, relative and shelter care, shelter care placement, community based residential facilities, human services agencies, licensing, and relative family approval. They may also provide expert witness testimony concerning relative and shelter care and placement, therapeutic foster care, special education, nursing care centers, quality assurance, staffing, administration, no-lock facility management, and child welfare among other topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Danielle Dieterich, MA, JD (Robson Forensic Inc.)
Danielle Dieterich is a Supervised Care & Behavioral Health Expert with two decades of experience in the management of clinical programs and residential care facilities including day habilitation, community based, supportive apartments, and respite care... Learn More ›

Group Home Experts
Elite Medical Experts is a physician-based firm that identifies and aligns practicing, Board Certified professors of anesthesiology as expert witnesses with legal professionals. These anesthesiology experts not only know the standard of care – they define it Learn More ›

Natalie Spiteri-Soper, Psy.D. (Expedient Medicolegal Services)
Natalie Spiteri-Soper, Psy. D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and skilled nursing home administrator in Los Angeles. She began her career in San Bernardino County and currently works in Los Angeles County. As a senior administrator for Star View... Learn More ›

Sonja Rosen (Cedars-Sinai)
I have 15 years experience as an expert witness. I am a Professor of Medicine and have extensive experience as a medical director, chief and clinician and can opine on standard of care in hospital, nursing home, assisted living facilities, and ambulatory... Learn More ›

Scott J Migdole, LCSW (PARK DIETZ & ASSOCIATES, INC. Forensic Experts)
Scott Migdole is a highly sought-after expert in adult and adolescent behavioral health serving as an expert witness in standard of care, behavioral health and juvenile justice malpractice cases, supervision, compliance, community mental health, group... Learn More ›
Matthew Madaus
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 35 years of experience leading behavioral health executives and agencies. I have been providing expert witness services for seven years, consulted on 86...
Tiana Thompson (Expert Consulting Services)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: A dynamic healthcare executive with a rich background in senior living, skilled nursing, and behavioral health management, Tiana Thompson brings substantial expertise in operations, compliance, and turnaround...
Daniel R. Ruth (Dignity Life)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: A Multi-Decade Visionary, Transformational, Entrepreneurial Leader and Regulatory Expert of Senior Living Communities, Services and Care. Daniel has 30+ years’ success of creative leadership and visionary...
Lois Hawkins, RN CLCP (Hawkins Forensic Consulting, Inc)
Location: Arizona
Areas of Expertise: LIFE CARE PLANNING We evaluate cases involving children and adults with complex, catastrophic injuries, as well as less serious injuries throughout the United States. We specialize in medical and vocational...
Gregg E Davis (Gregg Davis MD MBA Ltd)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: I am a practicing, board-certified family physician with thirty-six years of clinical experience. I served as the medical director of four nursing homes during that time. I provided care to more than...
Lee Ann Baldini (Expert Consulting Services)
Location: Massachusetts
Areas of Expertise: With over 40 years of nursing experience and more than 25 years in case management leadership, Lee Ann Baldini brings an exceptional depth of knowledge in coordinating and optimizing patient care transitions....
Steven H. Berger, MD (Forensic Psychiatric Associates, L.P.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Berger is a forensic psychiatrist who is a member of Forensic Psychiatric Associates Medical Corp ( a national forensic psychiatric and psychological consulting practice. Dr. Berger...
Alexandra Clarfield, PhD, QME
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Clarfield provides consulting, psychological assessments, and expert witness testimony for both plaintiff and defense counsel, in cases involving personal injury, employment issues and psychologist...
Jeffrey Kropf, Ph.D. (Expedient Medicolegal Services)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Jeffrey Kropf, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in forensic and diagnostic mental health evaluations. As a consulting psychologist since 1991, Dr. Kropf has evaluated more than 1000...
Michael F Arrigo (No World Borders, Inc. (Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Denver, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Boston, Washington DC))
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Legal Experience - The U.S. Court of Appeals considered my opinion, partially VACATING and REMANDING criminal sentencing in a Medicare, Tri-Care, Medicaid, and commercial insurance criminal fraud case....
Charles Saldanha, MD, FAPA (Forensic Psychiatric Associates, L.P.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Saldanha is a forensic psychiatrist who is a member of Forensic Psychiatric Associates Medical Corp ( a national forensic psychiatric and psychological consulting practice. Charles...
Medilex Inc.
Location: Multiple Locations
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Mike Jeong, DO, MPH, CMD (Yale and UCLA Trained Geriatrician. Triple Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Certified Medical Director in Post-Acute & Long-Term Care. Double Fellowship in Geriatrics & Geriatric Medical Mgmt)
Location: Nevada
Areas of Expertise: Yale and UCLA trained geriatrician. Triple Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Certified Medical Director in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care. Double...
American Medical Forensic Specialists
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: MEDICAL EXPERTS FOR MALPRACTICE & PERSONAL INJURY CASES AMFS is America's premier medical expert witness and consulting company. We are a trusted partner with the legal community and provide a superior method of retaining medical experts.
Elite Medical Experts
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Elite Medical Experts is a physician-based firm specializing exclusively in medical litigation. Our one goal is to align top-tier university professors with the legal community. We secure experts for medical litigation from every medical and surgical speciality.
Doreen R Casuto (Rehabilitation Care Coordination)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Rehabilitation Care Coordination was founded in 1989 by Doreen Casuto. Today we are an office of nearly 20 nurses, social workers, therapists and more. We are a Nurse Life Care Planning and Case Management...
Rebecca McCarthy, MSN, BSN, RN-BC, CDONA (NURSING HOME EXPERT, Nursing standards of practice for patients with Pressure Ulcer, Falls or any Nursing Standards of Practice issues.  )
Location: New Jersey
Areas of Expertise: Rebecca is a board-certified geriatric nurse with over 23 years experience working in NURSING HOMES/Skilled Rehabilitation/Long Term Care Facilities. Rebecca served in positions as Vice President of Nursing,...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Group Home FAQs

What is a group home expert witness?

A group home expert witness is a social worker who specializes in private residences, residential care facilities, and senior living communities. They are familiar with the standards of care for these types of facilities and are able to provide testimony in court cases involving neglect or abuse.

What is the role of a group home expert witness?

A group home expert witness is qualified to provide opinions on issues related to the operation and management of group homes.

How much can a person make as a group home expert witness?

Group home expert witnesses can expect to earn anywhere from $200 to $400 or more per hour, determined by the requirements of the case.

What are the qualifications of a group home expert witness?

To qualify as a Group Home Expert Witness, one should possess specialized knowledge and experience in group home management, including familiarity with state and federal regulations, staff training and supervision, patient care and safety, and risk management and liability.

In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by a group home expert witness?

A group home expert witness gathers evidence through observation, interviews, and documentation. They may also review records and reports, conduct assessments, and provide expert opinions in court proceedings.

In what type of cases might expert testimony be heard from a group home expert witness?

Expert testimony from a group home expert witness may be heard in cases involving abuse or neglect of residents, violations of state regulations, or disputes over the quality of care provided.