Compensation Expert Witnesses

Business, Financial & Marketing Expert Witness Listings

Consultants and expert witnesses who may provide expert witness testimony regarding compensation may be found here. Compensation experts found on this page may give opinions concerning salary, incentives, and pay bonuses. These compensation experts may provide reports regarding executive pay, commissions, executive compensation, workers' compensation, and stock options. They may also provide expert witness testimony on sales compensation, salary surveys, compensation surveys, bonus and commission disputes, lost earnings, lost wages, and benefits, as well as related issues.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Fred Whittlesey (Compensation Venture Group, SPC)
Internationally-recognized expert in executive compensation, stock-based compensation, and all aspects of employee compensation. Litigation expertise in employment contracts, disputes regarding stock options, restricted stock, phantom stock, profit sharing,... Learn More ›

Brian H. Kleiner is a Professor (Emeritus) of Human Resource Management at a prestigious California university. Earlier he earned a MBA degree and PhD in Management degree, each from UCLA. He has over 500 publications and has received many honors for... Learn More ›

Stan V Smith, Ph.D. (Smith Economics Group, Ltd.)
Founded by Stan V. Smith, Ph.D., Smith Economics Group provides expert Economic and Financial consulting. With over 4,000 clients, nationwide, and cases in almost every state, SEG provides state-of-the-art economic analysis. Dr. Smith has been featured... Learn More ›

Scott D. Sevart (Sevart Vocational and Forensic Services)
Specializing in spousal/child support, employment law, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation, and life care planning. Scott Sevart has over 26 years of experience as a vocational rehabilitation consultant in the... Learn More ›

Jeffrey Ketchum, CRA (Lordstone Corporation)
Jeffrey R. Ketchum has 30 years of in-depth, real world experience in executive recruiting & compensation. Mr. Ketchum has recruited and designed compensation packages for C-level, VP and Director and Management levels in more than 40 different industries... Learn More ›
Richard Turner, Ph.D., CRC, IPEC (Turner Vocational Services, LLC.)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Richard Turner is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with dual training in rehabilitation counseling and clinical mental health, as well as a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Counseling. He has extensive...
Kit Darby ( Aviation Consulting, LLC)
Location: Georgia
Areas of Expertise: Nationally recognized airline pilot career expert. 30 years experience in pilot applications, selection, and training. Career value expert - pay, benefits, and retirement. Author of an annual airline pilot...
Michael J Ramer, MA, CPC, CSP (Ramer Group)
Location: New Jersey
Areas of Expertise: Vocational Economist. Dually qualified as an employability and economic expert. Experienced in vocational matters involving; earning capacity, economic loss, personal injury, matrimonial/divorce, harassment,...
David Ostrove (David Ostrove,   Professor Of Law and Accounting,    Attorney At Law,    CPA (inactive)   Expert Witness and Consultant)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: David Ostrove specialized in EXPERT WITNESS FOR LEGAL MALPRACTICE" and "EXPERT WITNESS FOR ACCOUNTING MALPRACTICE" and "EXPERT WITNESS FOR AUDITING." Professor Ostrove is an attorney-CPA(inactive)-Educator,...
Jeffrey J. Peterson, M.Ed., CRC, CVE, CLCP (Jeff Peterson & Associates, LLC)
Location: Louisiana
Areas of Expertise: Since 1985 Jeff Peterson has provided vocational evaluation, rehabilitation counseling, and vocational/career counseling, for business/ industry, students, insurance companies, attorneys, retirees, various...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Beth De Lima, MBA, SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP (HRM Consulting, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Ms. De Lima provides expert testimony regarding the HR aspects of employment regulation compliance, litigation, and vocational rehabilitation, and has assisted corporate, non-profit, and governmental clients...
Thomas Roney LLC
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Thomas Roney LLC is an economic consulting firm specializing in economic damages calculation and expert testimony for attorneys throughout the country. Our team includes experienced economic, forensic...
Barbara C Luna (White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Expert witness testimony in complex litigation involving business, real estate, personal injury, marital dissolution, liability issues, damage analysis of lost profits, unjust enrichment, reasonable royalties...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Scott Angelius (Damage Guide)
Location: Tennessee
Areas of Expertise: As principal of Damage Guide, Mr. Angelius manages a network of university-affiliated Ph.D. economists who are experts in the field of economic damages and are poised, passionate, and articulate professors....
Jean L. Seawright, CMC (Seawright & Associates)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: As a management consultant since 1987, Ms. Seawright has provided professional HR consultation services and advice to business owners, CEOs, boards, and HR leaders across the nation. She has consulted...
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Leading Expertise in Complex Financial Damages, Royalty Auditing, Licensing & Valuation With over 30 years of experience in forensic accounting and economic damages analysis, Mr. Blum specializes in...
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care...
Bradford H Taft (Taft Vocational Experts LLC)
Location: Arizona
Areas of Expertise: Brad Taft provides research, analysis, consulting and testimony in lawsuits involving employment issues including Divorce, Wrongful Termination, Discrimination, Workers’ Compensation, Wrongful Death and...
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Preparation of valuation reports since 1985 for Exit Planning, Estate and Gift Tax, Buy/Sell Agreements, Adequacy of Life Insurance, Economic Loss Analysis, Partner Disputes, Dissenting Shareholder Actions,...
Tiffany Fischer-Blowers, EdS, MBA, CLCP, CDMS, CBIS (LCPMD)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Tiffany Fischer-Blowers is a Certified Specialist in Disability Management with extensive experience in vocational evaluation, life care planning, and brain injury assessment. Having collaborated with...
Howard Goldfarb (Goldfarb & Associates)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: With over 25 years of experience provides expert witness testimony as a vocational rehabilitation consultant in Family Law and Personal Injury as well as third party litigation. Provides rehabilitation...
Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services
Location: New Jersey
Areas of Expertise: Employability Capability & Earning Capacity, Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation, Job Analysis. Expert witness reports and testimony in Divorce, Personal Injury (motor vehicle, construction,...
Rona E Wexler (Wexler Vocational & Career Consulting)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: A vocational evaluator, career consultant, former executive recruiter and business consultant, Ms. Wexler knows the real world of assessing employability and the job search, hiring and job placement. She...
JULES H KAMIN (ValuEconomics, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Jules Kamin received his Ph.D. in business economics, finance and management science from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, rated #1. He is an expert on economic damages. He...
Kerrie Merrifield, CPA, ABV, CFF, MAFF (Axiom Forensics )
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: I am a Forensic CPA who works as an expert witness and testifies nationally, with offices in Los Angeles, California. Our firm specializes in Business Interruption Lost Profits Claims, Forensic Accounting,...
Compensation FAQs

What is a compensation expert witness?

A compensation expert witness is a professional who provides expertise in cases related to employee compensation. This may include issues such as wage and hour disputes, discrimination in pay, employee benefits, and worker's compensation claims.

What is the role of a compensation expert witness?

A compensation expert witness provides testimony and opinion based on their knowledge of compensation and benefits programs, including issues related to executive pay and employee benefits.

How much can a person make as a compensation expert witness?

Compensation expert witnesses can earn anywhere from $200 to $450 or more per hour depending on the situation. The exact fee is decided upon by both the retaining attorney and the expert.

What are the qualifications of a compensation expert witness?

Compensation expert witnesses should have knowledge of executive compensation, employee benefits, and labor market trends.

For a case, how is evidence gathered by a compensation expert witness?

A compensation expert witness gathers evidence through various methods such as reviewing documents, conducting interviews, analyzing data, and providing expert opinions based on their knowledge and experience in the field.

What type of lawsuit might require the testimony of a compensation expert witness?

A lawsuit involving personal injury, wrongful death, or employment discrimination may require the testimony of a compensation expert witness to determine the appropriate amount of damages to be awarded.