Please locate the copyright expert witness you are searching for by clicking on one of the following links. Experts found here may opine on issues regarding copyright infringement, copyright notice, and copyright limitations. They may provide reports concerning the exclusive rights of a creator to reproduce works, prepare derivative works, copyright damages, and distribute works. These consultants may also testify regarding copyright law, the Copyright Act of 1976, as well as related issues.
You may limit your search for Copyrights expert witnesses to a specific area by selecting a state from the drop down box.
Internet, telecommunications & information technology specialists for intellectual property consulting and patent litigation including web commerce technologies, web marketing disputes, internet copyright, software contract disputes, e-discovery and network...
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Apparel: During his 40 years of experience, Mr. Sarabia has become intimately familiar with the many business problems - and legal issues - which fashion companies may face. The start of his apparel industry experience was nine remarkable years as part...
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Dr. Jules Kamin received his Ph.D. in business economics, finance and management science from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, rated #1. He is an expert on economic damages. He brings to the practice of forensic economics a unique...
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Michael A. Einhorn (Ph.D. Yale, economics) is an economist and expert witness active in valuation of intellectual property and complex commercial litigation He specializes in media, technology, copyright, patent, trademark, publicity rights, commercial...
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Areas of Expertise:
Thomas Roney LLC is an economic consulting firm specializing in economic damages calculation and expert testimony for attorneys throughout the country. Our team includes experienced economic, forensic...
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Marketing Expert; Business and Advertising Expert, since 2002. Problem Solver. Nationally known and respected Marketing, Advertising professional in both practice and theory. Business, Marketing and Media...
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As a programmer, CTO, and inventor, Jason Frankovitz has been in the trenches of technology for more than 20 years. He has worked as a software development manager, technical analyst, and mentor in a wide...
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Spanning more than 30 years, Professor Eggington has been a consultant and expert witness in over 85 criminal, civil, federal and state cases including trade mark and contract language disputes, fraudulent...
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Emmanuel Coffy ( is a registered Patent Attorney and former Patent Examiner. Mr. Coffy is an author, inventor and had a long career as a Digital Design Engineer. During his career as an...
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Mr. Dong Wang is a legal researcher/practitioner in China and New Zealand with lawyer’s qualification in both countries. He has been admitted as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand after 5 years of...
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Michael Nranian Intellectual Property, Patent Litigation, Legal and Technical Compliance, Product Liability Litigation. Licensed attorney in Michigan, Texas, the United States Patent and Trademark Office,...
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Dr. Easttom has 30 years of computer industry experience,a doctorate (D.Sc.) in cyber security (dissertation topic: "A Comparative Study Of Lattice Based Algorithms For Post Quantum Computing"), a doctorate...
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David Tollen is an attorney and a lecturer at the U.C. Berkeley Law School. He is the author of the American Bar Association's bestseller, THE TECH CONTRACTS HANDBOOK: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software...
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Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
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Expert witness testimony in complex litigation involving business, real estate, personal injury, marital dissolution, liability issues, damage analysis of lost profits, unjust enrichment, reasonable royalties...
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Preparation of valuation reports since 1985 for Exit Planning, Estate and Gift Tax, Buy/Sell Agreements, Adequacy of Life Insurance, Economic Loss Analysis, Partner Disputes, Dissenting Shareholder Actions,...
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Since 1985, Dr. Stephenson has provided a wide range of economic damages assessment and expert testimony in complex tort and commercial litigation, involving various industries including high-tech manufacturing,...
Areas of Expertise:
Don Jasko has led Digital Economics to become a leading publishing administrator, providing services that integrate the legal principles of copyright law with the financial and economic analytics of royalty...
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Specializing in entertainment industry standards and practices, feature film and TV development, production, international sales, and finance, Kathryn Arnold is a highly sought after Entertainment Consultant...
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Specializing in broadband, multimedia and associated technologies, infrastructures and commercial environments, Mr. Wechselberger brings thirty...
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Your Link To Americas Most Qualified Experts!
Get the right Expert and the right Service! Medical Advisors, Inc. provides top ranked Board Certified physicians and academicians in all medical specialties....
Areas of Expertise:
Mr. Thomas Neches provides expert testimony, forensic accounting, business valuation and computer database analysis.
Mr. Neches areas of expertise are:
Expert Testimony
Forensic Accounting
Areas of Expertise:
Leading Expertise in Complex Financial Damages, Royalty Auditing, Licensing & Valuation
With over 30 years of experience in forensic accounting and economic damages analysis, Mr. Blum specializes in...
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For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
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Monty G. Myers is the founder and CEO of Eureka Software Solutions, Inc. Mr. Myers, with the support of his team at Eureka, has served as a testifying and consulting software expert witness in over 135...
Areas of Expertise:
30+ years in the design and testing of software, firmware, and hardware. (Firmware: software that runs machines and devices.) 15 years with Hewlett-Packard’s LaserJet printer design lab. Named inventor...
Copyrights FAQs
What is a copyrights expert witness?
A copyright expert witness is someone who is an expert in the area of copyright law. This person can offer testimony in court regarding the infringement of a copyright. The expert witness can also offer their opinion on the validity of a copyright.
What is the role of a copyrights expert witness?
A copyrights expert witness provides expert testimony and opinion on issues related to copyrights and copyright law, including infringement, ownership, and licensing.
How much can a person make as a copyrights expert witness?
Copyrights expert witnesses can be compensated from $200 to $450 per hour or higher, with some circumstances calling for more. The amount is agreed upon by the expert and the retaining attorney.
What are the qualifications of a copyrights expert witness?
A copyrights expert witness should have expertise in copyrights law, digital media, and licensing practices.
What type of evidence is gathered in a lawsuit by a copyrights expert witness?
A copyrights expert witness may gather evidence such as registration certificates, infringement reports, and expert opinions to support their testimony in a lawsuit involving copyright infringement.
In what type of cases might require opinions from a copyrights expert witness?
Cases involving infringement of copyrighted material, disputes over ownership or licensing agreements, and determining fair use or transformative use of copyrighted works may require opinions from a copyrights expert witness.