Refineries Expert Witnesses

Accident Reconstruction & Safety Expert Witness Listings

Refinery expert witnesses may be found here. The professionals found through this page may advise regarding oil riggings, oil refineries, and natural gas processing plants. These experts may provide reports concerning salt refineries, sugar refineries, and metal refineries. They may also provide expert witness testimony regarding gas processing plants, gas turbines, wastewater treatment, cooling towers, and electric power generators, among other topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Janine McCartney, Ph.D, MBA, CSP, CHST, CSHO, CSHO (HHC Safety Engineering Services, Inc.     and   HHC Safety Consulting Services, Corporation)
Dr. McCartney is a Senior Safety Engineer and Expert Witness. Dr. McCartney holds certifications as a: Certified Safety Professional, Registered Professional Industrial Hygienist, and Certified Safety Instructor with 38 years of experience in both safety... Learn More ›
Dr. / Professor J. Rasty, Ph.D., PE, CFEI, CFII, President & CEO (Real World Forensic Engineering)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Since 1988, Real-World Forensic Engineering, LLC (“RWFE”) has provided engineering services to industries and government labs, as well as litigation support to both plaintiff and defense attorneys practicing...
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Peter Petrovsky, PE, earned registrations as Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering, as well as, in Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, he earned licenses as a General Engineering Contractor, General...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Brent R. Leisenring, P.E. (Robson Forensic Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Brent R. Leisenring, PE Construction Management, Construction Engineering, and Heavy Lift/Rigging Expert Brent has more than 35 years of construction experience involving residential, commercial, industrial,...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Julian M. Toneatto, Ph.D., PE, PP(NJ) (Adler Engineers, Inc.)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Highly experienced, articulate Professional Engineer (PE) in several states (IL,PA,DE,NJ,TX,MD,FL) and Prof. Planner (PP) NJ. Engineering expert with 50 years' experience in Engineering and Environmental...
David L Mitchell, Ph.D. (GEO Associates)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: GEO Associates provides litigation support services and expert witness testimony for civil and criminal investigations and insurance industry cases (both plaintiff and defendant) that involve Groundwater...
James D. Madden. P.E. (Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, Sr. Forensic Engineer at  Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: During over 35 years of Forensic Engineering work Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E. has: - completed over 1100 cases - prepared and issued over 700 written reports - prepared and issued...
Refineries FAQs

What is a refineries expert witness?

A refineries expert witness is a professional who has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of refining crude oil into useful products such as gasoline and diesel fuel.

What is the role of a refineries expert witness?

The role of a refineries expert witness is to provide technical expertise in the design, operation, and maintenance of refining and petrochemical processing facilities.

How much can a person make as a refineries expert witness?

Refineries expert witnesses may make in a range from $175 to $400 per hour depending on the case.

What are the qualifications of a refineries expert witness?

A refineries expert witness should have expertise in refinery design, construction, and safety protocols, as well as knowledge of industry standards and regulations.

For a case, how is evidence gathered by a refineries expert witness?

A refineries expert witness gathers evidence through site visits, document reviews, and interviews with personnel. They may also conduct tests and analyses to support their findings and opinions in the case.

In what type of cases would there be testimony from a refineries expert witness?

A refineries expert witness may provide testimony in cases involving accidents, environmental violations, equipment failures, maintenance issues, and other matters related to the operation and management of refineries.