Photogrammetry Expert Witnesses
Forensic & Laboratory Testing Expert Witness Listings
To find photography expert witnesses, please click on one of the following listed areas of expertise. The photography experts found on this page may consult on issues involving photographic accident reconstruction, aerial photography, and digital photography. Consultants found through these areas of expertise may provide reports regarding time lapse photography, developing film, shutter speed, and aperture. They may also testify on exposure, digital cameras, and photographic lenses, as well as related issues.
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What is a photogrammetry expert witness?
A photogrammetry expert witness is someone who can testify about the science of measuring objects and surfaces from photographs. This can include determining 3D coordinates, creating topographic maps, and understanding exterior and inner orientation from stereoscopic vision.
What is the role of a photogrammetry expert witness?
A photogrammetry expert witness is a professional who offers expert testimony on matters related to photogrammetry, such as the use of aerial and satellite imagery in legal proceedings.
How much can a person make as a photogrammetry expert witness?
Photogrammetry expert witnesses can earn in the range from $175 to $450 per hour, with some circumstances calling for more. The expert and retaining attorney will agree upon the amount, which is usually put in a retainer agreement.
What are the qualifications of a photogrammetry expert witness?
A photogrammetry expert witness specializes in taking and analyzing measurements from photographs.
In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by a photogrammetry expert witness?
A photogrammetry expert witness gathers evidence by analyzing photographs and creating 3D models to provide accurate measurements and reconstructions of crime scenes or accidents.
What type of cases involve the testimony of a photogrammetry expert witness?
Photogrammetry expert witnesses are typically called upon in cases involving accident reconstruction, land surveying, and aerial mapping. They use their expertise to analyze and interpret photographic evidence to support legal arguments.