Utilities Expert Witnesses

Accident Reconstruction & Safety Expert Witness Listings

On this page you will find expert witnesses who may consult regarding utilities. The professionals found through this page may advise regarding capacitors, circuit breakers, electric utilities, and gas utilities. They may provide reports concerning gas companies, the FERC, high voltage lines, insulators, and public utilities. Consultants found here may also provide expert witness testimony on issues involving residential utilities and sewage treatment plants among other topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Brian H Aanestad (Discovery)
Expert has more than 39 years of experience with underground construction and transportation, directly overseeing placement of underground infrastructure including utilities, pipelines, and conduit, while providing turn-key solutions for both the underground... Learn More ›

Chip Darius, OHST, CIT, CUSP (Safety Priority Consultants, LLC)
Over 400 catastrophic injury and fatality cases, federal and state court, plaintiff and defense. Connecticut attorneys and law firms have voted Safety Priority one of "The Best" 9 times in annual surveys. 30+ years experience in safety and OSHA compliance... Learn More ›

Tara Parhizkar, Ph.D., P.E. (Forward Thinking)
Dr. Parhizkar is a distinguished expert witness renowned for her profound expertise in power grids and the oil and gas industry. With over 15 years of professional experience, Dr. Parhizkar has emerged as a leading authority in accident investigation,... Learn More ›
J. Terrence Grisim, CSP, CDS, CPSM, ARM (Safety Management Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Premises Safety and Liability · Retail Store Safety · Retail Display Safety · Falling Merchandise/Top Stock Accidents · Slips/Trips and Falls · Negligent Maintenance ·...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Vincent A. Ettari, P.E. (Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C. serves New York City & the counties of Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Rockland, Ulster, Suffolk (Long Island), Nassau, Bronx (N.Y.), Queens, Brooklyn / Kings County,...
Hossam M Weiss, PE
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: Have over thirty years of experience in food and beverage production and manufacturing, I have extensive expertise in engineering, equipment maintenance, equipment reliability, failure analysis, equipment...
Technology Associates, LLC (Kristopher J Seluga, M.S., P.E. (CT & NY) )
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Kristopher J Seluga, M.S., P.E. (CT & NY) Our staff of experienced engineers are ready to apply established scientific and engineering knowledge and techniques to your case. Our staff has published...
Joshua Weiner (SepiSolar, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Welcome to SepiSolar, where passion meets expertise in upholding the integrity of the solar industry. As fervent advocates for sustainable energy, we have positioned ourselves as the premier expert witness...
Janine McCartney, Ph.D, MBA, CSP, CHST, CSHO, CSHO (HHC Safety Engineering Services, Inc.     and   HHC Safety Consulting Services, Corporation)
Location: Delaware
Areas of Expertise: Dr. McCartney is a Senior Safety Engineer and Expert Witness. Dr. McCartney holds certifications as a: Certified Safety Professional, Registered Professional Industrial Hygienist, and Certified Safety...
Gerald Blackler, PhD, PE, DWRE
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Blacker is a board certified, licensed, and experienced water resources engineer specializing in flood recovery, applied hydraulics, hydrology, the engineering of stormwater systems, and open channel...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Keystone Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Keystone Engineering Consultants, Inc. is a multi-discipline, broad-spectrum firm providing comprehensive and qualified forensic engineering, architecture, scientific, biomechanics, and fire/arson investigation...
Steve Kocher (Harris Kocher Smith)
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: Steve Kocher is the President and co-founder of Harris Kocher Smith and also serves as Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager for the firm’s private and public clients. Mr. Kocher has designed and managed...
Tom Kelly, M.S.E.E., P.E., CFEI, CESCP (The Warren Group, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: *Available Nationwide* Electrical Engineer specializing in electrical equipment failures, fires and explosions, electrocution and electric shock accidents, solar system failures, and more. Senior Consulting...
Paul D. Ferreira CM, CS (Eleuthera Associates)
Location: Connecticut
Areas of Expertise: 16 years as a construction accident expert witness. 40 plus years of continuous, daily "hands-on" construction experience in general building, constructions sites, highway and street construction, underground...
Bonneau Dickson (Bonneau Dickson, PE)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Bonneau Dickson, P.E. is a sanitary engineer with forty years of experience in all aspects of potable water, wastewater and stormwater design and construction management. He has provided forensic sanitary...
Ivan Zatkovich (eCompCONSULTANTS)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Internet, telecommunications & information technology specialists for intellectual property consulting and patent litigation including web commerce technologies, web marketing disputes, internet copyright,...
James M. Orosz, P.E. (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Jim’s expertise in power distribution includes the design, operation and safety of cogeneration plants, substations, and towers. He has a wealth of knowledge in electrical power and is responsible for...
Timothy D. Berringer, P.E. (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Timothy Berringer, P.E., is an electrical engineer and electric utility expert with 30+ years of professional experience, including electrical utility experience in the design, inspection, and management...
John Works
Location: District of Columbia
Areas of Expertise: Energy sector expert with more than 35 years of experience originating and managing large U.S. and international oil & gas and power sector projects, including 14 years originating and developing renewable...
John Shaw, PE (John Shaw Consulting LLC)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Water, Wastewater and Sewer industry – John Shaw has a unique combination of an operations and an engineering background. Sanitary engineering including water (potable) and wastewater (industrial...
Dennis W. Eckstine (Eckstine & Associates, Inc.)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Dennis Eckstine has over 30 years experience in engineering, quality, and product safety including company representative at trial for equipment manufacturers. He has expertise and extensive experience...
MORRIS S. FARKAS, P.E. (Consulting Office of Morris S. Farkas)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: MORRIS FARKAS, Professional Safety Engineer, has 39 years of experience in construction, demolition, industrial and electrical safety, with the following credentials: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil...
Ronald K. Tyson (Tyson Enterprises, Inc.)
Location: Michigan
Areas of Expertise: BUILDING & PREMISES EXPERT, Review and research to render opinions on correct building codes and life-safety standards concerning construction, ADA & OSHA issues. Opinions on causation & foreseeability,...
Jon J. Pina, MS, CSP (Evergreen Environmental Health and Safety, Inc.)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Pina has forty plus years of experience in safety, health, Personal protective equipment, PPE, and environmental management/loss prevention for construction, demolition, coal, chemical, steel, environmental...
Steven Schneider (H2M architects + engineers)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: H2M Architects + Engineers: H2M’s multi-disciplined staff provides multiple lines of cause and origin (C&O) related work. In addition to the traffic accident/slip and falls fields Steven Schneider is involved...
Rudolph P Frizzi, PE, GE, D.GE (Langan Environmental & Engineering Services)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Frizzi’s geotechnical engineering and project management experience is extensive, with particular emphasis on: foundation design and construction in urban areas, and large-scale land and waterfront...
Michael Pollock (Cogent Experts, LLC)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Pollock has 25 years of engineering experience working on regional, national and global projects in designing, consulting, project and construction management, construction defects, operations, maintenance,...
L.David Givler MSCE, P.E. (Givler Engineering, Inc.)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: L. David Givler, MSCE, PE is the president of the firm. He is a technical expert in hydrology and hydraulics with experience since 1984. His experience in municipal engineering and site development began...
Scott Wilton, P.E. (The Falcon Group)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Wilton is a Senior Engineer for the Firm, specializing in the evaluation and design of building and site improvements for residential and commercial properties; and owner representation with respect...
Mark V. Sutherland PE, CFEI, CVFI, CFII (Expert Forensic Engineers)
Location: Texas
Areas of Expertise: I have been engaged in the design, development, marketing and troubleshooting aspects of electrical engineering since 1983, and in the more specialized practice of forensic engineering since 2002. During...
Utilities FAQs

What is an utilities expert witness?

A utilities expert witness is an individual with specialized knowledge and experience in a particular area of utility services or operations, who is called upon to provide testimony and analysis in legal proceedings.

What is the role of an utilities expert witness?

An expert witness in utilities has a role in offering testimony on issues related to utilities in legal proceedings.

How much can a person make as an utilities expert witness?

Utilities expert witnesses usually earn in a range from $150-$400 per hour, and sometime more, depending on whether it is for testimony or investigation.

What are the qualifications of an utilities expert witness?

Utilities expert witnesses should possess expertise in energy production, distribution, and safety regulations.

For a lawsuit, what type of evidence is gathered and reviewed by an utilities expert witness?

An utilities expert witness would gather and review evidence related to the utility industry, such as utility rates, infrastructure, regulations, and industry standards, to provide expert testimony in a lawsuit.

What type of lawsuit might require the testimony of an utilities expert witness?

A lawsuit involving a dispute over utility rates, service quality, or infrastructure design and maintenance may require the testimony of a utilities expert witness.