Georgia Consumer Products Expert Witnesses
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What is a consumer products expert witness?
A consumer products expert witness is a professional who provides expert testimony in cases involving product design, manufacturing, labeling, and safety issues, among other matters.
What is the role of a consumer products expert witness?
The role of a consumer products expert witness is to offer expert testimony regarding the design, manufacturing, and safety of consumer goods.
How much can a person make as a consumer products expert witness?
Consumer products expert witnesses can earn somewhere in the range of $200-$450 an hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact amount is determined between the retaining attorney and the expert.
What are the qualifications of a consumer products expert witness?
An expert witness in consumer products should be familiar with product design, manufacturing processes, labeling, and safety standards for consumer goods.
In a lawsuit, what type of evience is reviewed by a consumer products expert witness?
A consumer products expert witness reviews evidence related to the design, manufacturing, testing, labeling, and safety of the product in question, as well as industry standards and regulations.
What type of cases might require opinions from a consumer products expert witness?
Cases involving product defects, safety hazards, labeling inaccuracies, and consumer complaints may require opinions from a consumer products expert witness to provide insight and expertise on industry standards and practices.