Medical Valuation Expert Witnesses

Appraisal & Valuation Expert Witness Listings

Locate expert witnesses who may consult on all areas of medical valuation by clicking on the following links. The professionals found through this page may advise regarding medical equipment evaluation and medical device cost analysis. These experts may provide reports and expert witness testimony on issues including disposable medical devices and medical finance and valuation, as well as related topics.

You may limit your search for Medical Valuation expert witnesses to a specific area by selecting a state from the drop down box.

Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
L. Lamar Blount - CPA/CFF, FHFMA (HLN - Health Law Network)
Health Law Network (HLN) provides experts in medical billing, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, health insurance, false claims, regulatory compliance, clinical documentation, medical records, ICD & CPT coding, hospital and professional billing, reasonableness... Learn More ›

Thomas A LeTourneau (LeTourneau LIFELIKE Orthotics & Prosthetics , Inc)
The Highly Specialized Field of Orthotics and Prosthetics and the determination of the most appropriate or mismanagement of your client’s treatment can be confusing at best. It is imperative that when your firm is retained for a case involving the... Learn More ›
JULES H KAMIN (ValuEconomics, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Jules Kamin received his Ph.D. in business economics, finance and management science from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, rated #1. He is an expert on economic damages. He...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
David Ostrove (David Ostrove,   Professor Of Law and Accounting,    Attorney At Law,    CPA (inactive)   Expert Witness and Consultant)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: David Ostrove specialized in EXPERT WITNESS FOR LEGAL MALPRACTICE" and "EXPERT WITNESS FOR ACCOUNTING MALPRACTICE" and "EXPERT WITNESS FOR AUDITING." Professor Ostrove is an attorney-CPA(inactive)-Educator,...
Barbara C Luna (White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Expert witness testimony in complex litigation involving business, real estate, personal injury, marital dissolution, liability issues, damage analysis of lost profits, unjust enrichment, reasonable royalties...
The Kupiec Group
Location: Oklahoma
Areas of Expertise: Thomas C. Kupiec, Ph.D. and Philip Kemp, Ph.D. have over 50 cumulative years experience as experts in the fields of forensic toxicology and pharmaceutical sciences. Drs Kupiec and Kemp have significant...
Matt Springer, MBA, ASA, ARM, ABV (Vision Point Capital, Inc.)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Matt Springer has approximately 20 years of experience providing professional valuation advisory services, financial analyses, and valuations of corporate securities and partnership interests. He specializes...
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Preparation of valuation reports since 1985 for Exit Planning, Estate and Gift Tax, Buy/Sell Agreements, Adequacy of Life Insurance, Economic Loss Analysis, Partner Disputes, Dissenting Shareholder Actions,...
D. Gregg Dight, ASA (Machinery & Technical Specialties) (Equipment Appraisal Services)
Location: Ohio
Areas of Expertise: I am the Managing Director of Equipment Appraisal Services ( We are nationwide providers of machinery and equipment appraisals for litigation, collateral review, insurance,...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Medical Advisors, Inc./Technical Network Consulting Service
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Your Link To Americas Most Qualified Experts! Get the right Expert and the right Service! Medical Advisors, Inc. provides top ranked Board Certified physicians and academicians in all medical specialties....
Medical Valuation FAQs

What is a medical valuation expert witness?

A medical valuation expert witness is someone who is able to provide testimony regarding the value of medical services. This may include testimony regarding the cost of medical care, the reimbursement rates for medical services, or the value of medical equipment.

What is the role of a medical valuation expert witness?

The role of a medical valuation expert witness is to offer expert testimony and analysis in legal matters related to the value of medical practices and equipment.

How much can a person make as a medical valuation expert witness?

Medical valuation expert witnesses can receive expected earnings between $200 and $400 per hour, with the potential for more in specific situations. The final payment is determined through negotiation between the expert and the retaining attorney.

What are the qualifications of a medical valuation expert witness?

A medical valuation expert witness is an expert who can provide testimony on the value of medical practices and related assets, such as equipment and supplies.

In legal proceedings, what evidence is reviewed by a medical valuation expert witness?

A medical valuation expert witness reviews medical records, bills, and reports to determine the extent of injuries, necessary treatments, and associated costs in legal proceedings.

In what type of cases would there be testimony from a medical valuation expert witness?

Medical valuation expert witnesses may provide testimony in cases involving personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, disability claims, and other legal matters where the value of medical treatment and care is at issue.