Retail Store Design & Operations Expert Witnesses

Accident Reconstruction & Safety Expert Witness Listings

On this page you will find expert witnesses who may give expert opinions regarding store operations and retail issues. The professionals found through this page may advise regarding customer falls, customer injury, and display safety. These experts may provide reports regarding falling merchandise, loading docks, and store premises safety and liability. Experts found through this page may also testify regarding store customer injury, retail emergency procedures, the retail industry, retail management, retail price indexes, retail safety, retail , retail store operations, retail store safety, store safety, and supermarkets, as well as related topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Frederick G. Bremer AIA NCARB (Bremer Forensic Consultants)
Frederick G. Bremer AIA, NCARB offers investigations, technical analysis, reports, and expert testimony. Mr. Bremer was the Director of Architecture or Director of Store Design for three major grocery store chains. In Mr. Bremer's has thirty-four years... Learn More ›

Gary White (GW Retail Consulting & Associates)
Mr. White is an experienced retail executive, serving as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operations Officer, in several different retail companies. Mr. White has grown in his career from store manager, district manager, regional operations director,... Learn More ›
Captain David G. Bacon
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues...
Andrew Shedlin, BA, JD, CRX, CLS, CSM (The Andrew Shedlin Companies, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Having not lost a case yet, Andrew Shedlin has over 50 years of experience as an attorney and businessperson specializing in: Shopping Center/Retail/Real Estate, Development, Redevelopment. Management,...
J. Terrence Grisim, CSP, CDS, CPSM, ARM (Safety Management Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Premises Safety and Liability · Retail Store Safety · Retail Display Safety · Falling Merchandise/Top Stock Accidents · Slips/Trips and Falls · Negligent Maintenance ·...
Larry Steven Londre (Londre Marketing Consultants / USC / Pepperdine / CSUN)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Marketing Expert; Business and Advertising Expert, since 2002. Problem Solver. Nationally known and respected Marketing, Advertising professional in both practice and theory. Business, Marketing and Media...
J. Terrence Grisim, CSP, CDS, CPSM, ARM (Safety Management Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Premises Safety and Liability · Retail Store Safety · Retail Display Safety · Falling Merchandise/Top Stock Accidents · Slips/Trips and Falls · Negligent Maintenance ·...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Michael Panish (
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Mike Panish is a legal expert witness and consultant specializing in most construction trades (defects & injuries), automatic door systems, doors, door hardware, door sensors, gates, cabinetry, architectural...
Accident & Safety Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: ($180ph review NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, VA, DC, WV) • Accident Reconstruction: Car, Bus, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Rollovers • Biomechanics,Occupant Injury • Safety Standards, Falls • Building...
Leonard Backer (Leonard J. Backer Associates LLC)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: We have specialized expertise in all areas of the Furniture, Seating and Table Industries. Our firm's services encompass Expert Witness work, Litigation and/or Strategic Consulting for a wide variety...
Zal Phiroz (Harvard University, University of California San Diego)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Zal Phiroz is an established global supply chain and operations specialist, having held numerous academic, executive, and senior management roles. In addition to an industry background at Proctor &...
Alex J. Balian, MBA (Balian & Associates)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Evaluation in the retail environment regarding slip/trip and falls, security, customer safety, employee training, food service, and product merchandising. Over 50 years experience in the retail industry...
Errol Schweizer (Errol Schweizer LLC)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: I am a leading retail merchandising, product development and brand strategy expert. I have nearly 30 years of retail, CPG and food service experience, including retail and CPG start-ups, emerging brands,...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Retail Store Design & Operations FAQs

What is a retail store design & operations expert witness?

A retail store design & operations expert witness is a person who can provide expert testimony when it comes to matters concerning the retail industry, safety procedures, injuries and accidents.

What is the role of a retail store design & operations expert witness?

In legal matters, the role of a retail store design & operations expert witness is to offer insight into design and operations of retail stores.

How much can a person make as a retail store design & operations expert witness?

Retail store design & operations expert witnesses may make anywhere from $175 to $400 or more per hour, depending the negotiated rate between the retaining attorney and the expert.

What are the qualifications of a retail store design & operations expert witness?

Retail store design & operations expert witnesses should have expertise in retail operations, design, and safety regulations.

In legal proceedings, how is evidence gathered by a retail store design & operations expert witness?

A retail store design & operations expert witness gathers evidence through site visits, document reviews, and interviews with relevant parties. They analyze the data to provide expert opinions in legal proceedings.

What type of cases typically involve the testimony of a retail store design & operations expert witness?

Retail store design and operations expert witnesses are typically called upon in cases involving slip and fall accidents, product liability, and premises liability, among other related cases.