New York Mass Torts Expert Witnesses
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What is a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness is an individual with specialized knowledge and experience in the field of complex litigation and mass tort cases who provides testimony in legal proceedings. They are often called upon to offer their professional opinion on topics related to product liability, pharmaceuticals, toxic and/or environmental contamination, and medical devices, among other topics.
What is the role of a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness is qualified to testify on issues on mass tort litigation involving multiple plaintiffs with similar claims.
How much can a person make as a mass torts expert witness?
Mass torts expert witnesses may earn between $175 and $400 per hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact fee is agreed upon between the expert and the retaining lawyer.
What are the qualifications of a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness can offer expertise on legal matters related to multiple claims stemming from a common issue or event.
In legal proceedings, what evidence is reviewed by a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness reviews evidence related to the specific case, including medical records, scientific studies, industry documents, and testimony from witnesses, to provide an opinion on liability and damages.
In a lawsuit, how is evidence gathered by a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness gathers evidence through various methods such as reviewing documents, conducting interviews, and analyzing data. The evidence is then presented in court to support the plaintiff's case.
What type of lawsuit might require the testimony of a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness may be required in a lawsuit involving a large number of plaintiffs who have suffered similar injuries or damages due to a common product or action.
What type of legal proceeding might require the testimony of a mass torts expert witness?
A mass torts expert witness may be required in legal proceedings involving large-scale injuries or damages caused by a single product or event, such as a defective medical device or environmental disaster.